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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

Sir I think now you realise,it wasn't for milk and eggs,but it was a conspiracy to destroy our armed forces.

The woman killed was pregnant,how could they be so brutal?

Some arrested BDR soldiers confessed that there was a group between them who forced and threatened others to take up arms.This is proved as some dead bodies of BDR jawans,who did not want to take up arms were also found.
This was the same group who committed all the killings,raping and looting.They probably left the HQ after their job was done.

They also confessed that large sum of money was flowing into the troops from some "EXTERNAL SOURCE",for this betrayal.

I don't believe it. Who forced these "jawans"?

The mutiny would not have been possible without a large support base.

Now the killings, rapings, lootings, blaming this on external forces is silly, be it RAW or whoever. They were done by the mutineers. Noone forced them to shoot anyone. They pulled the trigger.

Why were the Army Officers targeted? They were set out for special targeting, and their letter also blames the Army Officers. The mutineers were responsible for it. One cannot blame outside organizations for this.
Who are possibly behind this conspiracy?By now it is crystal clear to us that this was not a Mutiny,it was planned and executed brutally.Here are some possible organisations who could be behind this heinous act.



3.Anti-Liberation forces like Jamaat e Islami,JMB,Huji and other terrorist outfits.

Please place your comments.

My evaluation:

If Option 2 and 3 working in tandem=Possible.

Pakistan doesnt have any interest to destablize Bangladesh
Based on the reports coming out, the 20-30 ring leaders are all BDR men. Some comments point to the fact that they did this in extreme anger overruling the objection of the other troops to not kill the officers. Do you still believe that some outside agency would be involved in inciting them? I can tell you one thing, killings of this scale have to come from something innate...something that has been bothering some to such an extent that they do this.

No outsider can drive these people to such madness that they senselessly kill so many of their own compatriot officers. Its a personal gripe of a few in my own opinion.

As opposed to the earlier reports,that it was a sudden action,it has become clear that it was not.Instead it was pre-planned.
The Traitors just walked away from the darbar and quickly captured the arm cage.That too without any provocation.They captured all important points within minutes.Now without plan,that was not possible.

Do you believe that total chain of command can be brutally murdered and annihilated because of their so called grievance?NO

They were among the best officers in the army.

Finally,confessions by mutineers,suggesting that there was a flow of money from outside,financing this act proves the point of external involvement.
I don't believe it. Who forced these "jawans"?

The mutiny would not have been possible without a large support base.

Now the killings, rapings, lootings, blaming this on external forces is silly, be it RAW or whoever. They were done by the mutineers. Noone forced them to shoot anyone. They pulled the trigger.

Why were the Army Officers targeted? They were set out for special targeting, and their letter also blames the Army Officers. The mutineers were responsible for it. One cannot blame outside organizations for this.

Outside organization does not only mean RAW or ISI,but terrorist outfits too.JMB has much grudge against army,especially Colonel Gulzar,who instrumented the fall of the Terror Kinpins.

The killing was done between 2 hours and by a single "Hardcore Group",who also forced others to join the rebellion.They shot and killed few BDR jawans as well,who probably did not want to take part.7 bodies of non-commissioned soldiers were found.

Their letter is full of idiotic claims.You yourself pointed out the flaws.This was used as a cover up.Now its not only me who are saying this,but our ministers and Army official are also saying the same damn thing.There was an external hand.
People weren't forced.

The mutineers were out in the open blockading traffic and firing their guns in the air, not at each other.
People weren't forced.

The mutineers were out in the open blockading traffic and firing their guns in the air, not at each other.

Then what do you say about the dead bodies of those non-commissioned Jawans?They are not supposed to die in their own mutiny.Moreover,our army did not fire a single round.
Some had been emotionally motivated and some were forced.But the main culprit of 300 to 500 jawans had planned the whole thing with monetary help.As confessed by one of them.

