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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Dear Brother & Sisters.
We as Muslims must not take it granted. Today they have killed our trees tomorrow they can kill our civilian people near border.
Question is Why didn't we shot down the jets?
Air defense was unable to stop them, this is Question Mark.
India will attack again we must not allow them to attack again.

Suppose in that open area of Balakot if there were any house of civilian what would happen to them.
Thanks to Allah it was a open area.

Why are we happy?
They have crossed LOC. and our Guns are silence why.
If someone come into your house and steal your dustbin will you be happy on that???
1st you will think how did he come?
2nd you will check the lock, why they were unable to protect you.
How do you know some of the Indian pilots wouldn't have been Muslims? Don't make it about religion all the time.
You are reading sensationalist rhetoric. Pakistan momentary lapse allowed IAF jets into Pakistan airspace, then when spotted they withdrew, dropping payload (not bombing anything.)

There are no JeM camps in Pakistan. LoC is impregnable by non-state actors.

I think we’ll have a clearer picture as more news comes out.

Whatever happens, I hope no innocents get hurt. That’s all I hope.
We should declare war time to end this Indian false bravado and end the subcontinent at least we shall have no more bickering hindus in the world it's now or never

In sha Allah, time will come.

For now let's focus on our economy, alliances, and defenses.

It is possible India will collapse on its own at the rate its going, we can just deal with that aftermath.
You are reading sensationalist rhetoric. Pakistan momentary lapse allowed IAF jets into Pakistan airspace, then when spotted they withdrew, dropping payload (not bombing anything.)

There are no JeM camps in Pakistan. LoC is impregnable by non-state actors.
This is only just you assumptions/wishful thinking and big shame/humiliation on/for PAF/ air defense units of Pakistan @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan :crazy::crazy:
@Jackdaws one more thing attacking Balakot in KPK Pakistan is not attacking Pakistan only, its threatening other countries as well, coz PMA doesn't house Pakistani cadets only, there are other nationalities as well, and some serious ones which india cannot afford to threaten at all.
Correct. It was some Pak journalist named Zaidi who first said KPK was attacked. Indian media picked up on it.
300 kilo in kashmir kills 40 indian army.
1000 kg in pakistan no casualty.
Indians fooled again by modi.

Modiji is happily sitting in his bungalow saying "who cares"....i have said it few days back...This recent terror attack if modi handles it correctly and pleases the masses by any means...this close to the election he gains tremendously in the coming election...for that he had to do some crazy shit...and he did exactly that...now its all upto paid up indian media to spread modiji's narrative for the masses...and indian media is expert in that department...in response pakistan has 2 options...conventional and other is using its proxies to retaliate...and retaliate by any means it must...to save face...if it chooses the second option and more blood is shed on this side of the border...then its like festive season for modiji...he will again use this fully to his advantage we the common people of india are not that hard to fool...before you know it he is re elected...maybe next time he might actually start a war who knows...he is totally unpredictable.
This is only just you assumptions/wishful thinking and big shame/humiliation on/for PAF/ air defense units of Pakistan @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan :crazy::crazy:

It's ok. We can afford this shame for now and work to be better prepared next time.

Alhamdulilah no one is injured and Indian claims of JeM nonsense has been proven false.

PMIK will deal with it like a true leader. Pakistan will not fall here.
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