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Zardari got 'tame nudge' in India, told to work more: Pak media

This is a point I have made many times; Pakistani forces can't even see the Siachen glacier from their positions. India hold pretty much all the heights around it with Pakistan holding the lower positions sometimes perilously right under Indian positions. After the failed attack by the SSG in 1995, Pakistan has pretty much given up the ghost of trying to militarily win back positions. After the army made it clear that the political leadership will have complete responsibility if the PA does take positions vacated under any peace deal & that it will be militarily extremely tough ask to win back those, the government has pretty much stopped talking about the Siachen as a easy, low hanging fruit in talks with Pakistan. No real chance of withdrawal unless Pakistan agrees to mark actual ground positions something that they may not be willing to do since it will actually reveal the hollowness of their Siachen claims.

After the recent spats between the Govt. and Army over various issues, it's not possible for MMS to force the Army to give up its position anymore.

And after MMS, only thing Rahul Baba or Modi or Mayawati or Pawar or Pranab Da would offer our cute little Bilawal would be lessons to do politics. :lol:
Well Indians, since we are such large hearted people, we can not have our neighbors freeze their backsides off, so we will be taking those positions to save you from frozen death. Thanks in advance.
Well Indians, since we are such large hearted people, we can not have our neighbors freeze their backsides off, so we will be taking those positions to save you from frozen death. Thanks in advance.[/QUOT

135 Pakistani soldiers died yesterday. Right?
Well Indians, since we are such large hearted people, we can not have our neighbors freeze their backsides off, so we will be taking those positions to save you from frozen death. Thanks in advance.

Should you be talking about frozen deaths at a time like this? The bodies of 135 of your armymen who suffered such a fate have not yet been recovered. And you are talking about saving Indians from that.
Do you think Kargil was a revenge for his 1987 debacle.

For sure. Mushy mentioned about 1971 defeat bitterly in his autobiography. I think that failed operation made him more bitter towards Indian. But sadly he did same mistake in 1999. Now he is in no position to commit mistakes :)
If executed carefully an operation by Pakistan could gain better and safer positions along with advantageous posts and territory. I think they should go for it with the next government.

frustrated during banning period??

army of both nations are there to spoil such adventure you are talking about... in your thought all Pakistani govts were incapable of any thing or next govt.`ll come with divine power??
Should you be talking about frozen deaths at a time like this? The bodies of 135 of your armymen who suffered such a fate have not yet been recovered. And you are talking about saving Indians from that.

I'm being pragmatic. Honestly, and all jokes aside neither side is going to vacate their positions. So the most rational step for the PA to do is push deeper for safer positions.
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