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WS-10/Taihang is ready

Thank you. I was not trying to start an argument. I simply was not convinced that a picture would prove anything. The Chinese have not said anything about the WS-10 being put into full production, so i did not make any assumptions based on what color the plane was. Lets forget this ever happend. We can agree to disagree:cheers:

Because of our different culture, the Chinese goverment prefer to keep it's military powers a secret. The pictures I posted was from taken by friends in Shengyang, not published by the goverment.

You have your freedom to believe anything, however, you need to do some homework before you say anything.

The fact is that YOU DONT KNOW CHINESE, so you take news sources such as Wikipedia, which could not be reliable because Chineses seldem visit it.
Mr.lmjiao, Please don't confuse the readers man. I have divided your post for a better read.

So, where is the J-11 with WS-10. Is that the blue one or yellow one ?. Both J-11 pic you posted are fitted with AL-31. In WS-10 design, the convergent divergent nozzle's cantilever is visible.

The blue ones are with WS-10, yellow ones are with AL-31F
China is a truely a great nation we can surely learn so much from them , and also thank you Russia for your assitance

Perhaps we need to really understand each other more - you can't count Russians out they are truely a great nations that are our neighbours

We are with you on your Anti , Sheild Initiatives to surround your great nation Russia:coffee:
Dude, just take a breather and realize that the engine is a dire reality. Nothing that you claim will change this reality. Besides, I would trust the word of a Chinese. It's after all their domestic project and they know the ins and outs so to speak. Let's just leave it to that. :china:

PS. I understand the frustration though.

You again? :lol:

The one in the picture was in service in PLAAF, and then be upgraded with Taihang for testing. That's not related with J-11b.

According to this all J-11's regardless of designation will be equiped with the WS-10:

Future productions of the J-11 will also be powered by the indigenous FWS-10A ‘Taihang’ turbofan jet engine.

Jian-11 (J-11, Flanker) Multirole Fighter Aircraft - SinoDefence.com

Mabe you should go and find the difference between Su-27, J-11 and J-11b. They are not the same.

Firstly, i know the differences. Secondly,What does this have to do with the topic at hand?

Your picture is real, and I have that picture too.

However, your logic fails because the plane in your picture IS NOT J-11B.

And you would know this by looking at the picture how? Also just to let you know an SU-27K was fitted with the WS-10, so all this SU-27, J-11, and J-11B talk is nonesense because all three were tested with the WS-10. This disscussion is about WS-10 not the differences in EW suits offered on different J-11 models.

During the 6th Zhuhai Air Show held between 31 October and 5 November 2006, China revealed first official details about the indigenously developed FWS-10A ‘TaiHang’ turbofan engine. The engine had already been successfully tested on a modified Su-27K fighter and possibly on some J-11 airframes too. The engine is understood to be similar to the Russian Lyulka-Saturn AL-31F turbofan engine in both technology and performance. However, it is unclear whether the FWS-10A has already been fitted on the 'indigenised' variant of the J-11.

Jian-11 (J-11, Flanker) Multirole Fighter Aircraft - SinoDefence.com

I'm sorry to say that although Russians originally designed Su-27, they know nothing about J-11B

Again this has what to do with the topic? We are talking about the WS-10 and not the the differences between the J-11, J-11B ect, and when did i, or any other Russian claim to know anything other than what's published about the J-11?

This is not related to the topic, please stop.

Why not tell zagahaga to "stop" he is the instigator, it was him that insulted Russians by calling us greedy liars that needed circus training. I was mearly responding to his pethetic, childish remark. You should have told him to stop.

Because of our different culture, the Chinese goverment prefer to keep it's military powers a secret. The pictures I posted was from taken by friends in Shengyang, not published by the goverment..

Some things abaut the Chinese military is secretive such as the J-10. For example, it was not revealed it was in service for some time. However, the WS-10 is a highly publicized afair. There's pictures of the WS-10, there's interviews with people working on the WS-10, and there's WS-10's on exhibition. The WS-10 is important to the Chinese and i have no doubt that when the engine is ready, the Chinese will proudly proclaim the WS-10 to be a success.

You have your freedom to believe anything, however, you need to do some homework before you say anything.

I have done my homework well, i back up my claims with sources. Unfortunately, i can not say the same for everyone. I look at publications, articles, ect. I do NOT base my argument on speculation, nor do i base them on what color an aircraft is.

I do not know why most people on this thread are attacking me, i have not said anything negative about the WS-10, I am not here to put down the Chinese, and i am not here proclaiming Russian superiority over the WS-10. However, because i beleive it is too premature to judge the progress of the WS-10 based on a picture people seem to think it is okay to start insulting both me and my country. Very classy!

To make my point clear, i do not beleive the WS-10 is ready for mass production because no official word has come from the Chinese. Moreover, the Chinese recently ordered more AL-31's. I am not saying the WS-10 is bad, nor am i saying it will never come into full production. I hope this settles it :cheers:
^^ LOL Look who's throwing fits all over again. Dude, like I said take a breather. Take a shot of vodka and chill out. :)
I do not know why most people on this thread are attacking me, i have not said anything negative about the WS-10, I am not here to put down the Chinese, and i am not here proclaiming Russian superiority over the WS-10. However, because i beleive it is too premature to judge the progress of the WS-10 based on a picture people seem to think it is okay to start insulting both me and my country. Very classy!
We want to make your time on this forum enjoyable and informative. You are one of a few Russians we have here, so your input is always welcome. As far as I know, you have obeyed the forum rules and have quite a bit to share. Hence, if you find yourself or your country under attack needlessly, please report the post and it shall be evaluated by (relatively) impartial moderators.

