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Iran capable of producing "endless number of ballistic missiles": commander


May 31, 2010
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Iran capable of producing "endless number of ballistic missiles": commander - People's Daily Online
July 26, 2010

An Iranian Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) commander said Sunday that the country is now capable of producing "an endless number of ballistic missiles," the local satellite Press TV reported.

"Our production lines (of ballistic missiles) are running very smoothly," IRGC's Deputy Commander Brigadier General Hossein Salami was quoted as saying.

Salami said that Iran has also made enormous progress in the field of air defense, according to the report.

Last September, the Islamic Republic displayed its first homemade ballistic missile in a military parade. The ballistic missile of Sejil 2 has the far-reaching range of 2,000 km.

Iran has reiterated that its missile capabilities are "a defensive tool against invasions."

The United States and Israel have consistently refused to rule out the possibility of military strikes against Iran over its refusal to halt its nuclear program.

Source: Xinhua
Such releases are meant for domestic public consumption and a more politically tied than a statement of military-industrial prowess. The only meaningful information than can be ascertained from it is that Iran has made itself better geared for ballistic missile production.

It must be pointed out though that much is lost in the translations-- when one says in Persian/Farsi that he/she can make something "endlessly", it means in great quantity figuratively and not endless in it's literal meaning. The Iranian spokesmen should however be more aware and selective in their statements given the International audience they always find.
This statement only stresses the level of threat Iran poses to the security in the region. Even the big boys do not claim such capability.
i am so scared right now

Khrushchev said in his time: "USSR is producing missiles as fast as a sausage producing line".
This is just like that.
Khrushchev said in his time: "USSR is producing missiles as fast as a sausage producing line".
This is just like that.

actually he was refering to the "missile" a russian variety of european sausages!!

now every one would think, iranian missiles are mere sausages..
I didn't mean that. I meant they are just propaganda. Iran doesn't have enough TELs to fire hundreds of missiles. So, Defense systems would have enough time for reloading And Iranians number of missile wont change anything.
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