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Bangladesh:Gunfight at BDR headquarters

Major General(rtd.)Wadud(hope the name is correct),said that to change the name of BDR.As whenever people will talk about BDR,they will remember this Killing and raping and looting.

He might be right,as we can not completely disband BDR,so a new fresh start could help it survive.

Another Maj. General(rtd.) Ibrahim,said some interesting words.
"Saper leze para diso,kintu matha bhango nai"
This means,you stepped on to the tail of a serpent,but did not kill its head.Which clearly indicates,Army will not remain silent over this.They will do everything possible to bring those culprits to punish.

I should say our Army has shown tremendous maturity and restraint,by not firing a single bullet despite the fact they knew their officers were being massacred inside.
Leon,lets think about the army too.They are demoralized.They were bashed during the August 2007 riots with DU and now this.what if they too want to release pent up anger?It's good they have shown restraint.

BDR should be disbanded.an entire new force committed to patrol the borders only will have to be formed.BDR were too stretched out doing a lot of work.
Police take control of BDR installations
Jawans surrender arms to DCs

The police yesterday took control of Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) sector and battalion headquarters across the country while BDR jawans deserted several border outposts leaving those vulnerable.

BDR jawans at various sector and battalion headquarters laid down their arms and handed over the keys to the armouries to the deputy commissioners concerned at the instruction of the home ministry.

However, a home ministry source said BDR jawans are patrolling the borders with India and Myanmar with light firearms.

The police will remain in control of the headquarters until further notice, several district administrators told The Daily Star.

Subedar Maj Siddique and Subedar Shamsul Haque of Rajshahi sector headquarters, now under control of police, handed over their arms and keys to the armoury to the district official. A number of BDR jawans looked distressed and scared while surrendering their arms.

Our Khulna correspondent reports: Khulna Metropolitan Police took control of the BDR sector headquarters after discussions with BDR members there.

Two platoons of police had been deployed there. The BDR barracks in Khulna earlier witnessed a revolt following the Wednesday's mutiny in the capital.

The situation at BDR camps in Thakurgaon and Panchagarh remained calm after the mutineers surrendered their arms. BDR patrol along the borders with India also resumed, said 25 Rifles Battalion head Deputy Assistant Director (DAD) Nazmul Huda and 20 Rifles Battalion head DAD Nurul Islam Fakir.

In Kurigram, BDR Jawans of 27 Rifles Battalion released Maj Kamal, Maj Altaf and Commanding Officer Suman Kumar Barua and surrendered their arms to Kurigram DC Asaduzzaman. The police took control of the battalion headquarters.

Our Chittagong correspondent reports: BDR jawans as well as departmental officers of BDR Chittagong Sector Headquarters began surrendering weapons and ammunition, said Chittagong Deputy Commissioner Ashraf Shamim in the evening.

Our correspondent in Dinajpur adds: the police took control of the BDR sector headquarters at Kuthibari in the afternoon.

Our Rajshahi correspondent reports: The bordering areas remained vulnerable as distraught BDR members were reluctant to return to duty amid confusion.

A BOP commander told The Daily Star, "The smugglers will not be able to cash in on the prevailing situation as the Indian Border Security Force remains on red alert on the other side of the border."

Our correspondent from Benapole adds: Although BDR jawans patrolled the border with India at Benapole, the situation remained tense.

The jawans were without a commanding officer as no army officer deputed to BDR went to the Benapole border camps or barracks.

Hundreds of passengers and goods-laden trucks remained stranded on the Benapole-Petrapole border after Indian Border Security Force (BSF) closed their side of the border.The police yesterday took control of Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) sector and battalion headquarters across the country while BDR jawans deserted several border outposts leaving those vulnerable.

The Daily Star - Details News
BDR should be disbanded.an entire new force committed to patrol the borders only will have to be formed.BDR were too stretched out doing a lot of work.

Disbandment was one of the goal of instigators and doing so will be irreparable damage to the country. What Bangladesh should do is restore TRUST, chain of command and restructure.