To make my point clear, i do not beleive the WS-10 is ready for mass production because no official word has come from the Chinese. Moreover, the Chinese recently ordered more AL-31's. I am not saying the WS-10 is bad, nor am i saying it will never come into full production. I hope this settles it :cheers:
I do not believe anybody is claiming that the WS-10 has entered "mass production". However, I must disagree with you, it is okay to speculate that LRP has begun by looking at the PLAAF J-11 pictures. If not that, then at the very least, we can say that the PLAAF has fitted a few of its fighters with limited-production WS-10s for evaluation purposes. This will also explain why more AL-31 were ordered, it will take a while to produce the WS-10 in high enough quantities to fit into all the J-11B.

Lastly, the engineering of WS-10 may have been publicized, but that doesn't necessarily mean the Chinese are completely transparent about it. It would be, in my opinion, okay to assume that the Chinese will remain hush about the WS-10s production rate and induction until it is all done. That's just how they work, and a Russian, of all people, should understand why (hint: Cold War).
^^ LOL Look who's throwing fits all over again. Dude, like I said take a breather.

Throws fits? :rofl: I am calm sir, and i actually find this to be an interesting thread.

I am here to gain knowledge about the WS-10 as well as dispell any miss information. I am not here to argue with people like yourself. Either post something constructive or don't post anything at all.

I want to have a good relations with everyone, including you, so please no not make things personal. Thank.
I do not know why most people on this thread are attacking me, i have not said anything negative about the WS-10, I am not here to put down the Chinese, and i am not here proclaiming Russian superiority over the WS-10.

Why do you have the feeling that you're being attacked? Most people here simply refute your idea that the WS-10 isn't a reality. It's a reality and like most people have already explained, the engine is being tested rigorously. Why is that you post old pictures and are in denial?
Throws fits? :rofl: I am calm sir, and i actually find this to be an interesting thread.

I am here to gain knowledge about the WS-10 as well as dispell any miss information. I am not here to argue with people like yourself. Either post something constructive or don't post anything at all.

I want to have a good relations with everyone, including you, so please no not make things personal. Thank.

:D First, you're not calm, because you're assuming too much. Now, you think that I'm making things personal whilst I'm just trying to cool you down.

That's excellent because everyone (including me) is here for the same reasons as you're. Now, I like all other members have every right to disagree with you or anyone else on any particular subject. You shouldn't get angry about that. This thread was very constructive until you started posting old pics and making comparisons between various engines. You're fully entitled to your opinion, but please also have the courage to bare with others.
Why do have the feeling that you're being attacked?

Because of comments like this: greedy and a lier ... the over grow brown bear needs some hard core circus training not to mention you constantly quoting me and telling me to relax, and others telling me i'm bending the truth, or something to that effect. I do not beleive i deserve such treatment for simply not beleiving a J-11 painted in standar PLAAF colors is a viable argument for the WS-10 being ready.

Most people here simply refute your idea that the WS-10 isn't a reality. It's a reality and like most people have already explained, the engine is being tested rigorously. Why is that you post old pictures and are in denial?

I have said nothing of the sort. The WS-10 is a reality, and it is being tested, and it may very well go into full production very soon. My argument was that a picture proves nothing. I have never said anything to discredit the WS-10.

When i posted the J-11 pic i was trying to prove a point it was never my intention to ruin the thread.
^^ LOLZ Well, the greedy and lair part I totally agree with. They are totally uncalled for. Yep, and the comment about the over grown brown bear needing some hardcore circus training is also unacceptable. I condemn both.

Well, in that case we agree on something! In the meantime, we'll just have to wait for the official word.


WS-10 is shorter than AL-31

Probably the nozzle cover is doing the trick...look at these pics of al-31.


To make my point clear, i do not beleive the WS-10 is ready for mass production because no official word has come from the Chinese. Moreover, the Chinese recently ordered more AL-31's. I am not saying the WS-10 is bad, nor am i saying it will never come into full production. I hope this settles it :cheers:

No more debates with you, this is Pakistan Defence forum, not a place for arguments.

Enjoy your freedom, and you will pay for that.
i do not beleive the WS-10 is ready for mass production because no official word has come from the Chinese.
sorry,thanks for help of Russia friends.

430factory,not 410,hehe.:D

if you want official word,oh, you must learn how to be patient.Because it's my gov habit——don't like to tell others in times
To make my point clear, i do not beleive the WS-10 is ready for mass production because no official word has come from the Chinese. Moreover, the Chinese recently ordered more AL-31's. I am not saying the WS-10 is bad, nor am i saying it will never come into full production. I hope this settles it

The fact is that YOU DONT KNOW CHINESE, so you take news sources such as Wikipedia, which could not be reliable because Chineses seldem visit it.

the following is from an official newspaper report , October 21th 2008 issue ,China Aviation News(Organ of the AVIC):


PangWei, chairman and general manager of the Shenyang Liming Aero-Engine (Group) Company,briefed the academicians about the development status. he said both "Taihang" turbofan and "Kunlun" turbojet were in current mass-production...
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