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Ajmal Kasab's Indian trial

Keeping apart the fun, i was wondering that i m also a Pakistani but never met anyone here with names like Ansari, Amir, Kasab etc etc.

Yet to see these casts.

Moreover the dude who was the best shooter, smartest of all and the one who used the knife got caught, all other dumb a**s got killed, hmmm, probably they deserved it, survival of the fittest you know!

i have yet to see anyone, may it be a civilian or a fauji to call any General Officer as a Maj General, yes senior officers do call youngsters as 'hey Major' or 'yes Captain', but this maj gen and then Sahab is something unique.

Isn't it a bit lengthy to pronounce?

A code name would have done the job, only if sense had prevailed, but alas!
Usually, in militant organisations, people use the kuniya system. That is, code names like Abu Ayub, Abu Omar, etc.

My question is, are the Pakistani Generals and the former leader of an organisation so stupid, as to be seen to go to such camps, hand out weapons, and give these nobodies personal tutorial sessions?

This is beyond belief, and less convincing than most Bollywood fantasies.
There was an article on the detective that lead the Indian investigation in Times Online. The man was quite forthright in stating that his ultimate goal was to prove that the Pakistani State was involved (in his own words, IIRC).

If you start off with a presumption of guilt, a predetermined result and a goal to prove X, I have to wonder how credible the investigation could have been and whether he should have in fact been removed.
I've not met a kasab/qasab mysself, and after lengthy debate, we thought it must refer to Qasai...a Qasai is also known as a Qasab...Butcher. How many people have that surname I do not know, but I guess somebody does.

Ansari is quite common in Bharat, but not so much in Pakistan.
We have US intelligence officials and reporters crawling all over Pakistan, and a Major General decides to visit a terrorist training camp, has himself introduced (introduces himself) and analyzes the preparations of a major terrorist attack?

Yeah. :crazy:
i bet that Baitul Mujahid which they call it would be one of our cantonments, and the General officer would have come there in uniform with his glittery pips and his 2 star jeep which must have the divisional command flag hoisted over at the front.

i am afraid that they might show Kasab all our Divisional Signs and he might recognize the one on that flag thereby pin pointing the training camp!
For fear of being ridiculed as a conspiracy theorist (theorising that two or more people plan in secret something to the detriment of others), could this have been a false flag operation, and Ajmal Qasab planted at the scene?

Or all the real terrorists actually killed, and again him planted at the scene?

Has anyone listened to the telephoen conversation shown on the indian news channel when a terrorist phones in during the mumbai operation?

Or the telephone transcript and conversation between the terrorists and their handlers in 'Pakistan'...Grenade phenko....jaldi phenko...neeche nahin, upar phenkoo...

Just listening to that crap makes me wonder, what the hell was happening there.
For fear of being ridiculed as a conspiracy theorist (theorising that two or more people plan in secret something to the detriment of others), could this have been a false flag operation, and Ajmal Qasab planted at the scene?

Or all the real terrorists actually killed, and again him planted at the scene?

Has anyone listened to the telephoen conversation shown on the indian news channel when a terrorist phones in during the mumbai operation?

Or the telephone transcript and conversation between the terrorists and their handlers in 'Pakistan'...Grenade phenko....jaldi phenko...neeche nahin, upar phenkoo...

Just listening to that crap makes me wonder, what the hell was happening there.

Don't say this please, you will hurt th feelings of the family of that soldier due to whose death (probably due to his quarrel with Kasab probably or did he take a burst of fire and others overpowered Kasab) Mr Kasab was caught ALIVE.

And provide the link to the transcript please.
listen to the muddh biddhh guy..shanti guy...prasaashan guy....i did i disection of this whole interview in a previous thread a couple of months ago...pure East PUnjab accent.

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just found the transcripts...and i'm pasting the complete dossier that the Bhartis made...What a joke....i bet if a couple of us get our minds to it, we can refute this dossier....my God...

The Hindu : Mumbai Terror attacks - Dossier of evidence

The terrorist cannot even write proper urdu, with grammatic mistakes and the handwriting of a child, yet in the same page he is writing in devangiri script...how can that be possible...how many illeducated pakistanis can read and write devangiri Hindi? Hell, how many educated ones can?

