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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

ridiculous .. shame on you

how a soldier's life is than a commander's life and why you are giving figure. they are invaluable

Hey dumb troll, commander's income is higher than regular soilder, it's about income. Otherwise the lost lives is not equal to whole money in the world, twice thrice or even 100 times. If you ask the martyred troops families if they want 1 trillion$ or their son, they will choose their son without wasting a sec.
I feel very let down by our civilian leadership. But thats nothing new we know them for what they are. If something a bit more tangible is not done on this occcasion of injustice by americans against pakistani people perhaps for example a permanent closure of supply routes I will lose faith in kayani. guys the fuel on those planes/helicopters used to kill our boys probably went thru pakistan to afghan. We need kyani to do something. If necessary we need ISI to launch an attack covertly which we can deny and avenge our fallen. After all ISI get blamed anyway even when there is no proof of supporting talban so they may as well get blamed for actually avenging our fallen.
i have seen many dovumentaries on british soldiers in afghanistan and they complain that the USAF doesnt come to hel them even if they call them while in danger.
the claim that afghan forces called air strike and USAF came flying...is laughable
i have seen many dovumentaries on british soldiers in afghanistan and they complain that the USAF doesnt come to hel them even if they call them while in danger.
the claim that afghan forces called air strike and USAF came flying...is laughable

Looks like they have some special relationship with Afghan soldiers.;)
One question: Good to see your Anti Pakistan rhetoric on work again. Anyways how are you going to confirm that they were indeed chasing the terrorists and it wasn't some trigger happy NATO soldiers who over dose with his night drinks?

Or is it just because of Pakistan and your bigotry with it that you are saying this.

First, I am not anti Pakistan. I have many Pakistan friends who I treasure and look up all the while. Their mothers consider me just as theirs as my friends. And I am part of this diaspora in several countries. You will be surprised to know how great friends Indians and Pakistanis are and how easy and natural it is. Unlike the genetic dissertion that some members provide here.

Since that you do not know me, I will not take offence on that. However, I am against Pakistani Army and its generals for their greed of power for which they resorted to opportunistic moves galore and today we have this situation of hate between our countries. If you read any of my posts, you will see that I clearly make the difference. This though has nothing to do with the topic.

Further to confirm if Afghans were indeed chasing the terrorists, I have been travelling past 14 hours and there have been several versions of events. You could chose to believe PA which says that the boys were sleeping. I do not. I cannot believe that 2 posts can be strafed and admitted support troops sent by PA and the boys were sleeping. I do not believe that the conflict was on for 2 hours and PA did not call in air support. If PA was innocent then there would have been escalation from the Pakistani side. Eithere these are all hollow noises and PA does not have any capability on the western front or PA just wanted to control a spiralling situation.

All this gives credibility to what Afghans say and that seems to be the most logical information currently. Lastly, I am not a bigot but I have nothing to prove to you and I will just let that one go as well.
this was an american act , one which stemmed from frustrations and failures they are facing in afghanistan for which they blame Pakistan
Mind you, NATO has reportedly refused to condemn the incident.

Which clearly means that NATO stands by its action.

are you nuts

why would they condemn their own attack? Its their own doing so they would appologise as they

they have apologised and expressed sorrow for the loss of life.

you don’t condemn your own action!!! lol do you get that? I don’t think so. Condemnation is always for someone else’s action.

The condemnation is from the third party and the victim who sees the “wrong” in the action of the accused.

if you think you done something wrong then you will express your mistake and say sorry
thats what NATO has done.

and NO, they don’t stand by their action because…. clearly saying that it was a mistake and expressing sorrow doesn’t mean standing by their action and they will never launch an inquiry into the incident that the NATO commander calls tragic and calls his Pakistani counterparts as comrades and expresses grief with their families.
Pakistan military top comand needs to re-visit its tatics, the difference between pak army & nato was close air support, it appears that our guys dont have close air support whether its war against terror or war against balouch separatist.

No kind of air support that PA can muster will be enough to get out winner in a contact with ISAF. That is a given. The sooner this fact sinks in, the better it is. The clear message from this engagement is that if Pakistan wants to protect its sovereignity then the generals needs to understand that their regulars cannot provide cover for Taliban with this impunity. If that strategic change is not happening then the border is just a line in the sand.
Sigh, this news give me heavy headaches. Not good for health for everyone. Let me quit this thread.

In my opinion, aside NATO supply closed temporarily and not possible Shamsi Airforce vacate, Pakistan can't do anything at all and Kiyani is pleasantly silent.

(unsubscripted this thread)
put in cork up where you pull out this type of garbage

buddy.. I am not saying the attack on soldiers was sanctioned.. What I am trying to say is that there was probably a sanctioned operation against militants that involved helis.. Hence the response of PAF was not there..And the NATO force attacked the wrong area.. Dont get worked up upon nothing..
foreign Aid is like a drug, an addiction for ruling class , Thank you India's for stopping the US military aid and the day Pakistan will be under embargo, hungry poor will kick the puppet rich class out - revolution comes from hunger, the land will be taken away from big landlords and be given to poor to grow - say no to aid and petty trade which makes the rich richer - for energy build oil pipe line from Iran.
That is not simple.. NATO will declare ISI a terrorist organisation and all kind of embargo and economic sanctions.

So what they blame isi on a daily basis. If we are going to get punished for stealing a lamb when we havent we might as well steal a lamb and have the benefit.
foreign Aid is like a drug, an addiction for ruling class , Thank you India's for stopping the US military aid and the day Pakistan will be under embargo, hungry poor will kick the puppet rich class out - revolution comes from hunger, the land will be taken away from big landlords and be given to poor to grow - say no to aid and petty trade which makes the rich richer - for energy build oil pipe line from Iran.
My freind so generous of china but here we are talking about will not will have?????????my dear what happened was sad but the crimminal thing is the response of GOP , ok for a minute imagine if the same thing would have happenned with China what would be your response???Did you got my point???Thanks .
Militarization of the SCO in 2012-2013

The cowardly attack on Pakistani soldiers will decisively strengthen the anti-US faction in Pakistan against the pro-US faction. A major deterioration of the relationship between Pakistan and the US due to the attack will likely lead China and Russia to agree to militarize the SCO in the next 1 or 2 years. China and Russia have been unable to agree on militarization for the past few years, but now many factor push toward militarization of the SCO:

1) In March 2012, China will be undergoing a leadership change. A pro-military, hardline leadership is coming to power in Beijing.

2) Russia has a serious conflict with the US over missile defense in Eastern Europe and Syria. Russia's biggest dream is to trap and wound the US in Afghanistan the same way the US trapped and wounded USSR in Afghanistan in 1980's.

3) The US is acting more and more aggressively around the world, like taking military action against Libya.

4) Popular unrest in the Middle East is destabilizing the whole region.

The most likely formula is to only let Pakistan into SCO, but not india (as Russia prefers but not China), because india wants to "remain neutral" but secretly favor USA against Russia / China.

Once the alliance members are decided, then the SCO can strangle supplies to Afghanistan and hand the US a devastating defeat. The US will try to attack Pakistan by air and sea to save its troops in Afghanistan but China and Russia can send military equipment and advisors to counter them. Within a few months, all the coalition troops Afghanistan should have surrendered to the Taliban.

So it's very likely we'll see a final military showdown between SCO (composing of China, Russian, Central Asian -stans and Pakistan) versus US military with Afghanistan, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and possibly even Syria or Iran as theaters of war.
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