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Thats a quote from the link i provided above and it does coincides with your post. The super-10 stems from the j-10 project.

"It is also reported a more advanced version is under development. The new J-10 version is reportedly called the Super-10, and has a more powerful engine (possibly the improved AL-31FN M1), thrust-vector control, stronger airframe and passive phased-array radar.
A Two seater J-10 looks more advanced and looks like it has been fine tuned aerodynamically.

However i think we should wait on J-10, bcoz as chinese are continiously working on J-10 to upgrade it in terms of aerodynamics, engine and systems.

So ordering J-10 now is of no benefit, wait for 2-3 years so we can see a final development of J-10.

An currently there is no Wstern radar option available to PAF.

I think we should be concentraing fully on developing JF-17 with French Radar and MICA missiles.

PAF hasgot enough on its plate till 2011. We need not be in a hurry and concentrate on developing Thunder and inducting F16s and the refuelers and Erieye. Once this is done PAF can look forward to inducting J10.By that token a contract in 2010 seems likely giving a lead time of 36 months prior to J10s induction
Here are the main points covered in the interview.
1) By 2015, PAF will comprise 240 JF-17, 60 F-16's, 40 FC-20's (PAF version of J-10), 50 F-7PG's, 4 SAAB Erieye, 4 ZDK-03 (PAF version of Y-8), 4 IL-78 Midas

Why didn't he mentioned upgraded Mirage 3/5?

They were upgraded at same time as F7pg's were bought.
Here are the main points covered in the interview.
1) By 2015, PAF will comprise 240 JF-17, 60 F-16's, 40 FC-20's (PAF version of J-10), 50 F-7PG's, 4 SAAB Erieye, 4 ZDK-03 (PAF version of Y-8), 4 IL-78 Midas

Why didn't he mentioned upgraded Mirage 3/5?

They were upgraded at same time as F7pg's were bought.

whats your point - maybe he wasnt asked!
whats your point - maybe he wasnt asked!

I meant to say that,as ACM pointed out potential lineup of PAF planes in 2015. He didn't mentioned Upgraded Mirage 3/5 aircrfts that were upgraded at same times as F7 pg's were bought.

Does this means that these ROSE 1,2,3, Mirages will be phased out by that time?
I highly doubt it. I dont think they are in PAF's long term plans but we will probably still keep them in our fleet to give pilots some good combat flying experiance before going on to F-16/JF-17/FC-20.
are u expecting chinese sanctions?
western systems/hardware is available still (france, UK) but the cost are extremely prohibitive. 1 sqdn of rafale's could cost US 2 billion! including support and logistics.

I am not expecting anything for now, but one should learn from the history and should not make the same mistake twice. Also i agree that more squadrons of J-10 can be inducted as compared to Rafale but then again we do not need numbers, we need quality.
I meant to say that,as ACM pointed out potential lineup of PAF planes in 2015. He didn't mentioned Upgraded Mirage 3/5 aircrfts that were upgraded at same times as F7 pg's were bought.

Does this means that these ROSE 1,2,3, Mirages will be phased out by that time?

i am guessing that the night-strike mirages may linger on for a few years (2 sqdns max)
I am not expecting anything for now, but one should learn from the history and should not make the same mistake twice. Also i agree that more squadrons of J-10 can be inducted as compared to Rafale but then again we do not need numbers, we need quality.

well the a/c upgrade market is going to be very important for 3rd world airforces. maybe PAF would buy older block 4th gen a/c if they are made available and upgrade them to new standards (ala F-16s) and try to save some money.
i agree we should be cognizant of our history.
thx mate!
Source Pakistanidefence but dont know the credibility of this Q&A it was posted without links..

Pakistan Air Force Marshal Tanvir Mahmood Ahmed, commander of the interview was recorded.

