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Iran says it has 100 vessels for each US warship


Strategically stupid to place all your ship in one place that is all I will say :devil:

Good for parades , bad for real world scenario, I think US has learned its lesson after pearl harbour, and now most US ships are never located together this could be photoshop

But looks awesome eye candy on visuals

it is a parade for the cameras. The ships don't travel that close together.
See the problem is there is absolutely no need for another war

I don't see why would a new war has to start , world has barely recovered from financial crisis in last 2-3 years , and another war talk is nonesense.

Well its kinda strange - situation hard to tell how super powers will react but its complex ... not simple one

I think world had an oppourtunity to let Turkey/Brazil be the middle person to help iran exchange its nuclear fuel. But that chance was not take - I don't think anyone would support another uncalled for war

And strategically it will risk American troops in Afghanistan , and in Iraq - becasue the Iranian navy can cross border and flush out soliders in case of war.

Just imagine if Taliban cut the fuel routes in critical time - well all the tanks and gadgets in Afghanistan/Iraq will stop working and it will result in a very bloody and strategically challenging situation for Ameircan generals

With Syrian army flushing into Israel things will get uglier.

And "if" Russia had supplied 3rd party S300 and that ended up in Iran - well loss of
40-50 planes in combate would be huge loss, also the unknown is that iran also has reverse engineered older S200 system ... ....

Plus ... North Korea ... do you really think North Korea will not take that oppourtunity
Another attack will signal to all the states (who are questionable in their policies) to take a decision ... either wait for their number or ... join in ...
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Ya it is IRGC naval operation troops taking a ride in inflatable boats. Iran with its ridiculous mullahs is becoming joke of a century. Its fate might go down the drain worst than Iraq if these bozos are not taken down from power.

Ya it is IRGC naval operation troops taking a ride in inflatable boats. Iran with its ridiculous mullahs is becoming joke of a century. Its fate might go down the drain worst than Iraq if these bozos are not taken down from power.


Are you suggesting iranian rubber duckie rumors are true
Ya it is IRGC naval operation troops taking a ride in inflatable boats. Iran with its ridiculous mullahs is becoming joke of a century. Its fate might go down the drain worst than Iraq if these bozos are not taken down from power.


Is it possible that some of you stop insulting our religion???
mullah is a religious person. if you want to criticize the governement say "government" or "khamenei" but stop saying all religious are stupid

minimum respect pls
How much does a Ronald Regan class aircraft carrier cost? about 6.2 Billion Dollars about one and a half times the entire military budget of Iran. I would not expect a carrier to come with in 200 miles of Iran in case of a war. Once at battle station I would not expect any thing above water with in 200 miles of the carrier or under water within 25 miles.
is he talking about cooking vessels.....a 100 to each US warship...?was he really a navy chief or someoe like zaid hamid
284 total ships of the Us navy.. then the Iranians have about.. holy crap.. 28400 vessels.. where are they hiding the largest armada the world has ever seen ?
Every now n then they come up with these stupid claims and give oppertunities to west to make fun of them. Cant anybody tell these guys that people living around them are not fools, its only them.
I guess they are countin all their naval assets frm zodiacs boats to canoes lol


HA HA HA HA :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Iranians Cant be serious can they
How can these guys operate 10000 military vessels ,even if we count every floating tub

If we count the warships of the world navies
ie those over 2000 tons or more then the figure we get is something like this
British Royal navy 059
Turkish Navy 055

Many countries have a large number of vessels which my be between 10-200 tons which are not counted while calculating military strength

Another thing to be noted is that While USN has only 280 ships which only about 40 % more than the chinese and russian navy .
However the total Battle fleet tonage of USN is more than the total battle fleet tonnage of the next 13 navies combined

For those not in the know , refer the following link.

United States Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I don't know why did you guys took it so serious. Iran won't use vessels to fight the US navy but Missiles. Result of the last Iran-US naval battle have forced Iranian commanders to use such strategy since Operation Praying Mantis. Just search it on Wiki.
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