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25 top submarine fleets based on quality and quantity

Look, I am not forcing u to accept my rankings. You prefer "a world renown" ranking of Global power, where North Korea is higher than USA and Colombia is higher than UK? - You are welcome to use it.
Here the link and screenshot for you, enjoy:
u look , i'm not insulting nor accusing u of anything - unlike your buddies .

what i'm saying is that someone who ranks countries in any sort should have the required knowledge of them .

let me give an example : Tom cooper can give u the best rankings of air forces in ME . and only in ME . because he is one of the most informed men on earth regarding ME air forces .

again , he cannot rank the world air force because he has no clue of South korea for example (although he knows 10 million times more than u )

thats what i'm sayin , u can take it however u want . your estimations (although took time and i give u respect u for that) have completely failed to take into account lots of things like real numbers of subs , real value (points) they get and training and professionality .

from technical perspective @farhan_9909 @vostok : iranian midget sub fleet consists of +50 subs . i think they can at least score a kill at the 3-sub strong fleet of israel :lol:

here is a list of iranian and israeli subs :

note that Gal class has been retired . now i seriously want to know why have u just counted kilo class as the only sub that iran possesses ? aint that stupidly biased and blind nationalism ?

plus , i really like ti know why kilo class with 2 times more displacement than dolphine scores less than dolphine ? lol

kilo :

Displacement: Surfaced: 2,300–2,350 tons

Submerged: 3,000-3,950 tons full load

Kilo-class submarine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

dolphine :

Displacement: 1,640 tons surfaced, 1,900 tons submerged

2,300 tons for AIP-capable model

so iran scores very much higher than israel both in quality and quantity . iran also enjoys an undisclosed number of fateh class sub with 7000km combat range :



again , your jealousy makes u blind and u fail to mention these things .

plus , once again the +50 midget sub fleet of iran can probably withstand your whole 3-sub strong fleet . lol

now , again nothing personal .

just pointing out to the facts . suite your childish-self . cause these "rankings" by fanboys arent gonna make any change in reality .

peace @Serpentine @Ostad @mohsen @SOHEIL @S00R3NA @Islam shall be the winner

and for the record , here is an old article regarding iranian sub capabilities (our fleet has withstood a lot of changes since)

Iran Submarine Capabilities | Articles | NTI Analysis | NTI
Last edited:
u look , i'm not insulting nor accusing u of anything - unlike your buddies .

what i'm saying is that someone who ranks countries in any sort should have the required knowledge of them .

let me give an example : Tom cooper can give u the best rankings of air forces in ME . and only in ME . because he is one of the most informed men on earth regarding ME air forces .

again , he cannot rank the world air force because he has no clue of South korea for example (although he knows 10 million times more than u )

thats what i'm sayin , u can take it however u want . your estimations (although took time and i give u respect u for that) have completely failed to take into account lots of things like real numbers of subs , real value (points) they get and training and professionality .

from technical perspective @farhan_9909 @Chinese-Dragon : iranian midget sub fleet consists of +50 subs . i think they can at least score a kill at the 3-sub strong fleet of israel :lol:

here is a list of iranian and israeli subs :
View attachment 26204

note that Gal class has been retired . now i seriously want to know why have u just counted kilo class as the only sub that iran possesses ? aint that stupidly biased and blind nationalism ?

plus , i really like ti know why kilo class with 2 times more displacement than dolphine scores less than dolphine ? lol

kilo :

Displacement: Surfaced: 2,300–2,350 tons

Submerged: 3,000-3,950 tons full load

Kilo-class submarine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

dolphine :

Displacement: 1,640 tons surfaced, 1,900 tons submerged

2,300 tons for AIP-capable model

so iran scores very much higher than israel both in quality and quantity . iran also enjoys an undisclosed number of fateh class sub with 7000km combat range :

View attachment 26228

View attachment 26229

again , your jealousy makes u blind and u fail to mention these things .

plus , once again the +50 midget sub fleet of iran can probably withstand your whole 3-sub strong fleet . lol

now , again nothing personal .

just pointing out to the facts . suite your childish-self . cause these "rankings" by fanboys arent gonna make any change in reality .

peace @Serpentine @Ostad @mohsen @SOHEIL @S00R3NA
Be careful, don't burn ur seat.
As a forum newbie, you should do some research before throwing the personal attack.

China 055 class DDG plan

lol, no personal attacks stated here, only cold hard facts.

If you really think the Chinese 055 class is going to be able to match the technology being incorporated into the Zumwalt
class, your out in la la land buddy.
lol, no personal attacks stated here, only cold hard facts.

If you really think the Chinese 055 class is going to be able to match the technology being incorporated into the Zumwalt
class, your out in la la land buddy.

The dual band x/s AESA radar and more firepower than Zumwalt, and being a perfect platform to house the laser and railgun in the future.

