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Imran Khan is Useless & Jahil - Najam Sethi

Imran Khan Sucks!! He just want to know how much money others have. No plan and nothing to show regarding country, and he supports Taleban, wow we can assume that if he comes to the power(never gonna happen), he might turn Pakistan with the help of Jamat-e-islami as a mullahism state.
The problem IK is currently facing is common one actually. Whenever a party/leader reaches a certain level of popularity but fall short of critical mass, it is faced with a dilemma. Does one continue to furrow a lonely path & risk losing support in the event of electoral failure or does one try to shore up support even if it comes from unsavoury characters who might not be the first choice to shake hands with. Tough position to be in. IK is no spring chicken, for the first (& maybe last) time in his 20 years of public life, he is blessed with a reasonably large share of support. Power corrupts even when it is still only a smell that one gets.The system subsumes almost everybody , IK is sadly no exception. I'm not talking about personal probity, IK is probably above board on such issues but the compromises he is cutting now will not, unfortunately, be the last of such. Since Pakistan has a parliamentary democracy, there is simply no way for any one man to completely dominate his party, especially if powerful power brokers are let in. Soon, the ticket allocations will be fought over & compromises made there too. A lot of those who get elected will owe allegiance to the power brokers that IK is hoping co-opt now. Real reforms will still be a pipe dream . The sad truth is that any real reform is going to be extremely painful for ordinary Pakistanis & people will take out that anger on whoever is in office. Nothing in IK's behaviour so far portend a man capable of taking tough decisions. Would be glad to be proved wrong but a man unwilling to comment on the murder & the reason behind, of a Governor of a Pakistani province citing that heroes have a small shelf life in Pakistan (Karan Thapar interview) does not inspire confidence in his suddenly transforming into one when the stakes are larger.
Imran Khan Sucks!! He just want to know how much money others have. No plan and nothing to show regarding country, and he supports Taleban, wow we can assume that if he comes to the power(never gonna happen), he might turn Pakistan with the help of Jamat-e-islami as a mullahism state.

As opposed to the comprehensive planning and timely execution carried out by PML-N, PPP etc. ?
Energy crisis, security crisis, law and order disarray, unfair taxation only on the salaried professionals etc.
What have you to show as an alternative which is currently viable and can deliver something...instead of a whole lot of slogans and complete apathy towards any issue no matter how critical?

Do understand that we are not expecting miracles, but if we can have absolutely indifferent rulers and survive...can we not see some betterment if the ruler is not indifferent to the plight of the people?

We all need to give Imran a chance for five years and if he checks the downward slide and there is improvement, we shall be better off it...on the other hand if there is no change...what do we have to lose?
Its not like we have a lot of options here.

Mullaism, Faujism, Fuedalism etc.
Why do these isms exist, if not for lack of Govermentism, Justism etc. ?

Dream team of Zardari, Gillani, Rehman Malik, Raja Parwez Ashraf, Jahangir Badar, Dr. Babar Awan are as far from delivering anything to us as possible...this is based on purely their performance and nothing else!
Nawaz Sharif on the other hand is another extreme of arrogance and stupidity (reinforcing Zardaris chances of presidency), his links to extremist organizations (due to vote bank) are also not fiction...his corruption (Qarz Utaro Mulk Sanwaro Scheme) is also something we all are aware of.
All people agree that without Nawaz and Zardari, their parties would be much better...sadly it makes hell of a lot of difference who heads the party and how his personal motives clash with interests of Pakistan.
With Imran we do not have the same problem of vested interests, that he is genuinely concerned with betterment of Pakistan has been reflected in his many actions in the past.

We need another alternative so that either the other parties become serious about addressing the issues or they make way for PTI and its promise of change in governance culture currently prevalent.
If PTI does not bring any change, I am sure someone else will step up.
does anyone of us in our Twenties know we might get the responsibility of Leading a nation? Did Imran Khan as a Youth knew he might become a symbol of Hope for Pakistan?
Kya uspay wahi nazil hoti kay tum bohat baray leader banogay islay jawani ki aiyashiayn chor do -.-

Everyone does all kinds of crazy things in their Youth are u gonna hold that against Imran Khan?

The point is that despite what we do in our youth, how many youth went on, sobered up and used their popularity in Pakistan to work on public welfare projects like Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital which is a national treasure and a success story?

Edhi and Imran are two names which immediately come to mind when we want to see the most successful charities being run in Pakistan.
Very few people in Pakistan compare to Imran Khan when it comes to doing something concrete in way of "betterment and welfare" of the common man.
His actions inspired other national icons like singers etc. to work on welfare projects as well, a good change for Pakistan.

I think it is the attempt to change which is the biggest new thing and it needs to be hammered into the PPP and PML that if they fail the nation, we shall fail them on election day.
Today it is Imran, tomorrow it can be somebody else too, once the nation feels that status quo can be broken...there can be many better morrows for us.

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