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WikiLeaks: Narendra Modi, the lone honest Indian politician

Modi or not, the riot would have happened. Gujarat has a history of communal riots, whats impressive though is that ever since 2002 Gujarat has been very peaceful.

I am not against criticism, but maybe its time to give this Gujarat riot hullabaloo a rest. And drawing parallels between Modi and Hitler is downright pathetic.


Not just Modi: Guide to riots before 2002 and after | Firstpost

Riots during congress rules proves that Modi and Co groups had been banking on these riots by instigating to shame congress.
And why so??

Because besides sharing similar administrative traits, having a similar image of not being corrupt as Modi- he also doesn't carry the baggage that Modi does of being anti-Muslim.

Even then,do you think we wouldn't have had a civil war?

Nope. Heck, I believe there wouldn't have been as many loss of lives and as much animosity during the Partition if it had been carried out surgically rather than the butcher method that was employed. Mountbatten had till June 1948 to transfer power. The overnight declaration of the Radcliffe Award, the state machinery not being able to cope with the riots or the killings - all could have been avoided.
Bose was ousted from the Congress - it is a shame he wasn't around - if we had won independence through his means, India would have been a different country. As it is - he did more for independence than all of the Congress leaders combined (excluding Gandhi) - and since he died in '45 - how could he have prevented partition.

What a load of nonsense. Bose was kicked out of congress because his idea of getting independence was taking up arms and killing the british and their Indian soldiers and Indian policemen who stood with the british. The rest of the leadership wanted independence without killing other Indians. :lol:

Did you say you wrote a book ? :cheesy:

As to the claim that Bose did more for freedom that all other leaders combined ....:angel:.....I dont think we need to say anything more after this splendid example of your intellect.

As to your pathetic eg. of quoting 'Hindustan Times' Which is a congress mouthpiece owned by congress MP.......Modi is not responsible for Gujarat being an Arid state :P Though his fans think he is god. ....... he is not really god.

All he can do is build dams, provide pipes and help recharge the ground water.....and he has done ALL OF THAT. :wave:
Riots during congress rules proves that Modi and Co groups had been banking on these riots by instigating to shame congress.

Now you are spouting out nothing but hate, aren't you? Trying to tie up each one of the riots to hindu right wing elements while absolving other groups of the responsibility?

Nellie massacre and Sikh Genocide - two of the biggest riots in Independence India are not the acts of hindu right wing elements

And most importantly last year Mumbai riots and UP riots where we saw the desecration of Jawan memorial and Buddha/Mahaveera statues in UP was one sided and definitely not the acts of right wing hindu elements.
Because besides sharing similar administrative traits, having a similar image of not being corrupt as Modi- he also doesn't carry the baggage that Modi does of being anti-Muslim.

Nope. Heck, I believe there wouldn't have been as many loss of lives and as much animosity during the Partition if it had been carried out surgically rather than the butcher method that was employed. Mountbatten had till June 1948 to transfer power. The overnight declaration of the Radcliffe Award, the state machinery not being able to cope with the riots or the killings - all could have been avoided.

LOL......I think Nitish panders to muslim vote bank by being Anti Modi and at the same time takes an Anti Hindu stand by being Anti Modi ...and that is why you love him.

Lives loss during partition was due to 'direct action' by Jinnah and his cahoots in the Muslim league. How much spin must sikulars give to history :lol:

In any case .....its a waste of time to debate anyone who quotes Godwins law :toast_sign:

Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies) is an observation made by Mike Godwin in 1990 that has become an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1." In other words, Godwin observed that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably makes a comparison to Hitler or the Nazis. :cheesy:
Although in one of its early forms Godwin's law referred specifically to Usenet newsgroup discussions, the law is now often applied to any threaded online discussion, such as forums, chat rooms and blog comment threads, and has been invoked for the inappropriate use of Nazi analogies in articles or speeches.

.......there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever debate was in progress......While falling afoul of Godwin's law tends to cause the individual making the comparison to lose their argument or credibility
What a load of nonsense. Bose was kicked out of congress because his idea of getting independence was taking up arms and killing the british and their Indian soldiers and Indian policemen who stood with the british. The rest of the leadership wanted independence without killing other Indians. :lol:

Did you say you wrote a book ? :cheesy:

As to the claim that Bose did more for freedom that all other leaders combined ....:angel:.....I dont think we need to say anything more after this splendid example of your intellect.

As to your pathetic eg. of quoting 'Hindustan Times' Which is a congress mouthpiece owned by congress MP.......Modi is not responsible for Gujarat being an Arid state :P Though his fans think he is god. ....... he is not really god.

All he can do is build dams, provide pipes and help recharge the ground water.....and he has done ALL OF THAT. :wave:

:) A semi-literate's grasp of history. Bose was elected as the Congress President despite the political machinations to oust him. He resigned AFTER he won. Now child - go read about the INA Trials at the Red Fort and how that led to the Bombay Naval Mutiny which was the last straw which broke the camel's back as far as the British Raj is concerned.

Also - in a democracy people are allowed to have opposing views. Considering you live in a democracy at least learn some basics about how this system works.

