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Ajmal Kasab's Indian trial

Ajmal Kasab kidnapped by Indian agencies from Nepal - GEO.tv

staying on the conspiracy....i think this is true a guy from Nepal get's abducted and taken to india...u take his DNA sample and u make an indian guy AMAR SINGH(I KNOW FATEH 71 WILL LOVE THIS ONE) go around on a shooting spree...they catch him without a fight without injuring him severly....and the people who catch him also don't show any anger towards him like kick him around mess up his face....and ofcourse u have a case on ur hand....

anyhow on a serious and FACTUAL NOTE.... there r two kind of UNDERCOVER special unit operations that are conducted by any ARMY....

In-Area special operations (IASO) and Out-of-Area Special Operations (OASO). In the former, the identity of the teams as such is known to both sides and neither side denies it. In the latter case, there is a chance of avoiding declaring the presence of one's teams by using local weapons, clothing and tactics. There is a subtle difference between the two, and that difference is what separates the IASO from OASO.

So basically when u croos into enemy territory you never carry things that can reveal your identity....and when the INDIANS said that they killed pakistan army officers in KARGIL carrying pakistani items with them i thought and country would have learnt to be wise next time around but oh well...what can we say the media is on the INDIAN side....
Ajmal Kasab's capture shot by a civilian from him home. They DO kick him. looks totally staged. Even the death of the policeman in front of all these people.

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listen to the muddh biddhh guy..shanti guy...prasaashan guy....i did i disection of this whole interview in a previous thread a couple of months ago...pure East PUnjab accent.

QhO6rynb1C8[/media] - Terrorist calling himself Imran Babar speaks to India tv1.flv

You must have also noticed the pronunciation like Dindagi (zindagi), Bharat Sarkar and khoon ki holi, i don't know why would a Pakistani call the indian govt as bharat sarkar, a phrase that is very commonly used in india to refer to the india govt.

A quick question:
Have anyone heard any Pakistani media, person, even a psycho etc etc ever referring to the Pakistani govt as Pakistani sarkar??

Khoon ki holi, lolzz the famous dialogue, Pakistani Muslims don't celebrate holi, i have certain hindu friends who definetly celebrate this event, but they usually don't talk like this as they were born here and don't know anything of the indian dialect.
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What I feel its all Indian Drama, Which they always play in their movies etc.

Tell you Indian guys, Here in Pakistan no body is intrested in Kasab or about his trials etc. Even we feel that its a puppet show to make Pakistan notorious......but u see no body cares. Even world is with us.
just found the transcripts...and i'm pasting the complete dossier that the Bhartis made...What a joke....i bet if a couple of us get our minds to it, we can refute this dossier....my God...

The Hindu : Mumbai Terror attacks - Dossier of evidence

The terrorist cannot even write proper urdu, with grammatic mistakes and the handwriting of a child, yet in the same page he is writing in devangiri script...how can that be possible...how many illeducated pakistanis can read and write devangiri Hindi? Hell, how many educated ones can?

On the dossier it says Hindi translation...yeah right...lolz...with the same penpoint size, same style of writing, and what looks to me as the same piece of paper....

And the terrorists gun, with Peshawar engraved on it...lolz....

Everyone, pls read dossier no.2, from page 31 (the pdf document page no.)...the telephone conversations are hillarious...he's actually been talking to major general sahab, while in mumbai....lolz

The hindi translation is by indian authorities for their own reference, hence the note - Hindi Translation. And does not have to be the original piece of paper, should be a copy. why do u think its written by the terrorists? first in urdu and then in hindi?

I think 'general sahab' could be a nick name or a retired one. we know that is not impossible if u've heard hamid gul talk?

abt the other 'made in pakistan' stuff, don't look at it in isolation. its part of body of evidence. this is how police investigations are carried out, yes even in pakistan. in isolation means nothing, but forms the greater body of evidence.

i think u r right, the liquid milk is quoted as powdered milk (unless there was also powdered milk), surely in the court docs they'll improve it otherwise the defence lawyer will use it.

and if the punjabi is 'east punjab' punjabi then why are they claiming to be from 'deccan hyderabad', why not simply pakistan? yes there's a deliberate effort to use hindi words, something hyderabadi muslims dont do :)
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If his trail goes in this way, Who knows probably he would be released!!!
May be not now may be after 20 years.
You must have also noticed the pronunciation like Dindagi (zindagi), Bharat Sarkar and khoon ki holi, i don't know why would a Pakistani call the indian govt as bharat sarkar, a phrase that is very commonly used in india to refer to the india govt.

A quick question:
Have anyone heard any Pakistani media, person, even a psycho etc etc ever referring to the Pakistani govt as Pakistani sarkar??

Khoon ki holi, lolzz the famous dialogue, Pakistani Muslims don't celebrate holi, i have certain hindu friends who definetly celebrate this event, but they usually don't talk like this as they were born here and don't know anything of the indian dialect.

Quick answer, they are deliberately using hindi words because they are claiming to be from india (one problem, hyderabadi muslims don't use hindi words but urdu, and deccani urdu sounds soooo different).
Quick answer, they are deliberately using hindi words because they are claiming to be from india (one problem, hyderabadi muslims don't use hindi words but urdu, and deccani urdu sounds soooo different).

