Yeah... No. If we invade Syria that would mean trouble with Russia even if we only attack Isis. And we're not your dog we don't have to prove shit to you. Your not superior to us and never will be get this in your head.
And I don't even know why so many trolls use the "turkey supported Isis card" Isis is nothing, it can be destroyed in weeks if there was a political will. But they keep it alive for there own agenda's. Isis is not fighting a guerrilla war like some other terrorist organizations so they can be...
You are a complete moron! Can't you differentiate propaganda from real news? Literally every time they talk about turkey supporting Isis they say things like "Turkey is accused of supporting ..." Or something along those lines! You have absolutely no proof that Turkey supports ISIS. But Turkey...
Can dundar is a moron. He didn't discover shit. All the weapons, food and other equipment was going to rebel forces fighting against Assad like the Turkmens. I believe he had spying charges so you can't use him in your argument.
Hahahahahah what a complete retard. Why do you use that in your argument if that happened to nobody? Oh I know why! Because you are completely against turkey and will use everything to divide us.
Please Bismarck and what tell me which party in the Turkish party is better then the AKP.... So yeah right. None! I mean I'm all for freedom of speech but some journalists deserved it like Ebru umar. Don't use freedom of speech to offend high ranking people. If I say things like f*ck the queen...