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Iranians and their sense of humor


Jul 11, 2010
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Saudi Arabia
Even at times of tension, they dont dissapoint with some humor. Iran is a brave nation.

Iran digging graves for US troops if they attack

Source: Iran digging graves for US troops if they attack - Arab News

Published: Aug 10, 2010 15:05 Updated: Aug 10, 2010 15:05

TEHRAN: Iran has dug mass graves in which to bury US troops in case of any American attack on the country, a former commander of the elite Revolutionary Guard said.

The digging of the graves was in response to a statement by the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, last week that the US military has a contingency plan to attack Iran, although he thinks a military strike is probably a bad idea.

The US and some of its allies accuse Iran of using its civilian nuclear program as a cover to build nuclear weapons. Iran has denied the charges, saying its nuclear program is geared merely toward generating electricity, not bomb.

Gen. Hossein Kan'ani Moghadam, who was the Guard's deputy commander during the 1980s, said graves have been dug in Iran's southwestern Khuzestan province, where Iran buried Iraqi soldiers killed during the ruinous 1980-88 war between the Islamic republic and Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's regime.

"The mass graves that used to be for burying Saddam's soldiers have now been prepared again for US soldiers, and this is the reason for digging this big number of graves," Moghadam told The Associated Press Television News late Monday. He did not say how many were prepared.

Footage obtained by APTN showed a large number of empty, freshly dug graves in a desert region of Khuzestan. The digging of the graves was first reported earlier this week by Iran's semiofficial news agency Fars.

Moghadam repeated warnings that Iran will retaliate against US bases in the Gulf if there is an attack on Iran. The US Navy's 5th Fleet headquarters is based just across the Gulf from Iran in Bahrain.

If US forces attack, "Iran will have no choice but to strike the American bases in the region," he said. "The heavy costs of such a war will not be just on the Islamic Republic of Iran. America and other countries should accept that this would be the start of an extensive war in the region." The war of words has intensified between Iran and the United States after the UN Security Council imposed a fourth round of tougher sanctions in June in response to Iran's refusal to halt uranium enrichment, a technology that can be used to produce nuclear fuel or material for an atomic bomb.

The US and Israel have said military force could be used if diplomacy fails to stop what they suspect is an Iranian nuclear weapons program.
Lol now thats a brave nation I tell you with a great sense of humor!
I highly doubt they would do it for what they are claiming to be doing it for. This could be used as a cover up story for something else.

Maybe the graves are the foundation for a new facility or maybe they're just making it all up just to annoy some people.
Heard similar comments coming in from the Republican Guards of Iraq before the 1st Gulf war..
I am sure the Iranian government is going to occupy these lavish abodes with political dissidents and prisoners, students critical of the government, enemies of the basij, etc. I doubt a single American or Israeli will end up in those graves. Just made for Iranians and being covered up with big talk. I am really sick of their government InshAllah someone brave will conduct commando raids on Ayatollah GHQ.

My heart is with the Iranian people but their government is tragically stupid and inviting destruction on innocents. Iran government is also not a representative of Islam, no matter what kind of material they conjure to state otherwise.
Lol now thats a brave nation I tell you with a great sense of humor!

that is what we call floating on oil... :rolleyes:

Originally Posted by Pride
Same like Pakistanis are on mattress of US money?..
yes, the same as India currently is trying there heart out to get into US lap! :oops:

let me tell the fellow indians something, the relation with US can be exclaimed by one sigel line

"door ka Dhool Suhanay"
"Grass is always greener on other side"


that is what we call floating on oil... :rolleyes:

yes, the same as India currently is trying there heart out to get into US lap! :oops:

let me tell the fellow indians something, the relation with US can be exclaimed by one sigel line

"door ka Dhool Suhanay"
"Grass is always greener on other side"



Sir, First thing my point was a sarcastic comment to my above poster nothing else.

Regarding lap and other proverbs which you mentioned. Let me say that "We are too big to become stooges of some country". Neither it happened during USSR era not in current US era. So dont worry We know how to play this game.
How Naked Women Clear The Skies
by James Dunnigan
May 14, 2010
A pro-Iranian cleric in Hamas controlled Gaza has called the recent eruption of a volcano in Iceland, and the subsequent shut down of air traffic over most of northern Europe, as punishment, by God (Allah) of infidels (non- muslems). This comes after a major Iranian cleric blamed the eruptions on provocatively dressed (or completely undressed) women in the West. Hamas is a client of Iran, and they coordinate their efforts to establish, with Allah's help, a worldwide Islamic religious dictatorship.

How Naked Women Clear The Skies
i hope the Iranian people & the regime realise what havoc this war can bring upon them , end of the day it will be the Iranis who will suffer the most.
i hope the Iranian people & the regime realise what havoc this war can bring upon them , end of the day it will be the Iranis who will suffer the most.

I highly doubt if there is going to be any war, Iran is useing the threat of war to try and hold their country togather and are failing at that. It took the USA military 19 days to travel the 290 miles from Kuwait to Baghdad. It scared the Iranians half to death, they could not do the same thing in 8 years with 10 times the military forces.
I highly doubt if there is going to be any war, Iran is useing the threat of war to try and hold their country togather and are failing at that. It took the USA military 19 days to travel the 290 miles from Kuwait to Baghdad. It scared the Iranians half to death, they could not do the same thing in 8 years with 10 times the military forces.

Hmmm. Let's see.
During the Iran-Iraq war, Iraq was supported by about 50 countries and used a huge amount of chemicals when they were loosing.

Now let's look at First Gulf war:
Participants were from all around the world.
Iraq didn't use huge amount chemicals.
Iraq was not supported by so many countries and it's resources and military assets were drained because of war with Iran.
It's weapon's technology was far less than Yours.

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