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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

2 hour assault ?? Where was PAF..?? There's more to it that meets the eye.. Wont be surprised if it was a secretly sanctioned operation by Pakistan Army like the drone strikes.. The attackers probably messed up on the target location though..

put in cork up where you pull out this type of garbage
............... Cheng is suggesting our nation should show caution as the US would pull their aid out. I say bring it on because their aid and charity has been one of the reasons why we have been suffering. ...............

I respect your differing opinion, but I stand by mine too.

Arguing against the 'status quo' is a necessary part of changing societal opinion - whether done by this government or the next.

Staying silent and not calling for change because of 'ground realities' offers nothing.

'Building national character and strength' while also calling for a rejection of injustice and inequality in international policies towards Pakistan and building pressure on Pakistani institutions to take tangible steps to support their rhetoric are not mutually exclusive.

We are more alike than you may realize Sir! :)

What you are referring to is not done over easy..
To put it straight.

I just saw the coffins of 26 of my brothers draped in my flag.
By blood boils, My BP has shot up.. my eyes went wet, My fist clenched.
My "heart" wants LGB strikes on the Apache unit, their barracks.. their equipment.
My "Mind" however, lets me know of the consequences of such a move and how ill prepared we are to handle such.

But that is my mind.. it may not be thinking along the lines of everybody else.

But my heart does have a lot in common with a large section of my nation.

My blood boils too, but it is tempered with wisdom of knowledge and age, as much as others don't see it.

The best revenge is NOT to rant and rave, but to remove the root causes that have brought us to this stage.
Even if there air support is in the air non stop, that actually gives more reason for Pak Radar operations to be on a higher alert all the time. Plus, a helo being slow speed does not travel 2.5 km in a blink of an eye.. And then the question of 2 attacks...Even if they were caught by surprise the 1st time (which itself is inexcusable) how come the second one went unchallenged as well..

Most of your camp is resting, suddenly all hell breaks loose and people are dead.. you spend 5 minutes just trying to figure out what happened and then you get hit again.
the 2nd one was challenged.. albeit in futility.
Chen I am sure you would have also defended the guy who gave the order to shot down Air Iran Civilian Flight.You even defended the lie that RD was a diplomat which in fact was later proved to be untrue.
2 hour assault ?? Where was PAF..?? There's more to it that meets the eye.. Wont be surprised if it was a secretly sanctioned operation by Pakistan Army like the drone strikes.. The attackers probably messed up on the target location though..
The PAF has not been the quickest to respond in many instances, such as troops being ambushed by the Taliban when carrying out operations - whether this is due to lack of coordination or resources or both I do not know.
Most of your camp is resting, suddenly all hell breaks loose and people are dead.. you spend 5 minutes just trying to figure out what happened and then you get hit again.
the 2nd one was challenged.. albeit in futility.

but the radar operators were not in the camp.. They would have tracked the ingress much before the camp was actually hit.. And one of the posts above talk about a 2 hour assault... 2 frikkin hours.. time enough for an F 16 to launch from Bangalore and reach Afg border in time to take out the helis..

Pakistan buries troops amid fury over NATO strike
By Express / Reuters
Published: November 27, 2011
The families of soldiers who were killed when Nato attacked a Pakistani checkpost in the Mohmand Agency on Saturday, buried their loved ones on Sunday.

The relatives of Major Mujahid Hussain and Captain Usman Ali said that the soldiers “sacrificed their lives” for the sake of their country, and they were proud of their sacrifices.

Major Mujahid Hussain hailed from Larkana, and had joined the Pakistan army nine years ago. His body will be taken to his native village after being honoured at the General Head Quarters and Pannu Aqil cantonment.
His family said that they will not “hesitate to offer any sacrifice” for Pakistan.

Captain Usman Ali from Sahiwal city, left behind a widow and a young daughter. The 23-year-old solder got married last year and was recently promoted to the rank of captain. Usman’s father said his son joined the Pakistan army due to his patriotism.

Nato helicopters and fighter jets attacked two Pakistan military outposts on Saturday, killing 24 soldiers in what Pakistan said was an unprovoked assault. Nato and US officials expressed regret about the deaths of the Pakistani soldiers, but the exact circumstances of the attack were unclear.