Q: Since March 2006 successor, you most satisfied with what is »

A: The most satisfied with the leadership of a conductor is the world's most outstanding Air Force.In addition, see the gradual completion of Pakistan Air Force plans to update, to make it a powerful force, is also very satisfactory.This will help Pakistan carry forward their glorious traditions of the Air Force, the air to defend the Pakistan border. I earnestly wish to make major changes to meet the requirements of the 21st century, and led the Pakistan Air Force master of all professional and technical.

Q: Do you think that by the year 2015, Pakistan Air Force aircraft will be driving what »

Answer: by the year 2015, Pakistan Air Force will have 240 JF-17 (that is, Xiaolong fighters), 60 F-16, 40FC-20 (that is J-10) and 50 F-7PG, plus air refueling and AWACS Machine.

Q: At present the number of new aircraft orders, are what models »

A: We have 150 JF-17, 32 F-16, 4 erieyes" AWACS and refueling planes, four Il--78

Q: Do you have decided to buy FC-20? In 2006 in an interview with you, you said that procurement decisions "will soon be made."

A: Yes, we agreed in principle to purchase from China's FC-20 aircraft. Contract may be finalized later this year. We like the big platform for the plane, its nose cone can accommodate large radar, can see very far, but also linked to point to many linked to weapons - so Zaidan Liang also big. We also want a pro-active phased array radar but has not yet decided whether to buy.We have not yet signed the purchase contract FC-20, because our budget to take into account the next 15-20 years, I can not spend money!

We still have some time, so we do not hurry to establish the configuration. However, active phased array radar is a good choice.We need two squadrons (36) and two-seat, single-seat aircraft. Because of budgetary constraints, we can not sign the contract this fiscal year.We still have 12 months to decide on the allocation of all, including radar, and so on. There is no intention to shape the fuel tank, which contained much oil, but also air refueling capacity.

Q: F-16 MLU plan to upgrade the old F-16 fleet?

A: The existing F-16 MLU has begun upgrading, the first batch of four has been in the United States to accept the transformation. Programme will continue until all the A / B models have been completed the MLU upgrade.

Q: Which Squadren will the F-16C/D be at and where would they be based?

A: Our F-16C/D block 52 batch will be equipped with Shahbaz base, replace the existing Mirage aircraft to intercept air defense task commitment.Shahbaz have the necessary facilities. Is currently working with the U.S. authorities to determine the ultimate improvement measures to ensure that the F-16 related facilities in line with the U.S. Defense Cooperation Bureau (DSCA) requirements.

Q: JF-17 test flights, including the second phase of what ?

Answer: JF-17 the second phase of testing and evaluation of major weapons, including the evaluation and testing.

Q: The first JF-17 squadron when the establishment, which is the squadron?

A: The first JF-17 squadron will be established in 2009 in Peshawar, is currently promoting a comprehensive plan to ensure a smooth conversion.JF-17 marks to replace the A-5III (that is, strong-5) which we have began retiring.Squadron first modification, then 16 squadrons.

Q: Do you decide the second batch of 50 aircraft avionics Will there be active phased array (PD or AESA radar)?

A: The aircraft has been made with the various final decision.But we are yet to decide on manufacturers and models. Active phased array radar has not yet made a final decision.

Q: Can you provide us with the JF-17 delivery schedule ?

Answer: JF-17 delivery has already begun.With the AMF (Air Craft Manufacturing) assembly completion of the facility, will also accelerate the speed of delivery. Estimated annual delivery will be 25-30 planes, until the 2015 TAC End.

Q: 150 JF-17 aircraft will be equipped with how many number of squadrons?

Answer: will be equipped with 7 to 8 squadron.

Q: first-Saab -2000 radar Erieyes what details can you give?

Answer: Pakistan attaches great importance to its air force to defend the national airspace of the traditional tasks.In addition, we also need to defend our territory, economic interests, and should the local area as the development of the situation. We give priority to buy based on the ability of modern technology. Therefore, the Pakistan Air Force to buy the AEW & C aircraft to enhance existing air defense capabilities. The platform will work with our existing fleet, coastal and land-based defense cross-linked/inter-linked network, providing early warning capabilities.This will help the region's peace and stability.

