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A year for the First Flotilla to Gaza: Turkey was found Guilty by UN

Because it will not have nutheads going to Gaza armed with metal rods and sticks to distribute expired medicines to create a facade of helping the Gazans while Israel itself inspite of the blockade provides them with all necessary things.

And especially this is important when you have certain madmen in the region who will arm the terrorists so that they can attack civilians in Israel.

Duh, let them give justice to the Kurds first. Then they can concentrate on Palestinians. It the Arabs and the Turks recently who are screwing the Palestinians in the name of helping them for their own selfish goals.

If not for the external actors the Israeli-Palestinian issue would have been solved long back to mutual satisfaction.

The day the Arabs in particular and the Muslim countries in general stop screwing around us in the name of Kashmir expect a more balanced approach. Till then Israel scratches our back, we scratch theirs. Nothing personal just business.

first of all shut up or talk with some sense.

it's like your trying to say that it is the turkish army and the turkish nation that sendt them there, no! a idiotic organization that just wants to destroy the friendship between israel and turkey!

we have given more rights to kurds than what we gave them 20 years ago, dont come here and talk without knowing anything! and dont you dare say the turks! because not every turk is all happy about this, like me! i dont want turkey and israel to be enemies or whatever you want, i want friendship. and especially with a country like israel!
The Palestinians can elect who they like, but Israel is no oblige to negotiate with a terror organisation which call for its destruction. What we negotiate about? When Hamas destroy our country?

You never answered my question, in fact you are contradicting your self. Why should the Palestinians Negotiate with the Israeli's when your Nation was founded on the principles of a terrorists group. Look at statistics more Palestinians are dying than the Israelis, your excuse of them attacking your nation and destroying the Jewish people has gotten rather boring and repetitive as the World will slowly realise, that you can't use the suffering of your forefathers as a excuse to expand your political power in the region.
First of all Mr grounder I don't complain about my ancestors and how they were treated, some odd 60 years ago, the Israeli's in this instance are very famous and take it to another level, quite sickening one can imagine, and there forefathers must be rolling in there graves at the genocide that is conducted by there decendents.

First of all those miniorities who insult the Prophet are punished by law, and second Pakistani's don't claim to be Democratic, the Israeli's do, so they should in course follow the manual of democracy. And furthermore in another Thread your fellow countrymen have a problem of conversions, so I think you should focus on that rather than bringing in Pakistan.

You admit that Pakistan is not a democracy and non-Muslims should be punished under its laws, and you are OK with it. However, you judge Israel in a more severe manner than your own country. Why you criticise Israel more than your own country? Why Pakistan can hurt human rights but not Israel? And you still got the nerve to speak about hypocrisy?!

All this nonsense about genocide - you do not even know what it means. Pakistan's security forces killed more of their own people than Israel ever hurt the Palestinians. And overwhelming majority of them were hurt indirectly because they are being regularly used as human shields by the coward terrorists of Hamas and PLO.
All the holy places are open in Israel for all religions, and Israel preserve the rights of all believers to have access to their sacred temples.

What a fallacious statement, if that is the case then why is the Jewish community building tunnels underground pointing to the direction of the Al Aqsa Mosque, are you trying to mock the Muslims. So your statement of Israel giving rights is BS at its finest. Yes the Government does give rights however mostly to jews.
Palestinians who are Israeli citizens have more political rights than Pakistanis who could not elect their government half of the time since Pakistan's independence. The Israeli Palestinians can vote and have their own representatives in Parliament since 1949!

Wow is that the best you can come up with....news flash I don't believe in democracy in fact I think it is overrated, and is used as a means to further a Nations Political power in the region. Prime example is the United States. In addition at least my Nation does not force people into Ghetto's, and even more gruesome you haven't learnt nothing from Hitler who did the same to your ancestors. Claim to have democracy yet practice open Genocide...disgraceful.
Wow is that the best you can come up with....news flash I don't believe in democracy in fact I think it is overrated, and is used as a means to further a Nations Political power in the region. Prime example is the United States. In addition at least my Nation does not force people into Ghetto's, and even more gruesome you haven't learnt nothing from Hitler who did the same to your ancestors. Claim to have democracy yet practice open Genocide...disgraceful.
Palestine has better per capita income than Pakistan .
Stop telling ghettos in every sentence .
While Pakistan has largest slum on earth
You admit that Pakistan is not a democracy and non-Muslims should be punished under its laws, and you are OK with it.

I never said Pakistan is not a democracy, however I specifield that most Pakistani's don't believe in such a concept...thats fact. Furthermore People who reside in Pakistan must follow the law, whether he is Muslim, Christian or a Jew. But if you read some of the Statistics you would see that wajib-ul-Qatls has affected more Muslims than Non Muslims. But we are getting side tracked. Point is do you except the fact that you have forced the Palestinians into a ghetto.
You never answered my question, in fact you are contradicting your self. Why should the Palestinians Negotiate with the Israeli's when your Nation was founded on the principles of a terrorists group. Look at statistics more Palestinians are dying than the Israelis, your excuse of them attacking your nation and destroying the Jewish people has gotten rather boring and repetitive as the World will slowly realise, that you can't use the suffering of your forefathers as a excuse to expand your political power in the region.

