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Zulfikar Ali Bhutto responsible for 1971 break-up of Pakistan: Musharraf


Oct 15, 2005
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IN THE LINE OF FIRE: Bhutto responsible for Pakistan’s break-up

WASHINGTON: Gen Musharraf accuses Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, in his new book, of rejecting a resolution proposed by Poland at the UNSC in 1971 that “might have prevented the loss of East Pakistan”.

The Polish resolution would not have saved East Pakistan. It would have had the Pakistan army surrender and power immediately handed over to the Awami League.

Bhutto comes under strong attack in Musharraf’s book and he is also held responsible for the breakdown of talks between East and West Pakistan, and of collusion with Yahya Khan against Sheikh Mujibur Rehman.

Musharraf is also sceptical of what Bhutto called “new Pakistan”. He is critical of Bhutto for using the lack of a constitution to assume “total power” as president without a constitution. He writes, “Worse, he used the lack of a constitution as a pretext to become the chief martial law administrator. An autocrat at heart, Bhutto got a kick out of being head of a martial law regime.” Despite his popularity, adds Musharraf, Bhutto “soon got into partnership with tribal chieftains, the very men whose political power he had ostensibly come to break. Instead, he opted for the soft target, the business community...”

Full story: http://dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2006\09\26\story_26-9-2006_pg7_10

I'm not very knowledgable about internal politics, so would like to hear what others have to say about this?
Can't disagree.

He was the one who encouraged military action in J&K to Ayub. In Ayub's time Pakistan's economy was at its peak and they shouldn't have compromised that. Then when the heat came on ZA Bhutto, he joined the opposition against Ayub forcing him out. Heck being the master politician he was, he managed to raise an issue of sugar's price increase of .25 rupees that some people say that alone gave the final push to get Ayub out.

Then Yahya came, the drunk bastard was completely incompetent and ill-fitted for the job. And he lost half the country, the bangalis however wrong they might have been in their persecution complex, were the rightful winners of that election.

Musharraf is the only Pakistani leader to have appologized for the events that lead to our separation and also the one who has regained Pakistan's popularity amongst Bangalis.
By the way Bhutto might be 'The Black Sheep' pakistan love to hate in the aftermath of the east Pakistan debacle. To me this claim is still questionable. Any way my point is about Mushrraf himself. He accuses Bhutto of autocratic behaviour. What MUSH himself? he is also an autocrat. Worse still than Bhutto. Although Bhutto was an autocrat is still questionable where as Musharraf being autocrat is a world known fact. What MUSH is doing now is just pushing Pakistan to the TURKEY way systematically i.e. in oblivion, anarchy, confusion about its purpose and yes SECULAR by heart and Core. Islam would soon be a fence sitter in Pakistan, it looks. :angry:

If he was pushing it the Turkey way, nobody would care. He is infact pushing it the anarchy way.

He is building a huge bank a/c and the day Pakistan gets too hot for him, expect him and his family going into exile, most probably to Texas. :D
For the first time i would agree with Mushy on this point. Zulfi is the only one to be blamed.

Throughout hislife and the creation of PPP zulfi kept people telling he knows what happened in Shimla and he would make those secrets public one day. And with this promise he became the PM and then died but nothing came forward regarding Shimla.
For the first time i would agree with Mushy on this point. Zulfi is the only one to be blamed.

Ever read Tehmina Durrani's book my feudal lord? Although a big rant about everything the book sheds a lot of light on the inner dealings of the Pak gov during Bhutto's time. He just had a pretense of socialism to grab power. Plus he was good with the words.
I have read Hamoodur Rahman Report. I was aslo in Pakistan during the entire period of Bhutto regime and during 1971. Mushy has written exactly what I feel. Bhutto had every thing going for him; he was very clever, from a good family and with good education. However, he used his intelligence to fool Pakistani public.

I am in the petroleum idustry and I still remember the scence where he showed a test tube full of 'Condensate' from what is a small gas field at Dhodhak, in the National Assembley saying it was crude, with every one clapping. Bhutto insulted the nation's intelligence. It is more than twenty years since that event and Dhodhak is still just a gas field prdoducing small quanities of condensate as bye product.

This is the kind of thing ZAB was a master. He beat up his own ministers who disgreed. Had seven amendmends to the constitution that he had drafted and approved. Bhutto claimed to be democrat, but he said that he will break the leg of any of the PPP person who attended the NA session. You call this democracy?

