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  1. Aspahbod

    Iranians and their sense of humor

    Hmmm. Let's see. During the Iran-Iraq war, Iraq was supported by about 50 countries and used a huge amount of chemicals when they were loosing. Now let's look at First Gulf war: Participants were from all around the world. Iraq didn't use huge amount chemicals. Iraq was not supported by...
  2. Aspahbod

    Iran Launches 4 Light Submarines in Persian Gulf

    Iran already has 3 types. Kilo, Nahang and Ghadir. And there is a project for a Larger submarine called ghaem.
  3. Aspahbod

    Ahmadinejad says Iran building three-stage rocket

    Bale pasban jan farsi harf mizanam. The problem with the Space Programs is that they are very similar in the field of technology with ICBMs. That will grow the tensions a lot. Because using a conventional warhead on an ICBM isn't beneficial. They need Nuclear warheads to be so.
  4. Aspahbod

    'Most in Arab world want nuclear Iran'

    Arab armies don't fight like cowards (Actually they are very brave) But they lack the most basic principles of war. Tactics and strategy.
  5. Aspahbod

    Ahmadinejad says Iran building three-stage rocket

    Not being so radical.
  6. Aspahbod

    Ahmadinejad says Iran building three-stage rocket

    I'm not against my country. But this act in the current situation just grows tensions. Nothing more.
  7. Aspahbod

    Powerful solar storm to hit earth soon

    By by most of world communications...
  8. Aspahbod

    Ahmadinejad says Iran building three-stage rocket

    What a stupid move.
  9. Aspahbod

    World's Largest Special Ops Training Camp

    Do Chechans have Arabic culture? :what:
  10. Aspahbod

    World's Largest Special Ops Training Camp

    I really doubt you are a Russian Nishan
  11. Aspahbod

    Arab World Military

    Hmm. But look at these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab%E2%80%93Israeli_conflict As I have mentioned a thousand times, Arab armies lack the most important part of the warfare. STRATEGY and TACTICS. They are one of the weakest in my point of view.
  12. Aspahbod

    Iran to pay for new babies to boost population

    He's just crazy. Even "Iranian" experts have forecast an Economic growth of 1.9%. He just says nonsense. Iran's population growth was 2.4 last 4 years. Now by his works....
  13. Aspahbod

    Iran capable of producing "endless number of ballistic missiles": commander

    I didn't mean that. I meant they are just propaganda. Iran doesn't have enough TELs to fire hundreds of missiles. So, Defense systems would have enough time for reloading And Iranians number of missile wont change anything.
  14. Aspahbod

    Iran capable of producing "endless number of ballistic missiles": commander

    Khrushchev said in his time: "USSR is producing missiles as fast as a sausage producing line". This is just like that.
  15. Aspahbod

    Iran to send man into space by 2019

    I think I've said it will be called Fazaanavard. Iran wont use such names.
  16. Aspahbod

    Iran says it has 100 vessels for each US warship

    I don't know why did you guys took it so serious. Iran won't use vessels to fight the US navy but Missiles. Result of the last Iran-US naval battle have forced Iranian commanders to use such strategy since Operation Praying Mantis. Just search it on Wiki.
  17. Aspahbod

    Iran to send man into space by 2019

    It already has an equivalent "Fazaanavard" I'm very sorry for you that think Iran is an Arab country.:disagree::disagree::disagree::disagree: In another forum, I remember somebody said: "Isn't Farsi a dead language?"
  18. Aspahbod

    Arab World Importance

    Well, those countries are not "Wealthy, Strong nations with high rank technology and HDI" too.
  19. Aspahbod

    Arab World Importance

    False. They were mostly Persians and Moors. Just do some research. If they published their works in Arabic it doesn't mean they are Arabs. Do you consider European scientists who published their work in Latin, "Italian" or "Roman"?
  20. Aspahbod

    Arab World Importance

    Islamic nation can get it's old glory just if Turkey+Iran+Pakistan unite under one banner (Which is extremely impossible). Just these three countries because in the modern world, Science and Technology is prior to money. And Technological Talents of Muslim world is located in these three...
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