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Iran to pay for new babies to boost population


May 10, 2010
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Iran to pay for new babies to boost population

By NASSER KARIMI (AP) – 1 hour ago

TEHRAN, Iran — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad inaugurated a new policy on Tuesday to encourage population growth, dismissing Iran's decades of internationally-acclaimed family planning as ungodly and a Western import.

The new government initiative will pay families for every new child and deposit money into the newborn's bank account until they reach 18, effectively rolling back years of efforts to boost the economy by reducing the country's once runaway population growth.

"Those who raise idea of family planning, they are thinking in the realm of the secular world," Ahmadinejad said during the inauguration ceremony.

The plan is part of Ahmadinejad's stated commitment to further increase Iran's population, which is already estimated at 75 million. He has previously said the country could support up to 150 million.

The program would be especially attractive to the lower income segments of the population formed the backbone of Ahmadinejad's support in the 2005 and 2009 elections.

Throughout his tenure, the president has promoted populist policies in Iran, where 10 million people are estimated to live under the poverty line.

It is unclear, however, where the funds would come from as the government is already having trouble paying for basic infrastructure projects.

Starting in the early 1970s, Iran waged a successful family planning campaign across the country, including banners in public health care centers reading "two children are enough."

It was reversed after the 1979 Islamic revolution only to be brought back 10 years later when the population ballooned and the economy faltered.

Throughout the 1990s, Iran reduced population growth by encouraging men and women to use free or inexpensive contraceptives, as well as vasectomies. The government brought down the country's population growth rate from its 1986 height of 3.9 percent to just 1.6 percent in 2006.

Ahmadinejad caused public outcry, however, when shortly after he was elected in 2005 he said two children per family were not enough and urged Iranians to have more.

Under the new plan each child born in the current Iranian year, which began March 21, will receive a deposit of $950 in a government bank account. They will then continue to receive another $95 every year until they reach 18. Parents will also be expected to pay matching funds into the accounts.

Under the initiative's rules children can withdraw the money at the age of 20 and use it for education, marriage, health and housing.

Iran's official unemployment rate is about 10 percent, but estimates say there are 3 million unemployed people of working age in the country.

Following the 1980s baby boom, some 26 million Iranians are between the ages of 15 and 30.

Copyright © 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

The Associated Press: Iran to pay for new babies to boost population
"Those who raise idea of family planning, they are thinking in the realm of the secular world," Ahmadinejad said during the inauguration ceremony.
This guy is crazy.How the heck family planning is secular?If you cant afford to feed more then 2 kids then don't have more then 2 kids.
This guy is crazy.How the heck family planning is secular?If you cant afford to feed more then 2 kids then don't have more then 2 kids.

You are forgetting one thing... ahamedinejad said iran has the ability to handle population up to 150 million... in recent time birth rate has diclined too much... if the current trend continues the population will continue to dicline after 2050.... I think this is one of the reason... other is to gain popularity of the lower class...those who support ahmedinejad... n the amount is not low if you compare it... for the period of 18 years... around 22 K dollar... if parents also get benifit then the amount will be more high then this...
This guy is crazy.How the heck family planning is secular?If you cant afford to feed more then 2 kids then don't have more then 2 kids.

but to prevent a child from happening by some injection or abortion is a bad idea too!!
You are forgetting one thing... ahamedinejad said iran has the ability to handle population up to 150 million... in recent time birth rate has diclined too much... if the current trend continues the population will continue to dicline after 2050.... I think this is one of the reason... other is to gain popularity of the lower class...those who support ahmedinejad... n the amount is not low if you compare it... for the period of 18 years... around 22 K dollar... if parents also get benifit then the amount will be more high then this...

how the hell the iranians are becoming less, dont they marry lol!!, in pakistan we talk about restricting the population lol!!
Iran is huge country with petroleum resources, low density and it can afford higher population. Former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani advocated smaller families and Iranian birthrate went down. It had been lower than most other countries in the region. I think that Iran new demographic policy encouraging more births is a step in the right direction. The scarcity of oil will increase the price of oil and Iran's revenue will increase over the years.
How can you immigrate to iran lol $$$ in the bag I will be making a baby every year -
how the hell the iranians are becoming less, dont they marry lol!!, in pakistan we talk about restricting the population lol!!

Well right now birth rate per woman has reduced to around only 1.3 baby. As right now 70 percant of the population is below 30 years of age... so population will continue to increase... but when they will grow older there will be very few people of young age and majority will be of older age... so population will continue to dicrease just like japan and germany... Birth rate of 2.1 children per woman is required to replace a population... Among muslim countries turkey and algeria is facing the same problem... This is a good move but provided population do not crose 150 million or remain some where around.
He's just crazy. Even "Iranian" experts have forecast an Economic growth of 1.9%. He just says nonsense. Iran's population growth was 2.4 last 4 years. Now by his works....
Why can it be an open ended invitation why the technicalities

There aren't ethnic and sectarian technicalities if one is choosing to emigrate to Iran or willing to opt for Iranian nationality. Concerning nationality, the process is restrictive with the primary reason being an unwillingness to extent Iranian nationality further. Thus far nationality or dual nationality has been awarded to those only who have proven Iranian ancestry through Iranian documents and past-citizenship.
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