The survivors themselves said that there was an agitated group among them who did the killing.This was statement from Lt.Col.Kamruzzaman who survived miraculously despite being shot at many times.He was saved by some "good jawans".

Off course they know better than anybody here.

Adding more:
There was constant miking within the HQ asking them to stay united.Also not to give up arms when PM asked them to surrender.

The surviving officers said,there was no unity among them and each seemed to act like a leader.That's because it was no ordinary mutiny.

Will you still call it a mutiny?Or an Anti-state conspiracy?
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Leon,lets think about the army too.They are demoralized.They were bashed during the August 2007 riots with DU and now this.what if they too want to release pent up anger?It's good they have shown restraint.

BDR should be disbanded.an entire new force committed to patrol the borders only will have to be formed.BDR were too stretched out doing a lot of work.

Army is not demoralized, they could have brought the situation in August '07 in control but the govt gave up... And in the term of mutiny, the army had surrounded the BDR HQ with heavy guns and artilleries, all they were doing is just awaiting the green signal...
His great escape act
Staff Correspondent

Smearing the blood of an unfortunate officer on his face and playing dead, Major Monir cheated almost certain death when BDR jawans were on a killing spree in Darbar Hall at Pilkhana Wednesday.

He said minutes after the shooting started a number of mutineers spotted him and Major Maksud inside the washroom of Darbar Hall where they were hiding. The BDR mutineers started firing at them from outside the closed door of the washroom and Maksud was hit several times.

"As blood gushing out of Maksud sir's body flooded the floor, I took it in my hands, stained my face with it and pretended dead," Monir told The Daily Star late Thursday night.

He said he had cut his forehead with a piece of shattered glass in his desperate attempt to make them believe that he was dead. As the blood coming out of his forehead was not enough, he took the blood of Major Maksud.

The men came in later and then left seeing the blood-spattered bodies and believing Monir and Maksud were dead.

He said, "Realising that the place was not safe, I then hid myself in a drain and covered myself with a floor mat. To do this, I had to break the windowpane of the washroom to escape.

"I watched helplessly as jawans killed officers around me… one of the officers being shot fell on me when I was in the drain," he said.

"Realising that this place was not safe as well, I went inside the Darbar Hall again and hid inside the false ceiling for almost two days. I texted my wife several times from there but kept my phone off.

"I heard a jawan boasting before another jawan that he had killed 15 officers," he said.

Major Monir is one of the few lucky officers who made it back to their families.

Major Firoz was also one of the lucky few. He, his pregnant wife and his two-year-old son survived the two-day ordeal.

When BDR jawans started shooting, Firoz crawled out of Darbar Hall in Pilkhana. "I managed to take shelter next to a wall of a school inside the BDR headquarters. I found Major Towfiq there. We managed to dodge death hiding inside the room of a flat there," he said.

"The BDR jawans let my eight-month pregnant wife go as she was experiencing pain," he said.

She started walking with her son, who was traumatised by the deafening sounds of gunshots, grenades and choppers flying overhead, towards Kamrangirchar but she fell unconscious on the way, said Firoz breaking down in tears.

Locals rescued her Thursday and informed Firoz's elder brother.

The son has become speechless.

Hasan Mahmud Rupom, brother of missing Major Mostaq Mahmud, said,

"I heard that bodies of some officers were retrieved in the afternoon at the BDR headquarters but I am not sure whether my brother is among them."

He described the ordeal of Major Mustaq's triplets, aged around 10, and the son of a relative, of about the same age, who were inside Mustaq's quarters when the mutiny broke out.

"My brother went to Darbar Hall in the morning while his wife, a doctor, went out before the mutiny began," Rupom said.

He said they finally found the traumatised children inside the quarters Thursday afternoon.

The Daily Star - Details News
Then what do you say about the dead bodies of those non-commissioned Jawans?They are not supposed to die in their own mutiny.Moreover,our army did not fire a single round.

