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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

they run back, like always ..
Dear Brother & Sisters.
We as Muslims must not take it granted. Today they have killed our trees tomorrow they can kill our civilian people near border.
Question is Why didn't we shot down the jets?
Air defense was unable to stop them, this is Question Mark.
India will attack again we must not allow them to attack again.

Suppose in that open area of Balakot if there were any house of civilian what would happen to them.
Thanks to Allah it was a open area.

Why are we happy?
They have crossed LOC. and our Guns are silence why.
If someone come into your house and steal your dustbin will you be happy on that???
1st you will think how did he come?
2nd you will check the lock, why they were unable to protect you.
All these news items seem to add up to airstrikes. IAF dominated the encounter.

You are reading sensationalist rhetoric. Pakistan momentary lapse allowed IAF jets into Pakistan airspace, then when spotted they withdrew, dropping payload (not bombing anything.)

There are no JeM camps in Pakistan. LoC is impregnable by non-state actors.

A declaration of war was made by both the sides---'if you did this---we will retaliate without waiting'---.

So---under those conditions---the aircraft from both the sides should have been considered to be in a strike position if they were within 10 miles of the LOC by default---.

But when a large number of aircraft were coming in---they should have been considered offensive within 75-100 miless off the border---.

In this pre declaration of military action from both the sides---an incursion is an act of war.

India has successfully claimed incursion and strike---Paf and its cronies are caught with their pants down in their ankles---.

If the Paf was so strong and the man behind the machine mantra so true---then Iaf aircraft should have been taken out right at the LOC---.

No one can challenge the narrative of the Iaf that they completed their attack successfully---.
We don't know yet how many aircraft there were. Reports from previous days suggest both airforces were flying close to the border at times. DG ISPR says incursion was 3-4 miles. PAF jets must have been near to the IAF jets if they dropped the payload and went back. But of course it depends whether you believe it or not - and by extension to what extent you believe the Indian narrative.
We promised to retaliate if there was an attack. I think its clear nothing was hit. There was simply an incursion. In the end what you are complaining is if PAF was aggressive enough or not to have chased the jets back into Indian territory. Also do you have any information about the time IAF jets were in our territory?
We should declare war time to end this Indian false bravado and end the subcontinent at least we shall have no more bickering hindus in the world it's now or never
Two MLUs got Migs locked, they ran away in panic and released the "DUMB" payload in a hurry while escaping. Payload released in a hurry and fell in no man's land, clearly visible in the video. indian media as usual in propaganda mode.
Lol, This will make Indians a little active.

give suggestions what would be good targets , I've picked a few for 8 nuclear strikes

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