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Israeli Girl’s Plight Highlights Extremism

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Israeli Girl’s Plight Highlights Extremism
TV Images Of Naama Sobbing En Route To School Have Shocked Many
BEIT SHEMESH, Israel, Dec 27, (AP): A shy 8-year-old schoolgirl has unwittingly found herself on the front line of Israel’s latest religious war.

Naama Margolese is a ponytailed, bespectacled second-grader who is afraid of walking to her religious Jewish girls school for fear of ultra-Orthodox extremists who have spat on her and called her a ***** for dressing “immodestly.”

Her plight has drawn new attention to the simmering issue of religious coercion in Israel, and the increasing brazenness of extremists in the insular ultra-Orthodox Jewish community.

“When I walk to school in the morning I used to get a tummy ache because I was so scared ... that they were going to stand and start yelling and spitting,” the pale, blue-eyed girl said softly in an interview with The Associated Press Monday. “They were scary. They don’t want us to go to the school.”

The new girls school that Naama attends in the city of Beit Shemesh, to the west of Jerusalem, is on the border between an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood and a community of modern Orthodox Jewish residents, many of them American immigrants.

The ultra-Orthodox consider the school an encroachment on their territory. Dozens of black-hatted men jeer and physically accost the girls almost daily, the students say.

Televised images of Naama sobbing en route to school have shocked many Israelis, elicited statements of outrage from the country’s leadership, sparked a Facebook page with nearly 10,000 followers dedicated to “protecting little Naama” and plans for a demonstration later Tuesday in her honor. As the case has attracted attention, extremists have heckled and thrown eggs and rocks at journalists descending on town.
“Who’s afraid of an 8-year-old student?” said Sunday’s main headline in the leading Yediot Ahronot daily.
Beit Shemesh’s growing ultra-Orthodox population has erected street signs calling for the separation of sexes on the sidewalks, dispatched “modesty patrols” to enforce a chaste female appearance and hurled stones at offenders and outsiders. Walls of the neighborhood are plastered with signs exhorting women to dress modestly in closed-necked, long-sleeved blouses and long skirts.

Naama’s case has been especially shocking because of her young age and because she attends a religious school and dresses with long sleeves and a skirt. Extremists, however, consider even that outfit, standard in mainstream Jewish religious schools, to be immodest.

This week Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke out against the violence. “The Israel police are taking, and will take, action to arrest and stop those who spit, harass or raise a hand. This has no place in a free and democratic state,” he told his Cabinet.

Thousands of people were expected at Tuesday evening’s demonstration. Ahead of the gathering, President Shimon Peres urged the public to attend.

“The demonstration today is a test for the people and not just the police,” Peres told a gathering of Israeli ambassadors. “All of us ... must defend the image of the state of Israel from a minority that is destroying national solidarity and expressing itself in an infuriating way.”
There are a lot of Israeli expats living in Hong Kong, and I have never once noticed this kind of ultra-Orthodox behaviour from them.

So I was very surprised to read in the news that ultra-Orthodox Jews make up over 10% of the population of Israel.

BBC News - Israelis rally against ultra-Orthodox extremism

Though in all fairness, it seems like only a very small section of the ultra-Orthodox community is doing things like this.
Israel has no future except extremism mark my words one day it will be worst then Afghanistan , you will see Jewish goons mullahz rooming here and there and killing people teaching hatred and extremism.
There are a lot of Israeli expats living in Hong Kong, and I have never once noticed this kind of ultra-Orthodox behaviour from them.

So I was very surprised to read in the news that ultra-Orthodox Jews make up over 10% of the population of Israel.

BBC News - Israelis rally against ultra-Orthodox extremism

Though in all fairness, it seems like only a very small section of the ultra-Orthodox community is doing things like this.

They are very secretive abroad,which is understandable.Here in Manchester there is a very Large population of Israeli Jews but none of them will openly say that they are from Israel even if Asked..I was told by one Israeli man that he is Scottish,although he had that typical Hebrew accent..But inside Israel they are very active and apparently now they have gone a step too far by annoying their own people.
A country based on single religion bound to create people like this. It is the job of the govt to control them.
Why is it that i see such hatred language for jews ?? I never saw an Israeli bashing other people in this forum . Ab Israel se bhi dushmani . Hmm.....great going !!
Why is it that i see such hatred language for jews ?? I never saw an Israeli bashing other people in this forum . Ab Israel se bhi dushmani . Hmm.....great going !!

Never intended it that way.

Would you say the media is antisemitic because they reported this? :confused:

Even an Israeli in this very forum admitted that the ultra-orthodox Jews are a problem for Israel.
Why is it that i see such hatred language for jews ?? I never saw an Israeli bashing other people in this forum . Ab Israel se bhi dushmani . Hmm.....great going !!

are you kidding most Muslims cant stand Israelite . and you can include Indian Muslims too .
are you kidding most Muslims cant stand Israelite . and you can include Indian Muslims too .

You are talking nonsense. We do not hold Israeli citizens accountable to the actions of their own government. However we do judge them depending whether they agree with their governments extremist policies. Anyway stay on topic.
You are talking nonsense. We do not hold Israeli citizens accountable to the actions of their own government. However we do judge them depending whether they agree with their governments extremist policies. Anyway stay on topic.

Dont know about you personally but what you said is just a lie. We all inteact with people and know what they think about others.
Why is it that i see such hatred language for jews ?? I never saw an Israeli bashing other people in this forum . Ab Israel se bhi dushmani . Hmm.....great going !!

we are pointing extremism wither its jewish christion hindu or muslim whatever , extremism is threat to civil society got it ?
not bashing common people who are not involved in extremism and hatred.
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