Bhutto was definitely a party to the 1971 debacle, it was him who said ' Ither ham uther tum'. Good job Mushy, at least you have guts to say what happened. And to the people who dont like Mush because he wants Pakistan to turn secular. ZAB was a heavy drinker and womenizer. He tried to use Islam to prolong his power and even joked about it.
I have read Hamoodur Rahman Report. I was aslo in Pakistan during the entire period of Bhutto regime and during 1971. Mushy has written exactly what I feel. Bhutto had every thing going for him; he was very clever, from a good family and with good education. However, he used his intelligence to fool Pakistani public.

I am in the petroleum idustry and I still remember the scence where he showed a test tube full of 'Condensate' from what is a small gas field at Dhodhak, in the National Assembley saying it was crude, with every one clapping. Bhutto insulted the nation's intelligence. It is more than twenty years since that event and Dhodhak is still just a gas field prdoducing small quanities of condensate as bye product.

This is the kind of thing ZAB was a master. He beat up his own ministers who disgreed. Had seven amendmends to the constitution that he had drafted and approved. Bhutto claimed to be democrat, but he said that he will break the leg of any of the PPP person who attended the NA session. You call this democracy?

Bhutto was definitely a party to the 1971 debacle, it was him who said ' Ither ham uther tum'. Good job Mushy, at least you have guts to say what happened. And to the people who dont like Mush because he wants Pakistan to turn secular. ZAB was a heavy drinker and womenizer. He tried to use Islam to prolong his power and even joked about it.

Is there anything you said in there against Z.A Bhutto that doesnot apply to Musharaff himself;

1. Musharaf has all the personal bad habit of Z A Bhutto...drinks alcohol and antics outside marriage

2.Musharaf has been giving out nothing but empty rhetoric in all the 7 years....now his started to parrot unashamidly western agenda..thinking that will save his skin in the expected collapse of his regime next year.

3. Z.A Bhutto beat up or had someone beat up....is that worse than sentencing someone to 25 years in prison merely because he made public a letter written from within the army to him....and addressed to him as leader of one of the main parties of Pakistan.??? where in the world would this be permissible? under what law? western or islamic??? unless the law of the jungle currently underway in Pakistan.

4. I am against anyone undermining Pakistan's Islamic Ideology....it is what the country was founded upon and accurately describe the aspirations of the people of Pakistan. If you have bone to pick with Z A Bhutto because he declared Ahmadis Kafir in the constitution....then have the decency to declare so we know why you have speciall reason to hate Z A Bhutto.

5. Z A Bhutto established Pakistan's nuclear program.....made China cornerstone of Pakistan's foreign policy ( which it remains to this day )....attempted to break the strangle hold of handle full of families on the entire pakistan economy ( set out in the famous Dr Mehboob-ul-Haq report ) ranging from, Shipping, insurance, banking, light and heavy industry to almost anything worth of mentioning.

6. Compared to Z A Bhutto....Musharaf is not even a man....more like a mouse....who shittt his pants on mere threat from a third rung official of the american adminstration. Worst still all us pakistanis have to live with this shame for enternity.:wall:
Is there anything you said in there against Z.A Bhutto that doesnot apply to Musharaff himself;

1. Musharaf has all the personal bad habit of Z A Bhutto...drinks alcohol and antics outside marriage

2.Musharaf has been giving out nothing but empty rhetoric in all the 7 years....now his started to parrot unashamidly western agenda..thinking that will save his skin in the expected collapse of his regime next year.

3. Z.A Bhutto beat up or had someone beat up....is that worse than sentencing someone to 25 years in prison merely because he made public a letter written from within the army to him....and addressed to him as leader of one of the main parties of Pakistan.??? where in the world would this be permissible? under what law? western or islamic??? unless the law of the jungle currently underway in Pakistan.

4. I am against anyone undermining Pakistan's Islamic Ideology....it is what
the country was founded upon and accurately describe the aspirations of the people of Pakistan. If you have bone to pick with Z A Bhutto because he declared Ahmadis Kafir in the constitution....then have the decency to declare so we know why you have speciall reason to hate Z A Bhutto.

5. Z A Bhutto established Pakistan's nuclear program.....made China cornerstone of Pakistan's foreign policy ( which it remains to this day )....attempted to break the strangle hold of handle full of families on the entire pakistan economy ( set out in the famous Dr Mehboob-ul-Haq report ) ranging from, Shipping, insurance, banking, light and heavy industry to almost anything worth of mentioning.

