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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

Well when you are mad with angr and grief you don't think..!!! I think this is the classic case of that..!!!Other than that i dont think destabilsing and causing unrest in bangladesh would be in anybodies agenda other than smugglers/jihadists etc..!!!! But i dont think they would too go this far as the end result would have been definitely army taking over. So i would still not believe any hand of external forces as of now..!!!!

It doesn't matter what people are feeling about this "so called mutiny",but here in Bangladesh,we are aware of the fact,that it was no mutiny but an Anti-State activity.Only time will tell who is right.
The barbarity is unimaginable, unforgivable
Nation must stand united behind democracy, the elected govt and punishment of the killers
Mahfuz Anam,EDITOR.

As the bodies were being brought out from the sewer one by one, and as a mass grave was being excavated within the BDR headquarters, the people of Bangladesh, perhaps of the world at large, stood aghast at the extent of the barbarity perpetrated on the officers of our border security forces. As we watched on television the heart rending scenes of distraught families desperately trying to get a last glimpse of the mutilated bodies of their loved ones and others anxiously waiting for some news of those missing, the natural question that came to our mind was, for what “crimes” were these officers meted out such inglorious death? For what unprofessional acts were life snuffed out of them at the height of their career? For what possible action of theirs could a section of BDR jawans murder their officers in such an inhuman and un-soldierly manner? The answer escapes reason, words and logic. However, one thing can be said with certainty, if there were some sympathy for the points raised by the rebellious jawans, not an iota of it remained in the public mind after the initial extent of the crime became evident yesterday.

No, these cannot be outbursts of anybody that ever wore any uniform of a disciplined force. These cannot be the soldiers of BDR as we knew them and respected them for their untiring work in guarding our borders. These were the work of premeditated murderers who planned, prepared and then executed what amounts to the biggest loss of life of our well-trained officers corps of our armed forces.

We express our deepest shock and heart felt condolences for the families, relatives and friends of those who gave their lives while serving the cause of our security. We join the nation in mourning for them and praying for the salvation of their souls and hoping that Almighty will grant them eternal peace. We express our solidarity with the families of the bereaved and promise to stand by them as their children and families struggle to move forward in life.

As we absorb the shock and the feel in our hearts of the true extent of the tragedy, we must also be aware that we have a nation to take forward, our armed forces to strengthen, our BDR to re-build and, most importantly our democracy to strengthen and make functional.

Before we spell out the tasks before us, we must commend the political leadership for the way it has handled the crisis so far. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina showed tremendous sagacity, farsightedness and patience in handling the crisis. She could have easily taken the harder line and ordered the army to recapture the Pilkhana area. That might have satisfied some who wanted precipitous action against the rebels who clearly needed to be captured. Fearing greater loss of life and wanting to avoid what she termed as “brothers shooting brothers”, she opted for a negotiated solution. Her address to the nation, especially directed at the rebels, had tremendous impact in resolving the crisis and hastening the surrender.

It would have been a most satisfactory ending but for the fact that much earlier, in fact within hours of the first act of rebellion (as narrated by Lt. Col. Kumruzzaman who miraculously survived assassins' bullets) and before the PM could know, “brothers” had already taken “brothers' lives” and in a most gruesome manner. Around 50 bodies of officers had already been found, some bayoneted either after or before being killed, and their bodies buried in mass graves or put in the sewer to be drained out into the Buriganga.

Given the evidence of mass murders that have come out and are likely to surface later, we categorically state that the general amnesty declared by Sheikh Hasina earlier cannot apply to those who indulged in the mayhem. We must institute investigation and find out the culprits and punish them according to our laws. There cannot be any compromise on this account.

Just as we praise the sagacity of the present political leadership, so also we commend the restraint, discipline and institutional dignity exhibited by our armed forces. Let us have no doubt that the provocation has been tremendous and the feeling of the officers of our armed forces and of the troops in general have been hurt very deeply. They have been devastated by the brutality of it all and are naturally in a mood for immediate justice. This is only natural. When we as journalists see one of our own brutally murdered or even assaulted, we ourselves demand immediate action.

However we want to point out that it is not only that of our armed forces whose feelings have been wounded and who want action against the killers. The whole nation mourns the death of the officers and our people are one in demanding expeditious pursuit, apprehension, prosecution and punishment of the murderers. At this moment our armed forces enjoy the love and sympathy of the whole nation. This is both because of the brutal crime that has been committed against them as a body and also because of the discipline, respect for order and restraint shown by them. We would like to point out here that the actions of the wayward jawans (who are only part and do not encompass the whole of BDR as testified to by Lt. Col. Kamruzzaman in his TV interview yesterday) have nearly destroyed the BDR which is itself a great national loss. Anything remotely amounting to a breach of discipline anywhere else will only weaken us further. This cannot be to our national interest.

We conclude with an appeal to all to unite as a nation and strengthen the hands of our newly elected government so that it can take the sternest measure under law against those who killed our valiant officers and brought such a disaster and shame on our country. We also need to restore the dignity, respect and self-respect of all our armed forces, especially that of the army whose morale has been affected by this brutal killing. But above all we need to strengthen our democracy and all institutions that make it functional.

The Daily Star - Details News
It doesn't matter what people are feeling about this "so called mutiny",but here in Bangladesh,we are aware of the fact,that it was no mutiny but an Anti-State activity.Only time will tell who is right.

