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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

2 hour assault ?? Where was PAF..?? There's more to it that meets the eye.. Wont be surprised if it was a secretly sanctioned operation by Pakistan Army like the drone strikes.. The attackers probably messed up on the target location though..
PAF was sleeping too...don't U guyz think that they humans too....They not robots working 24/7....and I guess U might be right about the last two lines cuz there isalwayz something cooking behind the scenes who knows who is doing what..Plus India is involved too cuz they are the NATO allies too....:eek:
I believe ISPR reports indicated air strikes - not necessarily 'helicopter strikes' - examination of the posts after the incident along with accounts by the survivors would have made clear the kinds of weapons used - the Taliban tend to use RPG's and mortars at the most.

Pakistani has been fighting this war against the taliban for years, not against the US/NATO - the OBL incident would have been the first major cause for concern

Drones have been around much longer than that..

But, as I pointed out earlier, Pakistan's CAS is lacking even when it comes to supporting troops that come under Taliban ambushes - there is a lack of coordination and/or capability here, especially when it comes to night time operations.

Which is exactly what I find strange given the focus on Air force in Pakistan Military..

Indirect fire, and inaccurate without spotters/scouts to redirect fire, especially at night.

Not really a good explanation.
And who is to say there were no spotters..And given the terrain, the spotters could be anywhere overlooking from a hilltop etc...Actually in this terrain, mortars are the best short range attack option..
First, I am not anti Pakistan. I have many Pakistan friends who I treasure and look up all the while. Their mothers consider me just as theirs as my friends. And I am part of this diaspora in several countries. You will be surprised to know how great friends Indians and Pakistanis are and how easy and natural it is. Unlike the genetic dissertion that some members provide here.

Lol. You think I am going to believe that considering your rhetoric on nearly every issue about Pakistan. Come on you are a perfect example how you guys are polluted to be a bigot in your country.Anyways.

I do not. I cannot believe that 2 posts can be strafed and admitted support troops sent by PA and the boys were sleeping. I do not believe that the conflict was on for 2 hours and PA did not call in air support. If PA was innocent then there would have been escalation from the Pakistani side. Eithere these are all hollow noises and PA does not have any capability on the western front or PA just wanted to control a spiralling situation.

So it was just a pathetic assumption of events from you. Just because their was no support from PAF and it went for more than a hour you realized that they were chasing some terrorists. It could be because Pakistani military didn't want to escalate the situation out of their cowardice(higher command) and hence no action was taken against the aggressors. I would go with this part since we all know how pathetic and ***** boys of NATO are. They are known for being trigger happy for various reasons.

All this gives credibility to what Afghans say and that seems to be the most logical information currently.

It is how you are assuming things with all the hatred you guys are fed with against Pakistan. A more neutral look on the events might be different.

Lastly, I am not a bigot but I have nothing to prove to you and I will just let that one go as well.

Militarization of the SCO in 2012-2013

The cowardly attack on Pakistani soldiers will decisively strengthen the anti-US faction in Pakistan against the pro-US faction. A major deterioration of the relationship between Pakistan and the US due to the attack will likely lead China and Russia to agree to militarize the SCO in the next 1 or 2 years. China and Russia have been unable to agree on militarization for the past few years, but now many factor push toward militarization of the SCO:

1) In March 2012, China will be undergoing a leadership change. A pro-military, hardline leadership is coming to power in Beijing.

2) Russia has a serious conflict with the US over missile defense in Eastern Europe and Syria. Russia's biggest dream is to trap and wound the US in Afghanistan the same way the US trapped and wounded USSR in Afghanistan in 1980's.

3) The US is acting more and more aggressively around the world, like taking military action against Libya.

4) Popular unrest in the Middle East is destabilizing the whole region.

The most likely formula is to only let Pakistan into SCO, but not india (as Russia prefers but not China), because india wants to "remain neutral" but secretly favor USA against Russia / China.

Once the alliance members are decided, then the SCO can strangle supplies to Afghanistan and hand the US a devastating defeat. The US will try to attack Pakistan by air and sea to save its troops in Afghanistan but China and Russia can send military equipment and advisors to counter them. Within a few months, all the coalition troops Afghanistan should have surrendered to the Taliban.

So it's very likely we'll see a final military showdown between SCO (composing of China, Russian, Central Asian -stans and Pakistan) versus US military with Afghanistan, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and possibly even Syria or Iran as theaters of war.
Yes that will be a great idea cuz this is the only solution to the brutal evil/hegemony of the US/NATO invasion within the whole region....:smokin:
Pakistan is still suffering by the problem which is created by Ayub Khan in military and by this way Ayub Khan did everything for which Bangladeshi people are still struggling. We are also lacked about security. These feudal people are responsible for this fate of Pakistan. People should come forward to establish the right of the people. We are greatly shocked and sympathetic and we are in the same consequence which was initiated by collaborator Ayub Khan.
Lol. You think I am going to believe that considering your rhetoric on nearly every issue about Pakistan. Come on you are a perfect example how you guys are polluted to be a bigot in your country.Anyways.

Does it look like I care for what you think?

So it was just a pathetic assumption of events from you. Just because their was no support from PAF and it went for more than a hour you realized that they were chasing some terrorists. It could be because Pakistani military didn't want to escalate the situation out of their cowardice(higher command) and hence no action was taken against the aggressors. I would go with this part since we all know how pathetic and ***** boys of NATO are. They are known for being trigger happy for various reasons.

You choose to call them cowards for not showing up. I call them conniving for the same. It makes no difference to what happened and in no way disprove the fact that PAF was absent when the aerial engagement was on for hours. However what message goes to PA from this incident will make a difference to whether this will happen in future.