Fury over attack
The attack was the latest perceived provocation by the United States, starting with the secret raid which killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in May, and the question is whether ties will break or whether the two sides will remain stuck in a bad marriage of convenience.
“US stabs Pakistan in the back, again,” said a headline in the Daily Times, reflecting fury over the attack in Pakistan, a regional power seen as critical to US efforts to stabilise neighbouring Afghanistan.

Television stations showed the coffins of the soldiers draped in green and white Pakistani flags in a prayer ceremony at the headquarters of the regional command in Peshawar.

AFP Photo

oh my god, look at this man:cry:
recently married and left behind a young kid. she'll grow up without being in comfort of her father. tsk
Even if there air support is in the air non stop, that actually gives more reason for Pak Radar operations to be on a higher alert all the time. Plus, a helo being slow speed does not travel 2.5 km in a blink of an eye.. And then the question of 2 attacks...Even if they were caught by surprise the 1st time (which itself is inexcusable) how come the second one went unchallenged as well..

1. Stand-off weapons would not require either helicopters or fighter jets to actually travel 2.5km into Pakistan to the base to attack it.

2. Terrain - low flying helicopters in mountainous terrain would be hard to detect on radar (even assuming full coverage - Pakistan does not have the resources to magically cover all of its western border through sophisticated airdefence and detection systems in a matter of months).
All ways and support to NATO or America & its allies to be ended, let them do what they can without Pakistan. Afghanistan is like a pond of grease for them, they entered themselves but now they need a rope to get out. They should know they if they will try to cut the rope they will be "nowhere".....
but the radar operators were not in the camp.. They would have tracked the ingress much before the camp was actually hit.. And one of the posts above talk about a 2 hour assault... 2 frikkin hours.. time enough for an F 16 to launch from Bangalore and reach Afg border in time to take out the helis..

By the time the troops realized it was NOT a Taliban attack, Not a ground attack.
The airforce was alerted, they may have responded by requesting where the violation of airspace occurred?
Pilots were not on alert, they were found and prepped.. 30 minutes went nowhere.

Now, why the airforce was not there as a show of force after the assault? THAT is the big question.
Which is where one is even more perplexed on the lax attitude of the military leadership after this.

This was no ordinary checkpost, it was a large camp. Why hit it at this hour?
Did somebody escape into Pakistan while this heinous attack took place?

I grieve for my brothers, but even I do have suspicions on the sincerity of the leadership in this event.
I dont support the stance of ISAF on this, nor will accept JUST an apology from the US.
But I want to know why my military leadership did not be more aggressive.
1. Stand-off weapons would not require either helicopters or fighter jets to actually travel 2.5km into Pakistan to the base to attack it.
I assume since the whole camp knew that they were attacked by helis, they did come within the visual range of the camp..

2. Terrain - low flying helicopters in mountainous terrain would be hard to detect on radar (even assuming full coverage - Pakistan does not have the resources to magically cover all of its western border through sophisticated airdefence and detection systems in a matter of months).
Pakistan has been fighting this war on its western border since years. Plus has been consistently claiming NATO's air space violations. What is Paksitan waiting for before providing this coverage. I would have expected for this to be done on a war footing after May..And remember, 2 Hours long assault..
i wonder if pakistan troops had rifles powerful enogh to fire 2.5 miles away at afghan forces inside afghan border....
or they just went to the borders......fired at afghan forces then somehow ran bavk 2.5 miles and fell asleep..

and since when.US airforce started giving air support to afghan forces? they only give support to NATO and that too only to americans..
its all made up.
By the time the troops realized it was NOT a Taliban attack, Not a ground attack.
The airforce was alerted, they may have responded by requesting where the violation of airspace occurred?
Pilots were not on alert, they were found and prepped.. 30 minutes went nowhere.

Frankly, I dont believe that with Abbotabad just 6 months old, Pakistan military has stepped down from an alert status on the Western border..There is something which none of us is aware of at this time which may/may not come out some where down the line

---------- Post added at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 PM ----------

i wonder if pakistan troops had rifles powerful enogh to fire 2.5 miles away at afghan forces inside afghan border....
or they just went to the borders......fired at afghan forces then somehow ran bavk 2.5 miles and fell asleep..

and since when.US airforce started giving air support to afghan forces? they only give support to NATO and that too only to americans..
its all made up.

err.. mortars?
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