On the dossier it says Hindi translation...yeah right...lolz...with the same penpoint size, same style of writing, and what looks to me as the same piece of paper....

And the terrorists gun, with Peshawar engraved on it...lolz....

Everyone, pls read dossier no.2, from page 31 (the pdf document page no.)...the telephone conversations are hillarious...he's actually been talking to major general sahab, while in mumbai....lolz
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i'm laughing unctrollably...have u ever heard of Pak washing powder? and Pak Pickle?...Why do the militants choose every item and article with teh word PAK on it, on a suicide mission to Bharat?

Do they want to get their country in troube on purpose? why PAK detergent powder? this is not eve a well known detergetn powder....did they take it with them because it is cheap, or it washes clothes better than all the other powders?

I caught another lie on the dossier...It says, the milk paks are nestle milk powder packets...That is completely wrong...It is obviously a milk container, with real milk, not powder...Even observing the carton would give you the idea, as we all know what mlik containers in europe look like. And I've been drinking milkpak since i was a kid, and there was no powdered version of it...it is supposed to be fresh milk. And it says, TAaza on the cover...lolz...

It even sayd Standardised U.H.T milk...which means, long life milk..not powder...lol..i just noticed this...

Jhoot ki inteha. par jhoot bhi bonay kay liye aqal chahiye

It's amazing, looking at the nationalism of these militants...They managed to find every item, with a made in Pakistan label on it...lolz...thats a mean feat....since most things in pakistan do not have made in pakistan labels, many in fact claim to have been made in europe, usa even bangkok..when they are in fact local...
MUMBAI -- Mohammed Ajmal Kasab, the only gunman captured alive in the Mumbai terror attacks, said on the first day of arguments at his trial that he was only 17 years old, while Indian government prosecutors suggested Pakistani officials could have been involved in the assaults.

Mr. Kasab's lawyer, Abbas Kazmi, requested that Mr. Kasab be tried in a juvenile court. He said Mr. Kasab didn't know his exact date of birth, but he knew that he was 17 years old now and at the time of the November attacks "had not reached the age of 17."

The criminal court judge M.L. Tahiliyani rejected the request, noting Mr. Kasab had said he was 21 years old in earlier confessions and doesn't look like a teenager.

Late in the trial Friday, Mr. Kasab's lawyer asked that those confessions be rejected as evidence, claiming Mr. Kasab had been tortured. The judge said he would rule on this request later.

Mr. Kasab is charged with 12 crimes, including murder and waging war against India, and could face the death penalty. He is accused of being one of 10 men who killed more than 160 people in a rampage in late November that brought India's financial capital to its knees. Nine terrorists were also killed.

In his opening statement, prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam focused on evidence suggesting that military officials in Pakistan could have been involved in the planning and training for the attack, a claim Pakistan has denied.

Mr. Nikam quoted from one of Mr. Kasab's confessions that talked about a trainer known as "Major General" who was greeted with a military salute. Mr. Kasab couldn't say why the man had a military title, however.

Mr. Nikam also pointed to an email account used by the suspected planners of the attacks that could be traced to a person at a military-backed phone company in Pakistan. He also said the terrorists' training was so sophisticated, with lessons on how to use guns and bombs and how to tail someone, it suggested professionals were involved.

The terrorists were told to kill American, British and Israeli tourists but spare Muslims when they could, Mr. Nikam said. They were assured that the attacks were part of a bigger plan to free the disputed territories of Jammu and Kashmir, to which both India and Pakistan lay claim. "The ultimate aim was to capture the state of Jammu and Kashmir, which is part and parcel of India," Mr. Nikam said.

After saying "Good morning sir," to the judge in English, Mr. Kasab was silent for the rest of the hearing.

Mumbai Terror Suspect Now Says He Is Only 17 - WSJ.com
:lol::lol::lol: man o man o man ! in one thread i had told the case is going to be dragesdfor a min of 10 - 15 years. This is how slow the Judiciary system of India is, punishment are given but its too late for that to happen which is a sadful thing :tsk:.
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