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Australia And Pakistan Are In A Huge Fight Over 21,000 Dead Sheep.

Australians questioning the culling? Maybe they should be watchful over what they export first!!
Customer's confidence has been shaken on Australia's live stock - now they are trying to coverup by coming up with stories, excuses and rants.

Thanks God - At-Least our govt. did one good thing in their 5 years term. Pakistan is already suffering from dengue, we can't risk more diseases. That greedy business must be given maximum possible punishment to make example if we want to avoid this kind of incidents in future.
Scabby mouth excuse 'may be used again'

DAFF chief veterinary officer Mark Schipp described the disease as unimportant, a view that was reinforced when the department's deputy secretary Phillip Glyde said it was not a requirement of importing countries that sheep be free of scabby mouth, VALE said.
The disease is, however, part of DAFF's rejection criteria for livestock sourced for export.
"The disease cannot be eradicated from live export ships and will continue to be used as justification for rejection of shipments for political or commercial reasons while this trade continues," VALE said in a statement on Tuesday.
"So far as animal welfare is concerned, the consequences of this clinically minor disease are therefore profound indeed."
In the late 1990s, scabby mouth in Australian sheep was seen by the biggest export market, Saudi Arabia, as so important that several shipments were rejected and the trade eventually ceased, VALE said.
In 2003, nearly 6000 sheep on the ship Cormo Express died amid claims they had scabby mouth, before the Australian government gifted the rest of the rejected shipment to Eritrea.
VALE said many shipments of sheep with scabby mouth were in fact accepted, but the "excuse" could be brought into play by the importing country at will.
Scabby mouth has little effect on a sheep's general health, but it can infect humans if cuts or wounds come into contact with the virus.
The company that exported the sheep to Bahrain, then Pakistan - Fremantle-based Wellard - last week said the animals were healthy and at all times complied with overseas health standards.
"Scabby mouth is present in every country in the world that has sheep and goat flocks; cannot be transferred to humans through meat; is not identified by the World Organisation for Animal Health as a notifiable disease; and neither Bahrain nor Pakistan have listed it as a health concern for the import of livestock," the company said.

The usual bullshit, the shipment arrives the importer in Bahrain tries to screw the price down by claiming the sheep are dangerous better to just cancel the live sheep trade.
sigh i can't seem to comprehend this why are you making a such a big deal.
Why would the officials in Pakistan slaughter those sheep's for no reason well there was some thing wrong in those sheep's due to that they were slaughtered so why the melo aussie drama just simply accept it instead of denying it and making and giving justifications.
To be honest its better that Pakistan stop importing sheep's from Australia as u never know they might send some infected life stock again and boom the officials in Pakistan exterminate them and then the same old melo drama will gona start from these peoples.
3 words SHAME ON U
I guess the question is why the Pakistani did not return the sheep to Australia but kill them in their land.

Using an old American saying, why would i need somebody else to kill my horse??

Is it they are not suitable for transport or anything that they need to kill them there and their?
yaa we do have an idea

considering population growth in ur country:cheesy:

Looks like you never looked up india's population..

Population Density per Square Mile of Countries —
India 954

Pakistan 551

Animal rights is a sensitive issue in Australia.

The same organization, Animal Rights Australia and the RSPCA are now calling for a ban on calf rodeo within Australia where young calf are chased, lassoed and then roped in. The stunt is very painful to the young calf who is scared to death and running for its life at full speed and then violently jerked back by a lasso around its neck. Keep in mind that this barbaric 'sport' is for 'entertainment'.

I actually support any campaign to stop all these barbaric 'sports' around the world, including bull torturing, er 'fighting', in Spain and elsewhere.
Animal rights is a sensitive issue in Australia.

The same organization, Animal Rights Australia and the RSPCA are now calling for a ban on calf rodeo within Australia where young calf are chased, lassoed and then roped in. The stunt is very painful to the young calf who is scared to death and running for its life at full speed and then violently jerked back by a lasso around its neck. Keep in mind that this barbaric 'sport' is for 'entertainment'.

I actually support any campaign to stop all these barbaric 'sports' around the world, including bull torturing, er 'fighting', in Spain and elsewhere.

These animals are bred for the Purpose..I am not a fan of rodeo and Bull fights,but saying that the animals wont be there in the first place if these sports weren't there...

Animal rights have gone bonkers already and putting too much strain on Farmers economically...
Certainly this Australian Drama will get world attention and to the fact that a whol eship full of Australian sheep can be Full of Disease,and Coutries may feel reluctant to import from Australia..The final loss of this political Drama will be transferred to the farmers..
Jilia Gillard may gain popularity on the back of her Drama,and Pakistan and or Austtralia may put perma ban on Live stock trade between the two..But them again will Jilia Gillard find Alternate market for her Farmers?
If animal rights is so sensitive then why sell them in the first place? :lol:
If animal rights is so sensitive then why sell them in the first place? :lol:

More of a face saving stunt...
Gets caught selling Sick sheep..Throws a tantrum on sheep culling

Good move Australia..
check the population growth rate

india- 1.312 and pakistan- 1.5732

and growth rate in india is such high because of a particular community..... hope u get it:cheesy:

I have seen Bombay Hindus with 12 children living on streets...Try your trick elsewhere...
Even with 0.3% difference..Pakistan will never catch up with India....Do your calculations first.

The thread is about something else..
If you want to troll,get ready for receiving certain type of PMs..
These animals are bred for the Purpose..I am not a fan of rodeo and Bull fights,but saying that the animals wont be there in the first place if these sports weren't there...

No animal should be bred for the purpose of being tortured for human 'entertainment'. Breeding them for food is one thing, but for torture is pure evil.
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