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Arab World Importance

i dont give a damn about arabs especially the persian gulf ones. the only issue which i emphasize alot is the palestine. it has got nothing to do with the religion or arabism, it is just because they are subjected to the very inhumen acts for such a long time and the so called world is damn silent about it.

You need to tone down dear. Arabs by people are not bad and have lots of talents if developed. But we are becoming pawn to their monarchies of which arab people are direct victim of.

Arabs are brothers to us no different than any other reason. we should not take political issues as a pretext of racial campaign against them. Arabs are mainly divided into to.

Northern Arab and Persian Gulf Arabs.

The northern arab countries are just hardworking nice people like us (Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, etc etc). The persian gulf arab countries execpt UAE and Bahrain are ruled by old mentality monarchs which their own nation does not approve. They spend large amount of oil money to buy influence around the world effectively "stealing" the public share of development.
Even places like UAE are built off foregion labour....

And how about The Under Age Easten European Girls/Women who are sexually en-salved by the Arabs????


im in Kuwait now for an official vist and wherever i see...and watever be the manual job..its the South Asians who do it.I dont even see one Arab doing any back-bending work.

Ok; Propeht Muhammed(PBHU) didn't see himself as "Semetic" or "arab"...he seen himself as a Muslim- nothing more/nothing less.

Why do arabs always have to use the excuse of Islam to justify their atrocities?? Are you using Islam to justify arab murders,rapes,en-slavement,facism ect??

Dear Brother Pakistani123, You have to know that the Islamic nation can not unite and return to glory until the arab nation become united . . . And the Arabs will not unite even return to the application of the teachings of Islam . . Thus, the equation becomes as follows:

Arabs + Islamic law (Shari'a) = Islamic nation united, prosperous, rich, Strong and powerful
Dear Brother Pakistani123, You have to know that the Islamic nation can not unite and return to glory until the arab nation become united . . . And the Arabs will not unite even return to the application of the teachings of Islam . . Thus, the equation becomes as follows:

Arabs + Islamic law (Shari'a) = Islamic nation united, prosperous, rich, Strong and powerful

We don't want to bend over for arabs :D

Many muslims from South-East Asia,South Asia,Central Asia,even non-arab Muslims in the middle-east don't understand the justification for all the Facism.....

How can we as human beings ignore of all cruelty of arabs??
^^^ Even much of the "Arab History" is stolen from Persians/North Africans...

Fear God, my brother . .Did not you hear the words of Allah Almighty ((He uttereth no word but there is with him an observer ready.)) (( مَّا يَلۡفِظُ مِن قَوۡلٍ إِلَّا لَدَيۡهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ۬ )) . . Please, be careful not say the words without thinking of them and make sure
Dear Brother Pakistani123, You have to know that the Islamic nation can not unite and return to glory until the arab nation become united . . . And the Arabs will not unite even return to the application of the teachings of Islam . . Thus, the equation becomes as follows:

Arabs + Islamic law (Shari'a) = Islamic nation united, prosperous, rich, Strong and powerful

Bro! Maybe you are right but the reality is that there are so much differences that it looks like a pipe dream. So we should think which is atleast possible like enhanced cooperation or something.
Fear God, my brother . .Did not you hear the words of Allah Almighty ((He uttereth no word but there is with him an observer ready.)) (( مَّا يَلۡفِظُ مِن قَوۡلٍ إِلَّا لَدَيۡهِ رَقِيبٌ عَتِيدٌ۬ )) . . Please, be careful not say the words without thinking of them and make sure

Islam is again being used as a tool...
Bro! Maybe you are right but the reality is that there are so much differences that it looks like a pipe dream. So we should think which is atleast possible like enhanced cooperation or something.

Dear mehru . . . Even our dreams . . the enemies of Islam afraid of
Islam is again being used as a tool...

Dear brother . . . When I show you Koranic verses or sayings of the Prophet (PBUH) . . I expect you're a Muslim like me and you will understand what I say . . . Because non-Muslim has other language to talk to him
Dear brother . . . When I show you Koranic verses or sayings of the Prophet (PBUH) . . I expect you're a Muslim like me and you will understand what I say . . . Because non-Muslim has other language to talk to him

I just hope the naive Pakistanis don't fall for this.......
I just hope the naive Pakistanis don't fall for this.......

naive Pakistanis ! ! ! . . .

Pakistani who believes in Allah Almighty
And believe in Muhammad peace be upon him the Messenger of Allah
And believes in the Koran the holy book of God

IS NOT A NAIVE :angry:
Dear Brother Pakistani123, You have to know that the Islamic nation can not unite and return to glory until the arab nation become united . . . And the Arabs will not unite even return to the application of the teachings of Islam . . Thus, the equation becomes as follows:

Arabs + Islamic law (Shari'a) = Islamic nation united, prosperous, rich, Strong and powerful

And the trolling of "brotherhood" politics continue.
Yaar arabs are not even united in palestine..Hamas and PLO in armed conflict with each other. Israel has to do very little for destruction of Palestine if it wants to. By letting smuggled weapons flow to both sides they will kill each other off..and the losers like Ahmedinejad and Bashar al Assad who like to play Palestinean card.
And the trolling of "brotherhood" politics continue.
Yaar arabs are not even united in palestine..Hamas and PLO in armed conflict with each other. Israel has to do very little for destruction of Palestine if it wants to. By letting smuggled weapons flow to both sides they will kill each other off..and the losers like Ahmedinejad and Bashar al Assad who like to play Palestinean card.

Allah Azza Wajalla said ((Lo! Allah changeth not the condition of a folk until they (first) change that which is in their hearts))((إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يُغَيِّرُ مَا بِقَوۡمٍ حَتَّىٰ يُغَيِّرُواْ مَا بِأَنفُسِہِمۡ*ۗ ))

Yes my brother . . . the arab first they should return to the Spirit of islam And apply the Shari'a
Dear Brother Pakistani123, You have to know that the Islamic nation can not unite and return to glory until the arab nation become united . . . And the Arabs will not unite even return to the application of the teachings of Islam . . Thus, the equation becomes as follows:

Arabs + Islamic law (Shari'a) = Islamic nation united, prosperous, rich, Strong and powerful

Islamic nation can get it's old glory just if Turkey+Iran+Pakistan unite under one banner (Which is extremely impossible). Just these three countries because in the modern world, Science and Technology is prior to money. And Technological Talents of Muslim world is located in these three countries + South Eastern Asian countries. While we look at Arabs, we see they just have money, No technology, No sense of shame, Betraying other Arabs (Palestine) And lavish spending. Golden cars are only located in Arab world. And also, Arabs have fought other Muslims more than anyone else.
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