While the Zumwalt class has been cut from 32 to 3, and the future doesn't seem to be so bright for this ship.
Presently you have estimated 'raw fire power' of navies by multiplying numbers with quality (relative weightages). You may also estimate 'effectiveness' of naval forces for their own countries, by dividing the raw fire powers by their respective coastlines as mentioned earlier in this thread. This would give a better idea, of who has a higher force concentration, and so is better placed for local force projection.
Presently you have estimated 'raw fire power' of navies by multiplying numbers with quality (relative weightages). You may also estimate 'effectiveness' of naval forces for their own countries, by dividing the raw fire powers by their respective coastlines as mentioned earlier in this thread. This would give a better idea, of who has a higher force concentration, and so is better placed for local force projection.

Not an intelligent idea.

Unless a country is facing multi-front war in which whole of it's coastline is under attack, it is bound to bring it's cumulative strength against it's adversary. For example, in a war between India and Pakistan, Eastern command and A&N command would sail to Arabian sea in order to reinforce Western command.Eastern command and A&N command in case of war would not be confined to Bay of Bengal unless there is threat of Chinese interference and even in case of Chinese interference, India could withdraw Eastern Command completely to Arabian sea. In any war Pakistan Navy would be facing 80-90% of Indian Navy hence any analysis based on coastline is pointless. Pakistan lost the ability to divide Indian Navy with creation of Bangladesh.
Minus 2 indian kilos tht got kaput... None of indian have AIP either..

Give more points to 90B n upgraded 70 class.. All our 90Bs are equipped with MESMA AIP.
I decided to make rank similar to my air forces rank. Did not include the SSBN, but did include the SSGN.


Romeo = 3 points
209-1100, Sauro = 6 points
209-1200, Agosta 70 = 7 points
209-1300 = 8 points
Ula = 9 points
Kilo, Type 209/1400, Agosta 90, TR-1700, Sodermanland = 10 points
Imrpoved Kilo, Gotland, Scorpene, Dolphin, Upholder, Collins, Walrus = 12 points
Oyashio = 13 points
214 = 14 points
212, Soryu, Yuan = 15 points


Han = 23 points
671RMTK = 25 points
Rubis = 26 points
Los Angeles, 945, Shang, Trafalgar = 30 points
971 = 32 points
Imrpoved Los Angeles = 35 points
Astute = 37 points
885, Seawolf, Virginia = 40 points


Ohio, 949 = 40 points



Los Angeles 19
Impr Los Angeles 22
Seawolf 3
Virginia 10
Ohio SSGN 4


971 11
945 4
671RMTK 4
Kilo 17
677 1
949A 8
885 1


093 Shang 5
091 Han 3
041 Yuan 12
039 Song 13
Impr Kilo 10
Kilo 2
Romeo 13


Astute 2
Trafalgar 5


Rubis 6


212 2
Sauro 4


Soryu 5
Oyashio 11


971 1
Kilo 9
209-1500 4


Agosta 90B 3
Agosta 70 2


Agosta 70 3


212 4


214 2


209-1200 6
209T1-1400 4
209T2-1400 4


209-1100 3
209-1200 3
209-1200 AIP 1
214 1

South Korea

209-1200mod 9
214 3


Dolphin 3


Kilo 3
Fateh 1


Impr Kilo 2
Kilo 2


Impr Kilo 2


Ula 6


Gotland 3
Sodermanland 2


Collins 6


209-1400 5


TR-1700 3
209-1100 1


209-1300 2

South Africa

209-1400mod 3


209-1200 4
209-1100 2


Scorpene 2


Scorpene 2


Upholder 4


Zwaardvis 2
Tench 2


Walrus 4



1 USA - 2020
2 Russia - 1112
3 China - 708
4 UK - 224
5 Japan - 218
6 India - 162
7 France - 152
8 South Korea - 123
9 Turkey - 122
10 Australia - 72
11 Greece - 63
12 Germany - 60
13 Sweden - 56
14 Italy - 54
15 Norway - 54
16 Brazil - 50
17 Canada - 48
18 Netherlands - 48
19 Algeria - 44
20 Pakistan - 44
21 Peru - 40
22 Argentine - 36
23 Israel - 36
24 Iran - 33
25 South Africa - 33

In very near future Vietnam and Israel will get a serious upgrade.

Why don't you merge the data of this and air defense fleets.... and make a new top navies thread with appropriate weights....
Why don't you merge the data of this and air defense fleets.... and make a new top navies thread with appropriate weights....
OK I converted both air defence and submarine to 1000 points each and then made an average. Here the results (air defence/submarine points):

1. USA - 1000 (1000/1000)
2. Russia - 323 (96/550)
3. China - 264 (178/350)

4. Japan - 131 (108/153)
5. UK - 89 (67/111)
6. S.Korea - 72 (83/61)
7. India - 70 (59/80)
8. France - 56 (37/75)
9. Italy - 53 (79/27)

10. Turkey - 54 (48/60)
11. Australia - 48 (60/36)
12. Canada - 48 (73/24)
13. Germany - 43 (56/30)
14. Spain - 42 (74/10)
15. Singapore - 38 (54/22)
16. Taiwan - 38 (65/11)
17. Greece - 33 (35/31)
18. Netherlands - 32 (40/24)
19. Norway - 25 (23/27)
20. Denmark - 22 (44/0)
21. Brazil - 21 (16/25)
22. Pakistan - 18 (15/22)

It does not include aircraft carriers (countries in bold) and SSBN, ASW, attack missile crafts..

Data is not updated since last year.
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