It is how you are assuming things with all the hatred you guys are fed with against Pakistan. A more neutral look on the events might be different.

Whatever makes you sleep better and it is off topic anyway.
It is all about leverages.. pakistan do not have much leverages against NATO. Don't let the flame died which is burning inside you, use this energy constructively to make Pakistan a economic powerhouse like Iran so that no one can mess with you. Short term solution may lead to mutual destruction.

The flame that the quaid lit in us will never die. Its only a matter of time. Russia which did not have supply problems were defeated in afghanistan. Americans lashing out and killing innocent pakistanis will not save them from their inevitable defeat in afghanistan. RIP our shaheeds. Sooner our leaders will have to bow to public opinion and cut links with american bastarxs
Militarization of the SCO in 2012-2013

The cowardly attack on Pakistani soldiers will decisively strengthen the anti-US faction in Pakistan against the pro-US faction. A major deterioration of the relationship between Pakistan and the US due to the attack will likely lead China and Russia to agree to militarize the SCO in the next 1 or 2 years. China and Russia have been unable to agree on militarization for the past few years, but now many factor push toward militarization of the SCO:

1) In March 2012, China will be undergoing a leadership change. A pro-military, hardline leadership is coming to power in Beijing.

2) Russia has a serious conflict with the US over missile defense in Eastern Europe and Syria. Russia's biggest dream is to trap and wound the US in Afghanistan the same way the US trapped and wounded USSR in Afghanistan in 1980's.

3) The US is acting more and more aggressively around the world, like taking military action against Libya.

4) Popular unrest in the Middle East is destabilizing the whole region.

The most likely formula is to only let Pakistan into SCO, but not india (as Russia prefers but not China), because india wants to "remain neutral" but secretly favor USA against Russia / China.

Once the alliance members are decided, then the SCO can strangle supplies to Afghanistan and hand the US a devastating defeat. The US will try to attack Pakistan by air and sea to save its troops in Afghanistan but China and Russia can send military equipment and advisors to counter them. Within a few months, all the coalition troops Afghanistan should have surrendered to the Taliban.

So it's very likely we'll see a final military showdown between SCO (composing of China, Russian, Central Asian -stans and Pakistan) versus US military with Afghanistan, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and possibly even Syria or Iran as theaters of war.
ammmm WW3?
The flame that the quaid lit in us will never die. Its only a matter of time. Russia which did not have supply problems were defeated in afghanistan. Americans lashing out and killing innocent pakistanis will not save them from their inevitable defeat in afghanistan. RIP our shaheeds. Sooner our leaders will have to bow to public opinion and cut links with american bastarxs

How can this naive assertion of beating USSR still be holding valid? Was the misinformation so effectively imbibed. Smell the coffee, it is not called Charlie's war for nothing.

The only trump that Pakistan is currently holding is the supply route. Just hope that it does not outlive its importance - whatever little is left.
the one in bold is the key question, considering

1. there were 2 attacks
2. The radars should have been tracking NATO helis much before they crossed the border

Because any Radar controller or ATC would tell you that helicopters flying very low, as possibly in this case, are virtually impossible to track, unless the radar is placed in every valley.
How can this naive assertion of beating USSR still be holding valid? Was the misinformation so effectively imbibed. Smell the coffee, it is not called Charlie's war for nothing.

The only trump that Pakistan is currently holding is the supply route. Just hope that it does not outlive its importance - whatever little is left.

It is accepted even in the west that nato and america are on a losing wicket in afghanistan. The only people in the world that think otherwise is indians who hope america will assist them against china etc. Anyway if you want to talk about these topics go to other threads. We are hurt by the loss of innocent lives and we dont need indians (on the whole our enemies) to tell us there is little we can do about these barbaric and unjust actions of whites in our neighbourhood,
Does it look like I care for what you think?

I know.

You choose to call them cowards for not showing up. I call them conniving for the same.

Since you are an Indian. So......

It makes no difference to what happened and in no way disprove the fact that PAF was absent when the aerial engagement was on for hours.

Since when did I deny that PAF was absent. And I stated the most possible reason as well.

However what message goes to PA from this incident will make a difference to whether this will happen in future.

This assumption seems to be based on that flawed assumption that they were indeed chasing terrorists. Hence flawed.

However what message goes to PA from this incident will make a difference to whether this will happen in future.

Again I know. Was just telling you the reason that why you derived that conclusion.
Clearly this is an emotional thread and has obviously riled several peoples nerves. One has to focus on the facts and these are 28 Pakistani soldiers have been killed in an unprovoked attack. Why the heck we have had so many off topic things brought up is as far as im concerned disrespectful. We can speculate on what course of action Pakistan will take and the repecussions of such action etc but please lets attempt to respect all. Not the right thread to troll or gain browny points for personal agendas.
I believe our nation has been shocked and outraged at this and will demand a vigorous response.
Pakistan should not fear sanctions and must remember how sanctions in the 1990s effected our economy - it helped us and sanctions helped pull our fingers out. Cheng is suggesting our nation should show caution as the US would pull their aid out. I say bring it on because their aid and charity has been one of the reasons why we have been suffering. Only people would be effectd would be our corrupto politicos as we never see the aid anyway.

It really saddens one, seeing the video of the funeral proceedings of the shaheed soldiers, in coffins , draped with Pakistani flags, and then being marched on, all the while 'aye watan kay jawano' being played on the background.

Even 16% or 18% is way too high, almost 1/6 of total budget is taken by armed forces.

About not using vehicles for personal purpose, are you serious? That will be awesome.
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