The survivors themselves said that there was an agitated group among them who did the killing.This was statement from Lt.Col.Kamruzzaman who survived miraculously despite being shot at many times.He was saved by some "good jawans".

Off course they know better than anybody here.

Who knows. They might have saw the killing and rebelled. There might have been some sort of struggle and got killed in some crossfire. They might have been killed by the mutineers to make this look like self defence.
Then what do you say about the dead bodies of those non-commissioned Jawans?They are not supposed to die in their own mutiny.Moreover,our army did not fire a single round.
Some had been emotionally motivated and some were forced.But the main culprit of 300 to 500 jawans had planned the whole thing with monetary help.As confessed by one of them.

The survivors themselves said that there was an agitated group among them who did the killing.This was statement from Lt.Col.Kamruzzaman who survived miraculously despite being shot at many times.He was saved by some "good jawans".

Off course they know better than anybody here.

Adding more:
There was constant miking within the HQ asking them to stay united.Also not to give up arms when PM asked them to surrender.

The surviving officers said,there was no unity among them and each seemed to act like a leader.That's because it was no ordinary mutiny.

Will you still call it a mutiny?Or an Anti-state conspiracy?

Many BDR personnels where killed because they refused to take up arms.. that wat i hear.

But the very nature of no unity among them states that these are actions by an agitated group for their cause.. and many who sympathised with them also joined in.. this is wat i could read from them. If it was a planned conspiracy there should be normally a unity of command..!!!!
Who knows. They might have saw the killing and rebelled. There might have been some sort of struggle and got killed in some crossfire. They might have been killed by the mutineers to make this look like self defence.

I added some more lines to the initial post.Then what do you think about their confession statements?
Why all our ministers and senior retired army officials and defence analysts and even political parties, are indicating this external involvement?

Especially our ministers,who were directly involved with the mutineers,they talked to them and certainly knows more than us.

There is no way that it was a general mutiny for pay rise.

About mutiny being spread across the country,This is the fault of the media and even they are accepting it.Their reports at first was one sided,sympathising the BDR jawans,which fuelled the mutiny.

They did similar things that Indian Media did during Mumbai attack.Just aggravated the situation.
Many BDR personnels where killed because they refused to take up arms.. that wat i hear.

But the very nature of no unity among them states that these are actions by an agitated group for their cause.. and many who sympathised with them also joined in.. this is wat i could read from them. If it was a planned conspiracy there should be normally a unity of command..!!!!

There was unity among the actual killers and that's what matters.Others just joined in,either forcefully or emotionally or didn't know what to do.

The main group killed,looted,raped and then fled.This shows their planning and unity.They are to be found and I get the feeling this is not over because they are still out there.

I sincerely hope this is not an Indian act,because if it is,these people are already on the other side of the border.

But if they are funded by Terrorist outfits,then we have a good chance of catching these men.After all,we have their identifications.
One more important thing.

If it was only for their demands,then would not have annihilated the entire chain of command.By now,people have completely lost their sympathy with their cause and are enraged.That includes me.

Because of the killing,their main demand to remove army officers from BDR is binned,as the new DG is from the army.They knew this would happen if they killed the officers,yet they killed mercilessly.Why?Because they had different secret agenda.
One more important thing.

If it was only for their demands,then would not have annihilated the entire chain of command.By now,people have completely lost their sympathy with their cause and are enraged.That includes me.

Because of the killing,their main demand to remove army officers from BDR is binned,as the new DG is from the army.They knew this would happen if they killed the officers,yet they killed mercilessly.Why?Because they had different secret agenda.

Well when you are mad with angr and grief you don't think..!!! I think this is the classic case of that..!!!Other than that i dont think destabilsing and causing unrest in bangladesh would be in anybodies agenda other than smugglers/jihadists etc..!!!! But i dont think they would too go this far as the end result would have been definitely army taking over. So i would still not believe any hand of external forces as of now..!!!!
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