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A year for the First Flotilla to Gaza: Turkey was found Guilty by UN

If we go by your analogy then the state of Israel should not exist as its foundation was based on a terrorists group, which targeted British troops. You claim that Israel is a rightious state, however what about the innocent Palestinians who are suffering on a daliy basis, due to the harsh policies of a Israeli Regime which has learnt nothing from the 2nd World War.

I think the Zionist movement was formed only when the British dilly dallied with their promise of creating a Jewish state and the Arabs sensing an opportunity attacked unilaterally.

The main reason the Palestinians are suffering is due to the ulterior motives of the Arab states who took the excuse of Palestine for their own political goals.

As I said leave those two alone and mind your own business. They can take care of themselves.
Duh, let them give justice to the Kurds first. Then they can concentrate on Palestinians. It the Arabs and the Turks recently who are screwing the Palestinians in the name of helping them for their own selfish goals.

If not for the external actors the Israeli-Palestinian issue would have been solved long back to mutual satisfaction.

First of all Turkish Citizens were killed on the Flotilla, so the Turkish Government has every right to demand justice. If we go by your logic then why is India meddling in Afghanistan, when clearly it should solve its issues in regards to Kashmir and the Naxalites....clearly you are being a hypocrite. Furthermore they have given justice to the Kurds in fact this Turkish government has epitomized this by allowing the Kurds to learn there own language, something which was not previously seen.
First of all Turkish Citizens were killed on the Flotilla, so the Turkish Government has every right to demand justice. If we go by your logic then why is India meddling in Afghanistan, when clearly it should solve its issues in regards to Kashmir and the Naxalites....clearly you are being a hypocrite.

Israelis did not come inside the Turkish waters to kill the people who were sipping chai in a beach side cafe. they came in violation of established laws, attacked the commandos with metal rods and got what they deserved. I am not sure what are you trying to say here.

Furthermore they have given justice to the Kurds in fact this Turkish government has epitomized this by allowing the Kurds to learn there own language, something which was not previously seen.

Wow, what a paragon of justice and equality !! :hitwall:. Allowing an ethnic group to learn its own language. I'm not sure it is allowed in anywhere else in the world.
Give me an example of one special right.

The fact that Muslims are given less access to holy sites in Israel, and the fact that Israel is a Jewish State, hence it conforms to Jewish Beliefs and Ideas.

The Palestinians who are Israeli citizens have more rights the the people of Pakistan!

Please don't make such a statement, because you are embarrassing your self, as you have never travelled to Pakistan, so your Statement is not 100% accurate. I have travelled to Pakistan on a regular basis, we don't shove people in ghetto's and steal there lands.
Representative democracy is fully practiced in the Western world and that is one of the most important reason for their success.

But democracy as a whole is not fully practiced, this is acknowledged by most lectures in Politics. However if we go by your analogy then why did Israel not accept the government of Hamas in Gaza, I mean after all they did win the election.......hypocrisy at its best.
And you are not doing anything positive to change that by screwing around with the Israelis. The Gazans bear the brunt of the external intervention.

So just because Israel is powerful, people should bow down to its rule of law. The people of Gaza bear the brunt of such an intervention, but don't the Israeli's feel shameful in the fact that they are practising open Genocide, in which Hitler so advocately used on them. My point is there forefathers must be rolling in the graves, as the Israeli's are no better than the Nazi's.
As I said leave those two alone and mind your own business. They can take care of themselves.

If we go by your connotation, then you should mind your bussiness in Afghanistan, as it has nothing to do with you, and it should be resolved by Pakistan and its counterpart afghanistan......don't you agree.
So just because Israel is powerful, people should bow down to its rule of law. The people of Gaza bear the brunt of such an intervention, but don't the Israeli's feel shameful in the fact that they are practising open Genocide, in which Hitler so advocately used on them. My point is there forefathers must be rolling in the graves, as the Israeli's are no better than the Nazi's.

The palestinians misled by the Arab, are no saints either. ;) Think about how your own country treats its minorities and then cry at others. What moral right you have to complain the Israeli discrimination when your own nation regularly "wajib-ul-Qatls" minorities and there is no one to ask.

If we go by your connotation, then you should mind your bussiness in Afghanistan, as it has nothing to do with you, and it should be resolved by Pakistan and its counterpart afghanistan......don't you agree.

