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  1. Skeptic786

    Mushy's 'Out of Box' Kashmir solution

    You misread and misunderstood Jana post and also misunderstood Nehru. What jana said was to contain china....not counter.......this would be done by making independent kashmir as vassal state for the americans....with bases etc there to keep an eye on CAR, China and India ( when Nehru was in...
  2. Skeptic786

    Zulfikar Ali Bhutto responsible for 1971 break-up of Pakistan: Musharraf

    If you hate him for his arrogance and hypocrisy then you hate him for the right reasons and have every right to do so. The reason i lept to his defence was that 1. His long been dead. Not like his in politics now. 2. Many of the projects he initiated we continue to see the benefits...
  3. Skeptic786

    Zulfikar Ali Bhutto responsible for 1971 break-up of Pakistan: Musharraf

    you do know who tehmina durrani has recently married??? Shabazz sharif. Before she married Bhutto's Punjab Governor Ghulum Mustapha Khar..about whom the title of the book refers to my feudal lord. But before she could get to Khar....she satisfied herself with a marriage to Khar's body...
  4. Skeptic786

    I will win elections hands down: Musharraf

    couldn't of said it better myself. the truth is mushy can probably win a seat from rawalpindi...with the help of his friend sheikh rashid....or a seat from karachi with the help of mqm.....that in reality is the total sum of mushy's democratic base. Had it been any larger mushy would have...
  5. Skeptic786

    Mushy's 'Out of Box' Kashmir solution

    Nehru is on record to have said....... i would prefer to personally hand kashmir on a platter to Pakistan than allow it to become independent.
  6. Skeptic786

    Astra Missile - india, Pakistan's reply?

    for sake of historical accuracy i would say this: our missiles are not stolen copies.....we gave the chinese and NK proven and advanced centrifuge technology and they in return gave us proven and tested missile technology ( Ghuari from NK and Shaheen's from China ). It may come to people as...
  7. Skeptic786

    Musharraf’s book-launch in September

    here is the thread i wrote on Steel mills case; http://www.pakistaniforces.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2266
  8. Skeptic786

    The great steal mill robbery ( attempted anyway )

    awais leghari and hamid nasir were minsters incharge of selling the steel mill.
  9. Skeptic786

    Tidbits from mushy book "In the Line of Fire"

    which program is that ???? one with wolf blitzer or one with jonnathan mann? i seen jonnathan mann one.....he lashed out at hamid karzai in that one.
  10. Skeptic786

    Musharaf insults Dr A Q Khan

    it does make it global phenomenon; USA proliferated to UK ( Even if UK scientists were there in the manhatten project...i am reffering to giving them the advanced polaris/Trident nuclear missiles which UK never had) France....proliferated to Israel....israeli technology is bought from...
  11. Skeptic786

    Musharaf insults Dr A Q Khan

    Dr A Q Khan....did say in the pre-recorded message which was telecast to the nation as Dr Qadeer's apology to the nation....."whatever was done...was done in good faith". If mushy had any issues he should have brought them up then...instead of causing severe heartache to all pakistanis that...
  12. Skeptic786

    Musharraf: Pakistan will eventually recognize Israel

    "We cannot do something that sidelines us from the Muslim world," the newspaper quoted Musharraf as saying. I agree totally.
  13. Skeptic786

    ‘President Musharraf disclosed national secrets’: Chaudhry Nisar accuses

    Neccessity is the mother of invention.....the way things are going Mushy will end up with PPP and Benazir ( government has already asked for adjournment of swiss proceedings against her---if that case goes its course---BB will be found guilty of corruption in swiss courts)....the elections will...
  14. Skeptic786

    ‘President Musharraf disclosed national secrets’: Chaudhry Nisar accuses

    He is still bound by his oath. Even if a sitting president was to be exempt...that would in the course of his duties as representative of the federation of Pakistan and in its service.....not to make cash for his personal bank account....as mushy has done in this case. :army:
  15. Skeptic786

    Musharaf insults Dr A Q Khan

    Other than mushy everyone believes so too. Dr A Q Khan was questioned by CIA in pakistan.:wall:
  16. Skeptic786

    ‘President Musharraf disclosed national secrets’: Chaudhry Nisar accuses

    Mushy himself or Shaukat Aziz donot have a constituency to speak off......hence forced smashing of PPP to get turncoats...and same was done with corrupt elements inside PML....to form the Q League.......if the elections are free and fair.....mushy Q League will lose hands down....The fact is...
  17. Skeptic786

    Musharraf's trip to the US in videos

    you found this out now???? all of them have already been put to death...well hanged to death by mushy.....despite that fact that he is still alive.....mushy is implementing law of the jungle in Pakistan. According to Islam...you cannot take a life...except where a life has been taken.....and it...
  18. Skeptic786

    Musharraf’s book-launch in September

    lahori bro, very original and funny :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: well done.
  19. Skeptic786

    Musharaf insults Dr A Q Khan

    bro, to be traitor you have to commit treason.........i would not say the following but for exceptional strong attack on my hero....which deserves a proper response. It is no secret that before Iran and NK ( north korea ) entered the nuclear scene...it was Pakistan’s nuclear program...
  20. Skeptic786

    This ‘graduate’ garbage

    bro, BA in Islamic studies or Urdu or another art is not going to teach maths or economics. For any discipline you need expert advice there are always qualified people in that field that are consulted.........for example you are not going to have a BA in economics setting economic...
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