It would be good if we can only engage BDR to border duty only but we have shortage of resource.
The mood in the country is sombre and anger in the cantonment seems to be brewing. Has anyone been able to verify the BSF text messages inciting the BDR jawans? I find the Indian proposal for a peace mission also very suspicious. Also some of the RAW analysis is very quick to identify the suspects i.e. ISI, Jamaat, SQC, HuJi (B), madrassah education. This is even though many of the Jawans were heard chanting Joy Bangla (a very secular expression).

BDR was received SMS from BSF to kill BA soldiers ? :crazy:

Then BSF must have also send SMS to BA not to respond to BDR ? :crazy:

BSF must have sent SMS Sheikh Hasina to provide general amnesty to BDR.

Damn why not switch of the mobile phones block service providers jam the

network. Mutiny was just because of SMS.

Can someone clarify is BDR waiting for more SMS from BSF ?

But I really doubt the people whose hand are in Cookie Jar that is corrupt people.
BDR Commander's wife raped, thrown from building, 3 masterminds arrested

Bangladeshi army officers' bodies found as death toll from rebellion rises to 70

The bodies of dozens of army officers were exhumed from shallow graves in the headquarters of Bangladesh's border guard unit yesterday, bringing the death toll from the two-day rebellion to more than 70.

Soldiers from the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR), a paramilitary unit that patrols the country's borders, tried to flee dressed as civilians but hundreds were detained after the army set up roadblocks around the country.


The army said Col Delowar was beaten repeatedly over the head with a stone, and that his wife died after a television was dropped on her skull.

Mrs Ahmed was shot, raped and killed by being thrown off a five-floor building, the army said.

Is that stuff really necessary?

These people are charged with defending the country, yet they're cold enough to pin an old woman down and drop her own television set on her head.

They should all be hanged for just participating in such.

Doesn't matter whether they took direct action in the killings or not.
Who are possibly behind this conspiracy?By now it is crystal clear to us that this was not a Mutiny,it was planned and executed brutally.Here are some possible organisations who could be behind this heinous act.



3.Anti-Liberation forces like Jamaat e Islami,JMB,Huji and other terrorist outfits.

Please place your comments.

My evaluation:

If Option 2 and 3 working in tandem=Possible.
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2 more mass graves found at BDR HQ, 10 bodies retrieved
Star Online Report

Ten more bodies including one of a woman was retrieved from a second mass grave after the rescuers found two more mass graves on the BDR headquarters premises today (Saturday).

The identity of the deceased could not be known immediately as the recovering of the bodies were still going on as of filing of this report at about 12:10pm.

Besides, two more bodies were recovered from the BDR headquarters area this morning.

Rescuers searching for dozens of officers still missing after a mutiny by border guards uncovered two more mass graves on the BDR headquarters compound this morning.

Rescuers on Friday found a mass grave on the same compound in the capital containing 38 bodies.

Another 24 bodies have been recovered in other parts of the compound including in drains and sewers following a 33-hour mutiny by the BDR soldiers that ended on Thursday.

The Daily Star - Details News
Is that stuff really necessary?

These people are charged with defending the country, yet they're cold enough to pin an old woman down and drop her own television set on her head.

They should all be hanged for just participating in such.

Doesn't matter whether they took direct action in the killings or not.

Sir I think now you realise,it wasn't for milk and eggs,but it was a conspiracy to destroy our armed forces.

The woman killed was pregnant,how could they be so brutal?

Some arrested BDR soldiers confessed that there was a group between them who forced and threatened others to take up arms.This is proved as some dead bodies of BDR jawans,who did not want to take up arms were also found.
This was the same group who committed all the killings,raping and looting.They probably left the HQ after their job was done.

They also confessed that large sum of money was flowing into the troops from some "EXTERNAL SOURCE",for this betrayal.
Who are possibly behind this conspiracy?By now it is crystal clear to us that this was not a Mutiny,it was planned and executed brutally.Here are some possible organisations who could be behind this heinous act.



3.Anti-Liberation forces like Jamaat e Islami,JMB,Huji and other terrorist outfits.

Please place your comments.

My evaluation:

Option 2 and 3 working in tandem=Possible.

Well who can benfity from a weak border..?????

