many many many Muslims believe in the same pagan principles and thus associate Mohammad to be a perfect personality in every which way possible.
As per Quran
Mohammad, Jesus, etc. were men. Just men. No sons of God, no direct physical relationship with God no nothing.
Then you too have interpreted the Quran incorrectly. Because, while it states that the Prophet was just a man.. then please explain as to why certain terms that are used in the Quran to address him are derived from those that god uses for himself.
Take the simple Rehmat-ullil-Alamein... If, the prophet was imperfect as you claim.. then you are implying that this title of Rehmat-ullil-Alameen is imperfect.. hence God's assertion that the Prophet is indeed the blessing for all the words.. is incorrect or imperfect..
ipso facto.. Anaozubillah.. God is imperfect.. ??
The problem with your approach to interpretation is that you assume yourself superior automatically to those pagans by virtue of being born in the 20th century.. and consider your time to be superior and hence use that time to judge those actions in the past without realizing that the actions were for THAT time. Hence, the example that the prophet sets is to tell you .. if in case you encounter a situation like so.. you may derive your action based on your time and place that suits you but follows the basic moral principle. It is not pagan worship but looking at an example of a man in the times he was set in to derive actions today.
As I said, there are two sides to these Islamic reactionaries..
More paranoid and vitriolic than the harshest of external critique's.. these "Born-again" Jannisaries are convinced that they have seen a better light in the exorcism of Islam. It starts with critique of Muslim countries, then re-interpretation of Islam in a very abstruse manner that baffles even the most accommodating of scholars and practicing muslims alike
And you have just demonstrated this right here.
Hence, if your assertion is to be taken.. then.. All the attributes by which he is called by in the Quran.. such as Shahid.. the witness.. Ya-Sin- The Purified.. cannot hold true because for these conditions to hold true by the weight at which god judges them.. are then imperfect. So either God is imperfect as he chose to betray his most beloved creation in Humans by sending them imperfect examples... Or something is seriously wrong in how you are looking at it... or are expressing your opinion if I am mistaken.
That being said, God chose what knowledge to reveal to the Prophet at times and what not. So If god chose not to make the Prophet aware of the timing of date ripening.. just as he did not reveal to him the passing of his Son ..that does not imply imperfection.. but simply qualities that God chose not to bestow. Hence, the condition of man was not there to stress him as an imperfect creature.. but rather to show that what is the best achievable within the bounds of the human condition and how one should react to such situations in life.