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'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

You are skilled at introducing straw man arguments, but that's the limit of your ability. I gave you the benefit of the doubt out of respect for your Think Tank title before, but now I won't waste more time on you. Good luck to you in life.

In other words, your pathetic attempt at trolling failed.
We now await your future attempts under new monikers.
Most Muslims my friend know about the other religions, it is all written in the Koran, that obviously you have no Idea about.
Like I told you before, the only things that missionaries like you can do is to offer a Muslim some incentives, and as you have seen in the French articles I have posted, these converts will stay Christians only for a moment, until trey get their official status or whatever their objective is for a better life and will revert to Islam, that they have never left anyway.
Do you see that the Koran is the best source of knowledge of non-Muslim religions?
In the Koran, (yes I have read it, although not all, and of course in English translation)
you are taught that non-Muslims will be punished by Allah.
Hardly an unbiased education.

Unless You can show that there are unbiased education on religion,
I have to assume that Malaysians are not properly educated on other religions,
even if they are aware of them.

In which case missionaries fill a purpose, and their presence is
allowing Malaysians to have more points of views.
The issue here is defrauding: drugs are one way to defraud people; misuse of words is another.
Did the Christian evangelists used drugs on the Muslims they sought to convert ?

The reality is that ordinary people are very trusting. You may not accept it, or think it stupid of them, but that's how ordinary people behave. More importantly, the law decides how "ordinary people" would behave in any given situation and "ordinary people" expect honesty in matters of religion. That's why dodgy evangelists make out so well.
You must live in a different universe. According to you, deceptions and lies are normal and expected in social/sexual situations, but not in used car sales. So I wonder how did used car sales business ended up with such a sullied reputation.

When you start rambling incoherently against Muslims, it's an acknowledgement that you have lost the debate and are just foaming at the mouth.
But it is you Muslims who are foaming at the mouth, figuratively and literally in some cases.

Malaysia is a Muslim dominated country, and yet they are terrified of a few Christians.

Muslims are not supposed to drink alcohol. Fine, do not drink. But then a few of them who are cabbies got offended by customers who bought alcohol and have it tucked away in their shopping bags.

Muslims do not like dogs. Fine, do not own dogs. But then a few of them got offended by service dogs.

Muslim bus drivers refuse to let guide dogs on board | Mail Online
Blind passengers are being ordered off buses or refused taxi rides because Muslim drivers or passengers object to their 'unclean' guide dogs.

One pensioner, a cancer sufferer, told how had twice been confronted by drivers and asked to get off the bus because of his guide dog, and had also faced hostility at a hospital and in a supermarket over the animal.
In the Sudan, a Christian woman is sentenced to death just because she chose not to be a Muslim. She CHOSE. So who is really foaming at the mouth, figuratively, here ? Freedom of choice terrifies you Muslims.

There is a pattern here and Malaysia just contributed to that quilt work. Just another thing that make sane people in the West, in the privacy of their homes, rolled their eyes at the Muslims of the world.
All Catholics are Christian, but not all Christians are Catholic.

Good point! Well said.

@Developereo ,

That said, Orthodox are Christians, but not all Christians belong to the Orthodox Church. There are a plethora of denominations within the Christian Church, and the fact that Catholicism is part of the Christian Family.
Did the Christian evangelists used drugs on the Muslims they sought to convert ?

The great thing about exposing a bigot like you is that you are so pathetically humiliated EVERY time you venture out of your cut-and-paste world of radar specs.

Every single time you can't sustain a debate, you start making things up out of thin air, and then responding to your own hallucinations.

Where did I or anyone claim that drugs are necessary to defraud people? In response to your question when the govt. should intervene if a man defrauds a woman for sex, I gave an example where drugs are used in the sexual arena, but nowhere did I say that they are always used by fraudsters, or that they are used by Christian missionaries.

Save yourself further humiliation and show the readers exactly where I claimed anything about Christian missionaries using drugs.

You must live in a different universe.

I live in the real universe. unlike your desperate world where you make things up and respond to your own fabrications in a debate.

According to you, deceptions and lies are normal and expected in social/sexual situations, but not in used car sales. So I wonder how did used car sales business ended up with such a sullied reputation.

Show the readers where I wrote that lying is the norm in all social situations?

I specifically wrote that lying is the norm in the sexual arena to get laid, and that people expect honesty in most other situations in everyday life.

But it is you Muslims who are foaming at the mouth, figuratively and literally in some cases.

Bigoted off-topic rant ignored.

What does a bus driver (Muslim or otherwise) in Britain have to do with the topic?

Every time you wander outside your little specialty of cutting-and-pasting radar tech, you get your *** kicked. And, in humiliation, you start lashing out at Muslims around the world to expose your bigoted buffoonery.
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Do you see that the Koran is the best source of knowledge of non-Muslim religions?
In the Koran, (yes I have read it, although not all, and of course in English translation)
you are taught that non-Muslims will be punished by Allah.
Hardly an unbiased education.

Unless You can show that there are unbiased education on religion,
I have to assume that Malaysians are not properly educated on other religions,
even if they are aware of them.

In which case missionaries fill a purpose, and their presence is
allowing Malaysians to have more points of views.
Koran says that all true believers are equal, by non-Muslims it refers to the ones who do not believe, or the ones who worship something else than GOD or equals him with something from earth or from the cosmos.
This makes the missionaries between brackets, If they want to help, they are welcome, if they seek converting Muslims to a religion they believe to have been manipulated, than it won't work.
can someone please close this thread? @Manitcore @Oscar

Enough Muslim bashing.
Muslims never failed to feel victimize that everyone in the whole world discriminate them. In reality, Muslim countries is the biggest persecutor of minorities. Muslim countries never failed to come out with justification why minorities must be shittted on.

Right now I see so many Pakistani supporting Malaysia's bullying act against minorities.

For all Muslim's racism and sectarianism, they are cursed with endless civil war, sectarian murder. Serve them right.

You guys Pakistani who support the racist Malay now understand why your country is in tatters.
Koran says that all true believers are equal, by non-Muslims it refers to the ones who do not believe, or the ones who worship something else than GOD or equals him with something from earth or from the cosmos.
This makes the missionaries between brackets, If they want to help, they are welcome, if they seek converting Muslims to a religion they believe to have been manipulated, than it won't work.

Muslims convert to Christianity every day of the Year (and vice versa), simply because people are different,
and people teaching religions may strike a personal accord.

So you are wrong (though you bad English may be not represent what You intended to say).

The only way You can stop Muslims to convert is by repression.

That said, normally only a small minority is prepared to convert.
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