6. Compared to Z A Bhutto....Musharaf is not even a man....more like a mouse....who shittt his pants on mere threat from a third rung official of the american adminstration. Worst still all us pakistanis have to live with this shame for enternity.:wall:

ZAB was always a controversial figure. You either love or hate him. No, I don't dislike ZAB because he declared Ahmadis Kaffir. I dislike him because he was a hypocrite and he used the act to counter the Nizame Mustafa movement. I saw his declaration on TV and he was openly cynical. Nevertheless, Pakistan is full of Bhutto lovers as evident from the vote bank of PPP. I respect him for his brains but don't like him for his arrogance and blame him for the break up of Pakistan. You are welcome to love him to distraction, I have no problem with that. Let us agree to disagree. No point in discussing someone long since dead.

Ever read Tehmina Durrani's book my feudal lord? Although a big rant about everything the book sheds a lot of light on the inner dealings of the Pak gov during Bhutto's time. He just had a pretense of socialism to grab power. Plus he was good with the words.

you do know who tehmina durrani has recently married??? Shabazz sharif.

Before she married Bhutto's Punjab Governor Ghulum Mustapha Khar..about whom the title of the book refers to my feudal lord.

But before she could get to Khar....she satisfied herself with a marriage to Khar's body guard....the body guard handed her over to his boss.

She tainted the character of one ....Abdul Satar Edhi too.

She is real credible person to quote on anything ( am being sarcastic )
ZAB was always a controversial figure. You either love or hate him. No, I don't dislike ZAB because he declared Ahmadis Kaffir. I dislike him because he was a hypocrite and he used the act to counter the Nizame Mustafa movement. I saw his declaration on TV and he was openly cynical. Nevertheless, Pakistan is full of Bhutto lovers as evident from the vote bank of PPP. I respect him for his brains but don't like him for his arrogance and blame him for the break up of Pakistan. You are welcome to love him to distraction, I have no problem with that. Let us agree to disagree. No point in discussing someone long since dead.

If you hate him for his arrogance and hypocrisy then you hate him for the right reasons and have every right to do so.

The reason i lept to his defence was that

1. His long been dead. Not like his in politics now.

2. Many of the projects he initiated we continue to see the benefits today...in the aftermath of USA betrayal in 1965 war he approached china for help and laid eventually the foundations of Pak-China strategic alliance. Bhutto was pro-china even when it was not fashionable ( pre-1965).
3. He took pakistan close to the arabs and managed to send quite literally millions of pakistanis to jobs in the middle east.
4. It was bhutto who entrusted A Q Khan to persue centrifuge route to bomb...as and how A Q Khan wanted with access to unaudited funds...which eventually bore fruit.
5. Bhutto convinced Americans to give grants and build the PAEC first reactor...when he was minster in Ayub cabinet...thus getting that organisation off and running.

But why did Musharaff attack Z A Bhutto....the simple answer is Bhutto sacked his father from a job...due to suspicions of corruption on Mushy's pappa....so the son is trying to get his own back...while the sun is shinning....but to attack a dead person....is a real low thing. What does it say about Mushy honesty by not revealing his papa's misfortune at the hands of Z A Bhutto.

But before she could get to Khar....she satisfied herself with a marriage to Khar's body guard....the body guard handed her over to his boss.

So what Khar also had snatched her from her husband had relations with her by sending her husband out of home on many pretexts :) sometimes to wait for him for hours at pool side :P besdies he also had relations with Tehmina's school-going sister:).
For the first time i would agree with Mushy on this point. Zulfi is the only one to be blamed.

Throughout hislife and the creation of PPP zulfi kept people telling he knows what happened in Shimla and he would make those secrets public one day. And with this promise he became the PM and then died but nothing came forward regarding Shimla.

Agreed but Lahori since Benazir was with her father during that trip and Bhuttop accepted that she was wise enough to be with him during Shimla agreement she also knows the deatils why she never made these public?
Agreed but Lahori since Benazir was with her father during that trip and Bhuttop accepted that she was wise enough to be with him during Shimla agreement she also knows the deatils why she never made these public?

Benazir was never in the one to one meeting of Z A Bhutto and Indra Gandhi.....furthermore what ever understanding Zulfi and Indra had they took them with them to their graves ( or in case of indra..... shamshan ghat ).
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