Relations between India-Afghanistan are bilateral diplomatic relations between two sovereign nations and Pakistan has no say in the matter. Learn your basics first. Though if you subscribe to conspiracy theories like RAW abducting Pashtun children to train them suicide bombers inside Pakistan, I ma not responsible. If you think India is meddling in Pakistan through Afg provide proof not just verbal diarrhea.
The fact that Muslims are given less access to holy sites in Israel, and the fact that Israel is a Jewish State, hence it conforms to Jewish Beliefs and Ideas.

Please don't make such a statement, because you are embarrassing your self, as you have never travelled to Pakistan, so your Statement is not 100% accurate. I have travelled to Pakistan on a regular basis, we don't shove people in ghetto's and steal there lands.

All the holy places are open in Israel for all religions, and Israel preserve the rights of all believers to have access to their sacred temples.

Germany is a German state but still gives full civil rights to all its citizens. Same applies for Israel.

Palestinians who are Israeli citizens have more political rights than Pakistanis who could not elect their government half of the time since Pakistan's independence. The Israeli Palestinians can vote and have their own representatives in Parliament since 1949!

No one prosecute them like non-Muslims are prosecuted in Pakistan.
Israelis did not come inside the Turkish waters to kill the people who were sipping chai in a beach side cafe.

First of all the Flortilla was in the vacinity of the International waters, so the Israeli's had no right to attack such a ship, there was a programme in the BBC on this incident.

hey came in violation of established laws, attacked the commandos with metal rods and got what they deserved. I am not sure what are you trying to say here.

Second the Israeli's initiated the first attack as they bordered the boat, in a militaristic style that screamed kill.
Wow, what a paragon of justice and equality !! . Allowing an ethnic group to learn its own language. I'm not sure it is allowed in anywhere else in the world.

Your comprehension skills are lacking, the fact that the Kurds are allowed to practice there own language, shows a sign of change in Turkey, which is good.
First of all the Flortilla was in the vacinity of the International waters, so the Israeli's had no right to attack such a ship, there was a programme in the BBC on this incident.

Read the latest UN findings on the legality or lack thereof of the incident.

Second the Israeli's initiated the first attack as they bordered the boat, in a militaristic style that screamed kill.

Boarding =/= Killing. Shooting happened after they were attacked and that is what any commando worth his salt would have done.

Your comprehension skills are lacking, the fact that the Kurds are allowed to practice there own language, shows a sign of change in Turkey, which is good.

If that is a positive sign, I'm sure the palestinians are allowed to practise Arabic. Infact I think Arabic is one of the official languages of Israel.

Arey no use debating. You are going to beat around the same bush and I'm around mine and no one will concede his ground.
But democracy as a whole is not fully practiced, this is acknowledged by most lectures in Politics. However if we go by your analogy then why did Israel not accept the government of Hamas in Gaza, I mean after all they did win the election.......hypocrisy at its best.

The Palestinians can elect who they like, but Israel is no oblige to negotiate with a terror organisation which call for its destruction. What we negotiate about? When Hamas destroy our country?
All the holy places are open in Israel for all religions, and Israel preserve the rights of all believers to have access to their sacred temples.

No one prosecute them like non-Muslims are prosecuted in Pakistan.
Forget Non Muslims .
Even Muslim minorities like Shia and Ahmedis arent spared :lol:

Thanks for u r posts nirreich . I got to know much about Israel .
The palestinians misled by the Arab, are no saints either. Think about how your own country treats its minorities and then cry at others. What moral right you have to complain the Israeli discrimination when your own nation regularly "wajib-ul-Qatls" minorities and there is no one to ask.

First of all Mr grounder I don't complain about my ancestors and how they were treated, some odd 60 years ago, the Israeli's in this instance are very famous and take it to another level, quite sickening one can imagine, and there forefathers must be rolling in there graves at the genocide that is conducted by there decendents.

First of all those miniorities who insult the Prophet are punished by law, and second Pakistani's don't claim to be Democratic, the Israeli's do, so they should in course follow the manual of democracy. And furthermore in another Thread your fellow countrymen have a problem of conversions, so I think you should focus on that rather than bringing in Pakistan.
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