Israel is the Jewish historic homeland, regardless of the Holocaust. Jews lived in the land of Israel since the days of the Bible and during the Roman Empire and continued to live in this land for centuries. In late 19th century the Jews began to come back to an almost deserted land. So the Jews have the right for this land no less than the Arabs.

Israel is expanding its power because the Arabs and the Muslim countries are weak and fibble and cannot stop it, mainly because they are all rotten with authoritarian regimes.
However, you judge Israel in a more severe manner than your own country. Why you criticise Israel more than your own country? Why Pakistan can hurt human rights but not Israel? And you still got the nerve to speak about hypocrisy?!

Actually I do criticize my country so, don't make a persumptious statement, other wise you would look like a fool, but I am sure you are smart enough not to make the same mistake twice. Second your emotion is spilling upon the key board and you are becoming frustrated....the truth hurts, but you need to swallow it and move on. The Thread is about Isreal and the Flortilla if you wish to talk about Pakistan make another Thread.
I never said Pakistan is not a democracy, however I specifield that most Pakistani's don't believe in such a concept...thats fact. Furthermore People who reside in Pakistan must follow the law, whether he is Muslim, Christian or a Jew. But if you read some of the Statistics you would see that wajib-ul-Qatls has affected more Muslims than Non Muslims. But we are getting side tracked. Point is do you except the fact that you have forced the Palestinians into a ghetto.

You admit that your country treat its non-Muslims and some of the Muslim minorities (Ahmedis, etc.) as second class citizens. And you have complaints on Israel and how it treats its Muslims citizens? At least they have full political rights and they are not prosecuted or terrorised by the state.

As for Gaza, the responsibility for its population rest of Hamas which refuse to live in peace with Israel and publicly call for its destruction. Israel has the right to defend itself and treat this terror entity in Gaza as an hostile one. Hence, Israel is in a state of war with Gaza and does not owe Hamas anything.

However, although Hamas is a barbaric organisation which aspire to destroy Israel, Israel still provide it humanitarian aid, electricity and equipment. Would Pakistan provide this assistance to its arch-enemy, India, instead of demanding its surrender???
Palestine has better per capita income than Pakistan .
Stop telling ghettos in every sentence .
While Pakistan has largest slum on earth

How comical you watch too many Bollywood Movies, wasn't there a film made about the slums of India.....before you question Pakistan on the behalf of Israel, solve your poverty situation I heard, that you guys have more Poverty than Africa Combined, and a sanitation problem which is quiett legendary. But make another thread on it, you are side tracking the topic at hand.
All this nonsense about genocide - you do not even know what it means. Pakistan's security forces killed more of their own people than Israel ever hurt the Palestinians. And overwhelming majority of them were hurt indirectly because they are being regularly used as human shields by the coward terrorists of Hamas.

Its not nonsense....its fact. Just because your ancestors were killed in a Genocide does not make you an expert in the field. You have killed innocent Palestinians for decades and you have forced them to live in a ghetto style manner, have you no shame. We don't shove Ahmedis or Hindues in a Ghetto proof of that is go to Lahore and you will see how successful are the sikhs.
Its not nonsense....its fact. Just because your ancestors were killed in a Genocide does not make you an expert in the field. You have killed innocent Palestinians for decades and you have forced them to live in a ghetto style manner, have you no shame. We don't shove Ahmedis or Hindues in a Ghetto proof of that is go to Lahore and you will see how successful are the sikhs.

Show me any proof of any genocide and Ghettos.

Genocide= mass killing of civilian Palestinians (in tens of thousands at least) in order to exterminate them all.

Ghettos= small confined city quarters where people are locked with no food or water in an unimaginable density and soldiers watching the gates and the walls with machine guns and do not let anyone pass while exercising random killings and molesting of the population .

The Palestinians under PA have better life conditions than most of the Pakistanis!
Israel is the Jewish historic homeland, regardless of the Holocaust. Jews lived in the land of Israel since the days of the Bible and during the Roman Empire and continued to live in this land for centuries. In late 19th century the Jews began to come back to an almost deserted land. So the Jews have the right for this land no less than the Arabs.

That is not a good excuse, the Muslims have technically ruled the Holy Lands over 1000 years, and before that it was the Byzantine, Persians, Romans and the Selucid/Macedonian empire. You don't own nothing its God's Land. The Welsh have technically lived in England since the Beggining, however during the Saxon invasion most of them fled to Wales, you don't see them moaning that Wales should control England, and that it is the land of the Welsh.
You admit that your country treat its non-Muslims and some of the Muslim minorities (Ahmedis, etc.) as second class citizens. And you have complaints on Israel and how it treats its Muslims citizens? At least they have full political rights and they are not prosecuted or terrorised by the state.

Now Now...I never said that we treat them second class citizens...you need to try better. I just said that no one is above the law, and those who break it are punished by the law, regardless of his religion. What I did say though is harsh law such as wajib-ul-Qatls has effected more Muslims than Non Muslims, read the statistics in google. By the way your argument is void because I don't believe in democracy....so compare Pakistan to your country, because at least we are honest in what we represent.
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