If that be the case, why were they 'genuinely' using certain words which we don;t normally use.

i never knew the Pakistanis use a 'male' pro-noun for mosque.

And such a cool terrorist, it seemed as if he was talking and boasting to his gf.

One month of training did give them strong nerves and mental robustness.
If that be the case, why were they 'genuinely' using certain words which we don;t normally use.

i never knew the Pakistanis use a 'male' pro-noun for mosque.

And such a cool terrorist, it seemed as if he was talking and boasting to his gf.

One month of training did give them strong nerves and mental robustness.

They are also using words we don't normally use. they are faking it, not engaging in conversation but just ranting on and on, surely you don't think their 'urdu' is hyderabadi now do u?

rest of your post is innuendo.

MUMBAI (April 18 2009): The trial of the man police say is the only surviving gunman in the bloody Mumbai siege began on Friday, with the prosecutor calling the assault a conspiracy "hatched in Pakistan to attack India" and the defence attorney saying his client had been tortured while in custody.

Special public prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam said the sophistication of the operation suggested the involvement of "intelligence professionals" from Pakistan. Investigations are still ongoing to determine the scope of Pakistani involvement in the attack, which killed 166 and injured 304, he said. Nikam maintains the attacks were masterminded by Lashkar-e-Taiba.

"There was a criminal conspiracy hatched in Pakistan to attack India," Nikam said, with the "ultimate target of capturing Jammu and Kashmir, which is part and parcel of India." Nikam said one suspected accomplice, identified as Colonel R. Saadat Ullah in court papers, works for an organisation run by the Pakistani army under the aegis of Pakistan's Ministry of Information.

Ullah, he said, accessed an e-mail account the terrorists used to set up a crucial Internet phone connection. He said the plot was made possible by a ``strategic terrorist culture' that had taken root in Pakistan. Pakistani officials have acknowledged that the November attacks were partly plotted on their soil and announced criminal proceedings against eight suspects.

They have also acknowledged that defendant Mohammed Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani but have repeatedly denied their intelligence agencies were involved in the attack. Kasab have been charged with 12 criminal counts, including murder and waging war against India. If convicted, all could face death by hanging, Nikam said.

In court, Nikam read excerpts of a confession Kasab made to an Indian magistrate in February that details his alleged terror training in Pakistan. Kasab's lawyer, Abbas Kazmi, asked the court to disregard the confession, saying his client had been tortured while in police custody. Kazmi, who was appointed to defend Kasab on Thursday, said the confession had been "extracted out of coercion and force. It was not a voluntary statement. He was physically tortured during custody."

He added that Kasab told him he wants the trial to proceed but has yet to enter a formal plea of guilt or innocence. Nikam, the prosecutor, said he hopes the case will be finished in six months _ which would be extremely fast by the standards of major Indian trials. His last big case _ the trial for India's deadliest terror attack, the 1993 Mumbai bombings that killed 257 people _ took 14 years to complete.
They are also using words we don't normally use.

Care to quote a few?

And if they have used those words which you normally don't use, what does it imply? Aren't they (or the planted to be precise) deliberately using those words to show that he is a Pakistani? Though e claimed to be an indian, but you know why would he narrated the truth?

i wonder if he has also given his home address and phone number.
Fantastic. Nice open media trial for Kasab to make all manner of accusations, and for Indian officials to bumble and bluster along while utterly embarassing themselves in front of the world.

Sometimes one feels that a nice quick execution via firing squad is needed for such people. This man was after all captured in the act of waging war against the Indian state on the behalf of an enemy state.
Care to quote a few?

And if they have used those words which you normally don't use, what does it imply? Aren't they (or the planted to be precise) deliberately using those words to show that he is a Pakistani? Though e claimed to be an indian, but you know why would he narrated the truth?

i wonder if he has also given his home address and phone number.

This has been posted before - words like 'chutti karega' etc - its absolutely not used in hyderabad. their accents are not even 5% hyderabadi, they are heavy.

Sir, and he's using words like prashasan (parshasan actually) etc and saying he belongs to 'dakkan' hyderabad - what does that mean? that he's trying to show he's from pakistan? see he's using hindi words, but his accent and usage (chutti kar dega - when he speaks in threatening conversation, but he uses hindi when he's saying his memorised piece) totally give away he's lying.

The tv host should have asked him who's the CM of Andhra Pradesh :) but he was refusing to engage in conversation anyways.

he's claimng to be from 'dekkan hyderabad' why would he give his address and phone number in pakistan? was that a serious question?
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That's why I said the accent is East PUnjabi. They've obviously got an EAst/Punjabi..i.e. Bharati Punjabi to try to pose as a Pakistani terrorist claiming to be a deccani mujahid.

The clumsy attempt at using Hindi words is not an attempt, it is a function of the fact that the guy's urdu was not very good. Of course, the Bharatiyas could nto have used someone from U.P, as then they could not accuse the terorirsts of being Pakistan PUnjabis.

So they had to use a Punjabi, who could not stop himself from using words such as mudh bidh, prasaashan, etc. I know enough about Punjabi accents to know that this guy's punjabi accent is not to be found in Pakistan.
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