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  1. StandForInsaf

    Boycott Elections 2013

    Bogus votes is a serious issue ... How it could be solved ? i have few suggestions Votes should only be allowed computerized cards. Total no of votes should match the population of area. Voting system should have trackback ability so the if anyone feels somewhere system was unjust if he...
  2. StandForInsaf

    Israeli Girl’s Plight Highlights Extremism

    we are pointing extremism wither its jewish christion hindu or muslim whatever , extremism is threat to civil society got it ? not bashing common people who are not involved in extremism and hatred.
  3. StandForInsaf

    Imran Khan is Useless & Jahil - Najam Sethi

    aby chal dictatorship kay hami tara bas chaly to consitution kham kar kay zia ke lash to GVT day day.
  4. StandForInsaf

    Boycott Elections 2013

    We can make zardari go by votes , but what if a dictator comes he will no way (or very hard) leave you unless he dies as zia died , right to choose ruler is one of the basic right and we are not and will not surrender it , .
  5. StandForInsaf

    Boycott Elections 2013

    ShutUP you can leave Pakistan and go to KSA or Afghanistan , Pakistan is for democracy without democracy no rule would work neither we let it work.
  6. StandForInsaf

    Could a tank or land vehicle be nuclear powered?

    Its possible but harm/danger is great if that vehicle got damaged or destroyed even by accident.
  7. StandForInsaf

    Shimon Peres urges Israelis to rally against extremism

    OK this is perfect example how jewish religious extremism has corrupted mental status of these people they are not even allowing man to talk , if police was not there they might have attacked him or even killed him for no reason, Israel is Afghanistan of future(or even worst).
  8. StandForInsaf

    Israeli Girl’s Plight Highlights Extremism

    Israel has no future except extremism mark my words one day it will be worst then Afghanistan , you will see Jewish goons mullahz rooming here and there and killing people teaching hatred and extremism.
  9. StandForInsaf

    PTI Jalsa in Karachi 25-12-11

    OMGF this Photoshopped picture :what:
  10. StandForInsaf

    Imran Khan: If elected, we’ll create an Islamic welfare state

    O bhi he meant that justice will be provided to every one from where Zakat and Jazya came , these are just names of taxes , you can rename income tax to zakat or jazya and serve it to poors only or you may not change name. mosque or the government? How could you ask this idiotic question ? what...
  11. StandForInsaf

    (Poll) Karachi Jalsa Vs Lahore Jalsa ?

    Yap very true , Nawaz as sweeper and Zardari as peon.
  12. StandForInsaf

    Hitler's speech they don't want you to listen

    What sources you have available in favor of Hitler ? Open your eyes and look at reality.
  13. StandForInsaf

    Hitler's speech they don't want you to listen

    Yap WMD in iraq was a lie , but i cant prefer one evil on an other , their is no other story of Hitler even Germans , Russian , European , Americans all confirm it , and their is no doubt about it.
  14. StandForInsaf

    Hitler's speech they don't want you to listen

    USA might have committed many crimes(it certainly have) but we cannot support Hitler it is similar that you say poison is good to drink..... it has been prooved many times Hitler was racist and had committed many crimes against humanity , recently Germany returned skulls of africans which nazis...
  15. StandForInsaf

    We will unite Dhaka and Kolkata for a greater Bangladesh

    Greater bangla hmm ? does these idea have support in indian side of banga ?
  16. StandForInsaf

    Imran Khan Blackmailed me - Abdul Sattar Edhi

    you just said qureshi is corrupt you havnt provided any proofs. Your stupid allegations cant change our determinations. Other parties have been tried and tested its time for IK now.
  17. StandForInsaf

    Imran Khan Blackmailed me - Abdul Sattar Edhi

    how qureshi is corrupt ? kim barker told that?
  18. StandForInsaf

    Imran Khan Blackmailed me - Abdul Sattar Edhi

    "Main nay bb ko bata dya " this tells us all loyalties.
  19. StandForInsaf

    The New Pakistan US Relationship (After the Salala Check-Post Attack)

    Why limited relationship shut the **** away , our relation should be on equal and brotherly bases if they want a relation otherwise get lost no support and supplies nor we need your ******* aids we have enough money and wealth and human resource , we just need honest leader .
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