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A Comment From India Times – Why Indian Hindus Hate Muslims

While I agree with the general tone & tenor of your post, I'm not sure that is what happened here. I believe (not absolutely sure) that the ruling party wanted/hoped some kind of a polarisation to happen, believing that it will help it garner the Muslim vote. Unlike Gujarat-2002, where your charge might have held more water, this was simply a case of events overtaking the administrative machinery. The Jats generally have always voted for RLD, a party of the late Charan Singh. That party is in alliance with the Congress & its leader, Ajit Singh, a union cabinet minister. It is extremely unlikely that any of them(the Congress, RLD or even the SP)would have imagined benefits from a Jat-Muslim riot. While the BJP will almost certainly gain, it is a party with no hold on government machinery, at either the state level or national level. If police action has been poor, and it has, the blame must fall on the party that Muslims have put their faith in - the ruling SP.

When Hindus are targeted,by religion or any caste in general,BJP is the only party to support them.

This is the fact,all secular parties run away and fail to take a stand.

This is solid,true fact.

Indian political sphere is loaded with lazy,left wingers or centrists whose main ambition is to win a debate by hook or crook.

They dont have good perception or pragmatism to where they should place themselves.

Thats why the Right wing is loaded.

Thats why many common people turn into right wingers.

As NRMurthy once said,In India people get fooled by articulation and not demand actual action.

Indian left wing sphere is the best example of that.
I know what it means, madam, but the words you choose has a lot to say what you want to say. The Raj for the postcolonial nation is the legacy of the British, you could have said our government, our state and so on. You used that word to signify the power you think you hold (against the Sunni Muslims from your other posts).

I dont think so,i know we hold the power.
I dont think so,i know we hold the power.

That proves my premise, madam.

Brother,quit being a murtid.It is wrong. How about you read the verses of Quran and hadiths about houris .Hadiths may be distorted,but do you think quran is too? Quran is divine and saudi scholars quote the quran. Stop spreading shirk and fitna.

I have to agree with Nassr on this one.
It indeed is ironic in so many ways though. Actually I heard an interview of either some Punchayet person or some one obviously appropriately powerful, on IBN Live or some other channel may be. He was very straight forward like the lady named after a bull from Bronx, when he said that "it was time to mete out this punishment so that they [Muslims] would not have the courage to do the things that they were indulging in." This was as clear as a community punishment would sound to be. This is colonial way of thinking and dealing with the things - the British would do the same. Jalianwala was as good or horrific an example as there ever would be.

For us here in Pakistan, this is not exactly like a Shia Sunni riot as Indians pronounce it to be. Probably we have never seen such happenings in Pakistan in the manner and frequency that we hear about such happenings in India and are thus reminded of pre-partition era. Even I may say with some relief that thank God for Pakistan, I am not an Indian Muslim or Sikh or a Christian. I have not seen a planned community punishment in league with a government or administration in Pakistan ever. However, in India this seems to be a regular phenomenon. It may not be a political decision all the time, but it may be a plan hatched at the administrative level, like probably that gentleman was explaining and the way he was outlining the unfolding events.

What surprises me is that it happens and is allowed to happen while no one gets punished for such brazen acts. Indians here proudly state that the SC of India has given Modi a clean chit. Clearly, this is totally false - but those who state this, say it with conviction and one gets awed with this lack of information amongst the educated ones.

SC has indeed given him a clean chit,why are you acting sure sitting in Lyallpur?

If partition did not happen,things would have been different.

India would be an islamic nation now,or worse be 7-8 countries like Yugoslavia,which is what a lot of people wanted.

If a muslim goes and defends any action of another muslim giving out reasons like ummah,if they refuse to enter into any kind of meaningful debate and always act in a huddle all the time,then others have no choice to distrust each and everyone's intentions in each and every issue.

No, you don't. Which is why we have a constitution which allows "Sunni Muslims", like everyone else to decide for themself. It is no one's "raj".

Consitution is a book,which is also amended,it was written by human beings,amended by human beings and according to the preamble it says India is secular,which means nobody should be discriminated on the basis of religion by the state.

Here,i wish to protect and help the sunni muslims by not allowing others to instigate violence against them by resettling them.

we request them to move away for the sake of saving innocent lives.
While I can't refute your charges vis-a-vis the verses(because I read the Quran too, not the Hadiths though), I would request you to consider creating a separate thread to discuss this. Your points are way off topic on this thread. :)
Brother,quit being a murtid.It is wrong. How about you read the verses of Quran and hadiths about houris .Hadiths may be distorted,but do you think quran is too? Quran is divine and saudi scholars quote the quran. Stop spreading shirk and fitna.
@bronxbull , I must thank you, madam. On my tenure at PDF I have met such good and decent fellows from your country that I truly respect them and some I would love to meet in real life. A few gems are @Capt.Popeye , @Ayush and @SarthakGanguly . I was becoming convinced that most of our misunderstandings are not at all to the extent of hatred just dirty politics and you are the first openly prejudiced Indian that I have encountered on PDF. Thank you for showing me that this side of the picture is real as well. See you around PDF.


While I can't refute your charges vis-a-vis the verses(because I read the Quran too, not the Hadiths though), I would request you to consider creating a separate thread to discuss this. Your points are way off topic on this thread. :)

I agree, this is not a thread to discuss religious opinions or inclinitions.
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Thank you Jalbi,

This is the problem with foresight,people want proof but intuitive people only have intuition and wish act before the event happens.
When Hindus are targeted,by religion or any caste in general,BJP is the only party to support them.