Q: Can to you tell us the delivery timetable?

A: The first-Saab will be in the second half of 2009, and the remaining will be delived with in 2 years End.

Q: Pakistan Air Force to consider whether the priority network-centric warfare »

A: The Pakistan Air Force network-centric warfare is that the future of aerial combat.For the effective deployment of air power, the need for continuous, robust and encrypted data communications.We understand the needs of the future, we will gradually achieve network-centric warfare capabilities. In addition to the integrated battle space images, also aims to shorten sensor - the delay between the striker.

Q: The Chinese AWACS progress of the procurement plan ?

A: The Chinese AWACS can reach the Pakistan Air Force aerial reconnaissance and related mission requirements.China's aircraft operations and technology has entered the final stage of negotiations, the contract is expected soon. We have completed our study, and proposed a long list of improvements. Eventually we will get close to the ability of the Air Force procurement requirements. China has studied our proposals, and from here we have a lot of feedback.

We have defined a lot of technical requirements - such as aircraft internal enviourment, we require improvement. We should improve the internal renovation, the pilot's comfort level must be improved (he has to 7-9 hours-day mission). Aircraft models is ZDK-03, at the top of a rotating disk rather than the balance beam. We need four aircraft, we would love them to be commonly configured with other systems including the Erieye. They would be used to monitor Pakistans airspace which is entirely defensive in nature.

China's ZDK-03 aircraft will be cross-linked with Chinese planes,Erieyes and other Western aircraft will also be data-linked to one another, but at present there are no planes to data-link the Mirages.

Q: When will the new F-16's arrive and when will rest of the F-16 fleet be MLUed and delivered. These are the core of the force,how will the F-16 refuel?

F-16's will be delivered starting in 2009. Air refueling will increase the combat capability of Pakistan Air Force, and to enhance flight operations. These tankers will be for all non-Western refueling aircraft, including Mirage, until they are retired. F-16 refueling option is a KC-135, but this depends on whether there are goods, whether the United States will sell.

Q: By 2015 you will estimate the number of combat squadrons to be?

A: The estimated number of the same with remain the same as the existing squadrons. However, through the purchase of high-tech aircraft and force multiplier, the combat capability will be strengthened.

Q: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is in Pakistan Air Force has played an important role ?

Answer: UAV is an effective force multiplier, in future wars have their needs.Pakistan Air Force is quick and to strengthen capacity in this area.Pakistan Air Force is currently operating the Falco, Bravo +, as well as several other smaller models.

Q: How many squadrons flying UAV, which is the squadron ?

A: The Pakistan Air Force currently has two squadrons which are modified, and Mushaf base in Peshawar is oprating them. With the introduction of the new machines there will be more coming, we intend to have 5 to 6 squadrons.

Q: Can you sum up the Pakistan Air Force to its relations with China ?

Answer: Pakistan believes that China is the most trustworthy, reliable and tested friend. China is always happy to help Pakistan. Is of strategic significance of the major projects, such as the Gwadar port, JF-17 joint development projects and nuclear power generation projects, are witness to the great friendship.China is Pakistan Air Force to provide assistance to enhance the combat capability of this from the Pakistan Air Force has various types of equipment which is Chinese and can be seen. Because of its good reputation, China in particular, Pakistan and Pakistan Air Force weapons procurement programme occupies a special place.
Was the interview take by some Chinese source or something? Most the answers have already been given by ACM, actually almost all of them have been.

About KC-135. If we have to get them then PAF should start on it now. 2012 is when the last F-16s are delivered & if we start working on KC-135 from thereon then we'll get them in like 2017 unless we are buying phased out or 2nd hand planes (which is most likely & I believe ACM acknowledged it also). Never the less, with the CFTs the F-16 will already have a good 'Radius of Return' & how fat do we really have to go. Few thousand miles across the Eastern Border & few hundred miles across the Western border? For some reasons (mainly economization of PAF & relations with US) may not see KC-135 .
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looks like someone has done a good plagarism job!

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