I think our good old punching bag America /israel/india nexus would be behind all this..!!!!!:crazy:

Well i just saw the pics of mass graves and stories about the brutality in which the generals and their wives where killed. These scoundrels should be given amnesty by sending them to the gallows.
Janaza of 33 officers at 3pm
Star Online Report

Namaz-e-janaza of 33 slain army officers, whose bodies were retrieved from a mass grave yesterday after a mutiny by the border guards, will be held at 3:00pm today (Saturday) at the Army Stadium in Banani of the capital.

Namaz-e-janaza of Maj Gen Shakil Ahmed, slain chief of the Bangladesh Riffles (BDR), will also be held at the same place.

The BDR rebel soldiers in a standoff, which begun Wednesday morning killed Maj Gen Shakil, including more than hundred other army officers.

Among them, seven of the army officers’ namaz-e-janaza was held at last evening in Dhaka Cantonment Central mosque

The rescue operation is still going on jointly led by fire fighters, police and Rab at the BDR headquarters to recover other missing army personnel.

The Daily Star - Details News
Source: Bangladeshi gov't to form special tribunal for quick trial of BDR mutineers_English_Xinhua


Bangladeshi gov't to form special tribunal for quick trial of BDR mutineers

DHAKA, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) -- The Bangladeshi government will forma special tribunal for quick trial of paramilitary Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) rebel soldiers and provide them exemplary punishment, private news agency UNB reported on Saturday.

Briefing reporters here Friday night, Principal Staff Officer of Armed Forces Division Lieutenant General Abdul Mobin said the general amnesty announced by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday does not mean that those who staged the revolt and killed the army officers will be spared, according to UNB.

Mobin said, "The nation will not forgive these barbaric acts faced by BDR members."

He said the inquiry committee will be properly represented by the armed forces and the entire BDR command will be restructured.

Mobin urged all patriotic members of the armed forces to hold patience and play a responsible role.

"The heinous and cruel incident perpetrated by some disgruntled BDR members on Feb. 25 cast a negative impact on Bangladesh in theinternational arena," the general said.

He said an evil effort was undertaken by different vested quarters "to damage our beloved motherland and the image of the patriotic armed forces".

Thousands of BDR soldiers staged revolt against their army officers over pay and other benefits at BDR headquarters in capital Dhaka Wednesday morning. The revolt came to an end on Thursday evening after a series of negotiations between the rebel representatives and the government.

The death toll of the revolt has risen to 71 until Friday night, most of them are BDR army officers who were killed by rebel soldiers. Police said a score of army officers are still missing.

BDR, whose main task is to protect the country's borders, is under Home Minister, but its senior officers are all from the Army. Many BDR soldiers complained they have been ignored and repressed by their army officers for a long time.

Editor: An
Well who can benfity from a weak border..?????

I think our good old punching bag America /israel/india nexus would be behind all this..!!!!!:crazy:

Well i just saw the pics of mass graves and stories about the brutality in which the generals and their wives where killed. These scoundrels should be given amnesty by sending them to the gallows.

Amnesty was just a ploy to calm them down.Do you really think army will tuck them to sleep?No way.

Moreover,it has been clearly declared no amnesty for direct involvement in murder,looting and raping.
e.g.If anyone only verbally abused an army officer,he is under amnesty.

However,not all BDR jawans are bad.Those who survived,were because these good jawans hid them from the Culprits and Traitors.

Did you see the atrocities they committed?they should be executed publicly in Taliban style.:angry:
Who are possibly behind this conspiracy?By now it is crystal clear to us that this was not a Mutiny,it was planned and executed brutally.Here are some possible organisations who could be behind this heinous act.



3.Anti-Liberation forces like Jamaat e Islami,JMB,Huji and other terrorist outfits.

Please place your comments.

My evaluation:

If Option 2 and 3 working in tandem=Possible.

Based on the reports coming out, the 20-30 ring leaders are all BDR men. Some comments point to the fact that they did this in extreme anger overruling the objection of the other troops to not kill the officers. Do you still believe that some outside agency would be involved in inciting them? I can tell you one thing, killings of this scale have to come from something innate...something that has been bothering some to such an extent that they do this.

No outsider can drive these people to such madness that they senselessly kill so many of their own compatriot officers. Its a personal gripe of a few in my own opinion.
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