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  1. Archie

    Maruti faces costly shutdown after deadly factory riot

    These bas.tard workers should starve to death They and their familes should remain jobless for rest of their lives Instead of facing a shut down after every few months , it is better for Maruti to relocate production at Gujrat Coz Cost of relocation is not going to be any more than the 3...
  2. Archie

    Indian Air Force News & Discussions

    Conformal Fuel Tanks to improve range
  3. Archie

    Top Maoist leader killed in Jharkhand's Chatra district

    Well , we dont use army for internal conflict Central Reserve Police Force and State level Cops are doing their Job Army is normally called as last resort , and They dont operate outside the cover of AFSPA Act
  4. Archie

    Indian Navy eyes expansion with three more Russian-made Krivak IV frigates

    The biggest Warship in Pak Navy is the 4200 Ton PNS Alamgir , which is over 35 yrs old , Even the 12 , 2500 Tons Kamorta class Corvette we plan to induct between 2012-24 are enough for PN
  5. Archie

    Indian Navy eyes expansion with three more Russian-made Krivak IV frigates

    Yeah , My bet is that the 7000 Ton P-17A will be deployed in eastern fleet which deals with China , while the 4500 Ton Kirvak VI will be deployed in western fleet which deals with Pakistan Also Russians normally deliver frigates in 6 yrs , while Mazagaon Docks is promising 6 yrs , but No one...
  6. Archie

    Rahul Gandhi to be appointed as defence minister?

    Dude , atleast Zardari has a useless post MOD is the 2nd most important post in Indian Govt after PMO , My bets are either CONgress is looking to project A.K Antony as the new face For Sonia Gandhi in 2014 General election , Or Rahul Gandhi is being appointed as No 2 Minister so that he...
  7. Archie

    Indian Navy eyes expansion with three more Russian-made Krivak IV frigates

    Well , actually the real reason why we order in batches of 3 is coz 1:In case of frigates the reason was delay, Indian Shipyards take 10-12 yrs to deliver 3 frigates compared to 6 yrs taken by Russia and China Let me give you the an example , Godavari class were sanctioned in 1971 ...
  8. Archie

    Navy will float tenders for new copters

    Lets just total the Number 16 surveilance/ASW Helis + 75 MRH + 56 LUH Thats 147 Helis Now considering the fact that timeline for induction is likely to be 2O15-24 So they are looking to replace most of the present fleet of 120+ Helis infact Barring 9 Ka31 AEW Helis and 8 Dhruv SAR helis...
  9. Archie

    Altaf Hussain says non-Muslims should not be referred to as ‘minorities’

    why should people listen to someone living a safe comfortable life in UK while real pakistanis suffer due to power , water and gas shortages
  10. Archie

    China accuses the US of Olympic hypocrisy

    ok How many american senators plan to burn their Made in china ipads and iphones
  11. Archie

    India’s aircraft carrier ambitions take a dive

    Let us know when china starts building its first carrier Your country has taken 9 Yrs to finish a half completed soviet carrier So by that standard Since India has Already completed 35% of the work on IAC in 3 Yrs , so it wont be as slow as the chinese , even if the ship enters service in...
  12. Archie

    Indian Navy eyes expansion with three more Russian-made Krivak IV frigates

    Well Two things in the article need to be corrected Krivak IV are bigger than Krivak III which forms the basis of 6 Talwar class Frigates Also This Frigate will be equiped with Brahmos and Barak 8 , not the Klub N and Shtil Systems
  13. Archie

    India’s aircraft carrier ambitions take a dive

    It was the NDA government which sanctioned Rs 3216 Crore for IAC 1 Their is no way in hell that you can get a 40000 Ton carrier for less than the cost of a 7000 Ton destroyer Most of the projects cleared by NDA have undergone massive price escalation For instance 3 Shivalik class frigates...
  14. Archie

    Is Pakistan targetted for civil war by USA/NATO ?

    Dam Jews Their is actually a place in Middle east or North Africa called Dam Jews
  15. Archie

    ‘India willing to invest at least $20b in Pakistan’

    Well you need to follow up with our investment plans in Afghanistan An Indian Consortium announced a plan to invest around 40 Billlion USD in afghansitan between 2015-25 , this investment will mainly be in construction of Power plants , steel mills , Railway and Road network as well as...
  16. Archie

    Pakistan Army Helicopter Crash Underscores Military Need

    Well Mi-17 are rugged Helis and quite cheap too I bet if supreme court of Pakistan Manages to get Zardari's Swiss accounts open , you can easily Purchase 100 Mi17 from Russia , without aid By the Way , US should provide some of its surplus Mi17 to pak army once it leaves afghanistan...
  17. Archie

    Work on submarine launched BrahMos in final stages

    Why do you think that the 6200 Tons Shivalik class carries Klub N Cruise Missiles while 5000 Ton Rajput class Carries Brahmos Cruise Missiles and Dhanush Ballistic Missiles Its becoz when VLS Brahmos became available in 2007 , the shivalik class was far too ahead in its construction and...
  18. Archie

    WAPDA working on 20,000MW hydel power projects

    Imran Bhai , it is not about installed capacity , but How Best to use that installed capacity Even today Pakistan has 19800 MW installed capacity against demand of 20000 MW but it produces only 11000 MW leading to shortfall of 9000 MW and 12 Hr Power cuts across the country Also Hydro power...
  19. Archie

    Worlds 4 biggest money money laundering cases one of them is Zardari

    Never Knew that their was an actual Zardari Supporter among our rank When did you have that accident sirji , coz your mind is playing games with your hands
  20. Archie

    Work on submarine launched BrahMos in final stages

    Well Akula Carries 24 VLS Klub N Cruise Missiles with 300 Km range While 5 Kilo class Currently Carry 6 Klub S Cruise Missiles each with 220 Km range , 2 Kilo Class Subs currently undergoing MLU and Final Sub which will undergo MLU in 2014-15 , will be equipped by Klub N Cruise Missiles with...
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