What is the difference between mutiny and anti state activity.. in a way it was clear that whatever they did was an anti-state activity right..?????? And yeah you are right time will tell what actually transpired..!!!!
Its a really sad incident.I read it in the newspaper today.My deepest sympathies to the families of decease.I think that the real job of a soldier is guarding his homeland and not taking it easy.I think the BDR should b punished for this totally inhumane crime.I mean u can't take the lives of ppl for ur demand.It's disgusting.
Looking at activity of current Awami govt closely one can sure label them "Anti liberation force". This Awami govt bended over backward to invite Indian troops in name of south asian taskforce, give india transit to move troops and whatever.

There is visible evidefnce of stiff opposition from both people and armed forces on these Awami self destructive initiative.
One can not just discount section of govt involvement to weaken Bangladesh armed forces. Besides, as soon as tragic incident unfolded India started pushing its agenda by proposing sending troops in Bangladesh.

Some people just try to package truth with bunch of lie to throw curve ball but Indian over reach, this obvious cannot be masked with smoke screen.
Indian peace mission signal

New Delhi, Feb. 26: India is offering to send a peace mission beyond borders to give security to the Calcutta-Dhaka-Calcutta Moitree Express on an explicit request from Dhaka in the wake of the mutiny by soldiers of the Bangladesh Rifles, highly placed sources in New Delhi have told The Telegraph.

The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Frontpage | Indian peace mission signal

Munshi, the article CLEARLY states, that the peace mission is on an EXPLICIT request from Bangladeshi Govt. Not an offer by GoI without being requested.

Incase your missing the whole point, GoI is willing to help Bangladeshi Govt in any possible way. GoI is also willing to let Bangladeshi Govt decide which troops consitute the peace mission. The article clearly states that BSF troops can be included or dis-included depending on what the GoB wants.

Stop your constant disinformation campaign. People and Govt of India, are sympathetic to the tragedy that has happened in Bangladesh and willing to help in any way possible.
Munshi, the article CLEARLY states, that the peace mission is on an EXPLICIT request from Bangladeshi Govt. Not an offer by GoI without being requested.

Incase your missing the whole point, GoI is willing to help Bangladeshi Govt in any possible way. GoI is also willing to let Bangladeshi Govt decide which troops consitute the peace mission. The article clearly states that BSF troops can be included or dis-included depending on what the GoB wants.

Stop your constant disinformation campaign. People and Govt of India, are sympathetic to the tragedy that has happened in Bangladesh and willing to help in any way possible.

Bangladesh has enough capacity to deal with internal matter. Why would Bangladesh need Indian troops for anything?????? And why you are so eager to send troops inside Bangladesh???? If India is concern about safety then stop the train service that will resolve the problem.

Through train service there are at best 100 people travels and is a loosing concern. If anything else Bangladesh should close this train service and perhaps all import through land port until things are sorted.
Bangladesh has enough capacity to deal with internal matter. Why would Bangladesh need Indian troops for anything?????? And why you are so eager to send troops inside Bangladesh????

I am sorry, i dont give a damn why or why not. The govt of BD has requested the help. You are free to ask them the reasons.

Munshi, even after reading the article deliberately tried to obfuscate the contents and go on with his conspiracy theories.
Who are possibly behind this conspiracy?By now it is crystal clear to us that this was not a Mutiny,it was planned and executed brutally.Here are some possible organisations who could be behind this heinous act.



3.Anti-Liberation forces like Jamaat e Islami,JMB,Huji and other terrorist outfits.

Please place your comments.

My evaluation:

If Option 2 and 3 working in tandem=Possible.
Erm I think RAW might be involved or maybe these traitors are just crazy as they killed a lot Pakistan Army Officers back in 71.
I have asked a few Qs behind, would repeat one of the most relevant. With Shk Haseena in power who is suppose to be pro-india why would we need such an act that in the end destabilises and weakens her.
I am sorry, i dont give a damn why or why not. The govt of BD has requested the help. You are free to ask them the reasons.

Munshi, even after reading the article deliberately tried to obfuscate the contents and go on with his conspiracy theories.

Thats a total B.S. where'd you find that??

a very good news to hear!!:smokin:
Bangladesh has enough capacity to deal with internal matter. Why would Bangladesh need Indian troops for anything?????? And why you are so eager to send troops inside Bangladesh???? If India is concern about safety then stop the train service that will resolve the problem.

Through train service there are at best 100 people travels and is a loosing concern. If anything else Bangladesh should close this train service and perhaps all import through land port until things are sorted.

Why are you so worried about India's eagerness, when it was a response to EXPLICIT request which was equally eager?

On the initial days when the mutiny happened everybody here was discussing the so called stepmotherly treatment that BDr was getting from BDA, and now when the scale of the mutiny is coming out, discontent has become disbelief.

How can RAW gain so much access to BDR, what local, Pakistani nd Chineese inteligence doing?
They also confessed that large sum of money was flowing into the troops from some "EXTERNAL SOURCE",for this betrayal.

This is plain rubbish. On one hand you claim this to be a secretive plan by a external agency and now claims are flying as to even ordinary soldiers knew about large funds were coming in for this betrayal. What were this soldiers doing then, why wasnt the alarm sounded.
It doesn't matter what people are feeling about this "so called mutiny",but here in Bangladesh,we are aware of the fact,that it was no mutiny but an Anti-State activity.Only time will tell who is right.

On an earlier posts i had pointed to 'rogue elements' in BDR and i was lamblasted. Well the posts here of Bangladeshi's point to this only, or else how can they claim they killed so many for money.
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