This is the fact,all secular parties run away and fail to take a stand.

This is solid,true fact.

Indian political sphere is loaded with lazy,left wingers or centrists whose main ambition is to win a debate by hook or crook.

They dont have good perception or pragmatism to where they should place themselves.

Thats why the Right wing is loaded.

Thats why many common people turn into right wingers.

As NRMurthy once said,In India people get fooled by articulation and not demand actual action.

Indian left wing sphere is the best example of that.

This is another phenomenon that I see repeated time and time again. The majority community is projected as being wronged by the minorities. Muslim appeasement is the word used to pressurize governments and the powerful to deny whatever limited benefits that a minority community may deserve. I can not understand this. The majority Hindus feel threatened from minorities in India. And on many occasions this ploy is used to act against them as well. The result - ghettoization of minorities which sets in a survivals instinct and the minorities start acting as being threatened all the time. No Muslim in Pakistan wears a skull cap, whereas in India almost all the Muslims wear a skull cap - why. Survival instinct probably has set in where they are forced to become different and even attire differently to retain their separate identity. It beats me as to why would such a stage be allowed to reach.After all, these 150-160 million Indian Muslims can not and would not be accepted by any country in the world. @bronxbull and many others here are proponents of this rather odd theory. I am not responsible for Indian Muslims - Indians are. And when you push them in such a corner, they fight back and are pronounced as terrorists. Unfortunately, they have no other place to go to but India.
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I have pakistani friends and i openly tell this simple fact,

We are friends,may be even cousins whatever but it is always better to stay at a distance and say hi,bye,meet once in a year.

Staying together all the time causes problems and wolves can raise a tiger cub for sometime but once it is big enough,it always goes out on its own.

true story and a lesson forever.
Such flame threads should not be allowed on defense related thread

But now they are allowed, the posters posting in such threads should be very careful while posting

Or I can foresee PDF getting blocked again due to such threads
This is another phenomenon that I see repeated time and time again. The majority community is projected as being wronged by the minorities. Muslim appeasement is the word used to pressurize governments and the powerful to deny whatever limited benefits that a minority community may deserve. I can not understand this. The majority Hindus feel threatened from minorities in India. And on many occasions this ploy is used to act against them as well. The result - ghettoization of minorities which sets in a survivals instinct and the minorities start acting as being threatened all the time. No Muslim in Pakistan in Pakistan wears a skull cap, whereas in India almost all the Muslims wear a skull cap - why. Survival instinct probably has set in where they are forced to become different and even attire differently to retain their separate identity. It beats me as to why would such a stage be allowed to reach.After all, these 150-160 million Indian Muslims can not and would not be accepted by any country in the world. @bronxbull and many others here are proponents of this rather odd theory. I am not responsible for Indian Muslims - Indians are. And when you push them in such a corner, they fight back and are pronounced as terrorists. Unfortunately, they have no other place to go to but India.

it is not a ploy,because we know these muslims and their behaviour since time in memorial.

I also know how Muslims say we are the same from Turkey To Indonesia but when it comes to actual situations,they say you are Indian Muslims,I am Arab,You are Malay xyz.

14% Indian Sunni Muslims are incapable to living with rest of Indian People and this is no ploy,but historical reality.

we know how to deal with them but please remember that the people responsible for this are the proponents of the Muslim League who left their people behind to Pakistan.

You dont see this problem much in Border states.

UP/Bihar/West Bengal are the problem.

I request them to move en masse to Karachi or the open area in Balochistan desert.

We can resttle Hindus from Pakistan & Sindh in those regions.
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Muslims are not minority. Parsis, Buddhists are. Politicians have done what not to keep the Muslims as they were. If they get educated - move out and integrate fully, it will be difficult for them to vote for these devils. Stay in our country and see for yourself for about 3 months. You will see.
This is another phenomenon that I see repeated time and time again. The majority community is projected as being wronged by the minorities. Muslim appeasement is the word used to pressurize governments and the powerful to deny whatever limited benefits that a minority community may deserve. I can not understand this. The majority Hindus feel threatened from minorities in India. And on many occasions this ploy is used to act against them as well. The result - ghettoization of minorities which sets in a survivals instinct and the minorities start acting as being threatened all the time. No Muslim in Pakistan wears a skull cap, whereas in India almost all the Muslims wear a skull cap - why. Survival instinct probably has set in where they are forced to become different and even attire differently to retain their separate identity. It beats me as to why would such a stage be allowed to reach.After all, these 150-160 million Indian Muslims can not and would not be accepted by any country in the world. @bronxbull and many others here are proponents of this rather odd theory. I am not responsible for Indian Muslims - Indians are. And when you push them in such a corner, they fight back and are pronounced as terrorists. Unfortunately, they have no other place to go to but India.
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I have pakistani friends and i openly tell this simple fact,

We are friends,may be even cousins whatever but it is always better to stay at a distance and say hi,bye,meet once in a year.

Staying together all the time causes problems and wolves can raise a tiger cub for sometime but once it is big enough,it always goes out on its own.

true story and a lesson forever.

Young lady - please do not even attempt to cut an onion in the presence of others. One) you may cut some one else taking him to be an onion and Two) you won't cry, the onion and those present would.

Why do you have so much anger in you.
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