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The great steal mill robbery ( attempted anyway )


Sep 21, 2006
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having heard an in depth debate on the steel mill issue involving awais leghari, hamid nasir on the one side.......Khawaha saad rafiq and aitzaz ahsan on the other............i can say this Steel mill privatization should not be described as a scandal. This is an insult to the intelligence of all that are aware of what was attempted.

The proper discription for it is.....Pakistan's history's biggest and most daring robbery attempted.

here are the facts.......a crook was first allowed to make money from the stock market at the expense of small and other innocent investors. This crook would use the money to join a consortium who was buying steal mills.

Then tender was put out....selling the steel mill around rupees 25 billion ( which is the same amount of money it took to set it up by the russian back 1960s ).

in defiance of express prohibition of the crook from engaging in bidding for the steal mills his tender bid was accepted as winning bid. All other tenders were basically told to get lost.

Once fixing the paper work and contract for the sale......land worth 40-60 billion rupees was simply added to the sale ( under the table style ) for same price of 25 billion bid. Now all the losing tenderers never had this opportunity to know that land ( 400 acres of prime karachi real estate ) was going to be given to the winner....had they known they would have bid far more......but this was the robbery that was being perpuated on the people of pakistan. You see no prohibition or condition was attached to the sale contract which would have kept the land in the use of the steal mills in the future. This is very important since the crook's main line of business is construction. In other words the crook was being handed land worth 1 billion dollars ( 40-60 billion rupees ) completely free of charge ! to develop his real estate and construction business.....and as an aside business he also owns steal mills. who declared this blatant act of fraud and robbery on the people of Pakistan as transparent and above board???? Shuakat Aziz's City Bank.

Once the matter was brought to the attention of Supreme court......government set about defending the sale using the leading lawyers costing the tax payer millions of rupess......after hearing the arguments of the government lawyers for two weeks........Supreme court slapped them in the face and annulled the sale for these main reasons:

the crook should have been disqualified from the outset, he cannot enter a tender let alone emerge as winner.

the giving of free land worth a billion dollars after the tendering process and to which other tenderers were not aware of when submitting their bids. crooks 25 billion rupees bid didnot have a penny for the land.

And to top it all

the bid of 25 billion rupees comes with the following;

9 billion rupees cash in the bank account of steal mills

government having paid 7 billion loans of steal mills.

so all in all what was net money being recieved for steal mills? 9 billion ruppees only???

but then again for paying 9 billion rupees one is also getting land worth 40-60 billion rupees.

what a sweet deal indeed but for the supreme court of pakistan.
awais leghari and hamid nasir were minsters incharge of selling the steel mill.
this is really really shamefull :coffee: .but unfortunatly this happens in pakistan every day.:wall:
this is really really shamefull :coffee: .but unfortunatly this happens in pakistan every day.:wall:

You know the guy i simply refered to as "crook".....let me tell you and others a bit more about this guy.

When Benazir was in power in 1993-96 he was accused of giving Mr Zardari bribes so that he can get government contracts.....one such was the contract to build conference centre in islamabad ( or similar such building )......when this was being built BB was dismissed........BBC made documentary on BB, Zardari and corruption allegations levelled against.....one person that was interviewed on camera....was this crook.....he was asked the question...did you pay bribes to get this contract.....he didnot deny...but parried the question....."there was no problem on that"......whatever does that mean.....does it mean yes you did...or you didnot?.....he again repeated...."there was no problem on that". This was 1996/97............fast forward 2006....this same man....the same crook has his hook on the public money...first using government contacts and influence in the stock exchange and then his attempt at taking steel mill...which in reality would have been reduced to a small fish...in his business empire. Seems like governments come and go....syndicates established to bleed the pakistani people dry remain....switching allegiances from one government to another.
Seems like governments come and go....syndicates established to bleed the pakistani people dry remain....switching allegiances from one government to another.
So true and thats the garbadge that we needs to rid off:wall:
This PSM privatisation scandal must be an eye opener for those who are fans of Mushy and Aziz.
Sugar scandal should have had the eyes open and waiting for something like the steel mill scandal....Those that donot know much on this.....members of government who in their private lives are also sugar barons of Pakistan purposely stocked sugar to shoot its price through the roof ( quite literally 64% increase in price of sugar over night )......poor people were robbed to the tune of 100 billion rupees. After threatening actions against these elements....nothing was done in the end.....maybe they shared the booty with those cleaner than clean elements of the government....who purpose to threaten action was not on behest of the poor man...but rather an attempt to get their nose into the trough as well.
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