LOL......I think Nitish panders to muslim vote bank by being Anti Modi and at the same time takes an Anti Hindu stand by being Anti Modi ...and that is why you love him.

Lives loss during partition was due to 'direct action' by Jinnah and his cahoots in the Muslim league. How much spin must sikulars give to history :lol:

Hahahahahhaha - really? Where did you learn your history? "Direct Action Day" was a full year before independence - August of 1946. And that was in Calcutta. The Partition riots which lead to a lot more loss of lives was in August 1947. But you have a right to your views - even if there is time warp involved.
:) A semi-literate's grasp of history. Bose was elected as the Congress President despite the political machinations to oust him. He resigned AFTER he won. Now child - go read about the INA Trials at the Red Fort and how that led to the Bombay Naval Mutiny which was the last straw which broke the camel's back as far as the British Raj is concerned.

Also - in a democracy people are allowed to have opposing views. Considering you live in a democracy at least learn some basics about how this system works.

Hahahahahhaha - really? Where did you learn your history? "Direct Action Day" was a full year before independence - August of 1946. And that was in Calcutta. The Partition riots which lead to a lot more loss of lives was in August 1947. But you have a right to your views - even if there is time warp involved.

LOL....the sikular Leftist history spin doctors desperate attempt. Learn to read and then understand what you read. Kind of difficult for leftists self proclaimed 'scholars' i would guess :lol:......this is what I said ..."The rest of the leadership wanted independence without killing other Indians." But propaganda artists dont really bother do read and understand do they ? :azn:

Direct action has the same impact of hate speech by owaisi....they continue to reverberate even after their 'imaginary' expiry date. :disagree:. You can lay the blame for partition killing directly on Jinnah......but leftist propaganda spin doctors like you wont do that would you ? :azn:
LOL....the sikular Leftist history spin doctors desperate attempt. Learn to read and then understand what you read. Kind of difficult for leftists self proclaimed 'scholars' i would guess :lol:......this is what I said ..."The rest of the leadership wanted independence without killing other Indians." But propaganda artists dont really bother do read and understand do they ? :azn:

Direct action has the same impact of hate speech by owaisi....they continue to reverberate even after their 'imaginary' expiry date. :disagree:. You can lay the blame for partition killing directly on Jinnah......but leftist propaganda spin doctors like you wont do that would you ? :azn:

Awww - nice try child. You got your dates all mixed up - it's ok. You got your history all mixed up too. That's ok too. Instead of ranting and then defending your time-warped rants, go read up some real facts.
Before any one post on Godhara, should remember, it started with burning alive 58 HINDUS. Since Hindus are in majority, people see Muslims killed, not Hindus killed.

BTW a simple thing, Hindus are higher in number than Muslims, casualties of Muslims would have been high. Simple, more Rioters of one community, more the casualties of opposite one.

Why didn't you apply the same logic in this as you did with the Rwanda case? You know, soldiers/police that could have helped but didn't?

The New York Times' Celia Dugger reported that witnesses were "dismayed by the lack of intervention from local police", who often "watched the events taking place and took no action against the attacks on Muslims and their property".[45] Human Rights Watch reported that in some cases members of the state police force led rioting mobs, "aiming and firing at every Muslim who got in the way", or instead of offering assistance "led the victims directly into the hands of their killers."[46] Calls for assistance to the police, fire brigades, and even ambulance services generally proved futile.[46]

2002 Gujarat violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^^ Funny no? Sounds like exactly the same thing as Rwanda (even worse actually-"minions" of the one who you idolize even helped) , but ofcourse, in Rwanda you can accuse the satan itself, while in Gujarat your demi-god is free from any objectivity and criticism.

disclaimer: idc about who wins in India, just pointing out the bias, which tbh has reached comical proportions...not speaking only of you Krait here.
I hope you are not asking me to read your propaganda cr@p you condesending pr!ck :azn:

...btw way I haven't mentioned any dates for mixing it up ........you really do need lessons in reading comprehension.......Have you really written a book ? :cry:

BTW ...thank you for not calling me Hitler or Nazi ....I dont know what I would have done if you had done that :enjoy:


You got confused between the Partition Riots of 1947 and "Direct Action Day" in 1946 - that is when you got your dates mixed up.

No, please don't read my book - I think you should start with something more rudimentary. This would be more suited to your age and intellect -

And guess what child? It even has pictures!!
Why didn't you apply the same logic in this as you did with the Rwanda case? You know, soldiers/police that could have helped but didn't?

2002 Gujarat violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^^ Funny no? Sounds like exactly the same thing as Rwanda (even worse actually-"minions" of the one who you idolize even helped) , but ofcourse, in Rwanda you can accuse the satan itself, while in Gujarat your demi-god is free from any objectivity and criticism.

disclaimer: idc about who wins in India, just pointing out the bias, which tbh has reached comical proportions...not speaking only of you Krait here.

Why should India compare its situation to Rawanda ? :cheesy: .....the white man might want to carry the white mans burden but we dont feel the same way.

You give more importance to "New York Times' Celia Dugger" report ....no prize for guessing why...but we brown yindoos have our own reporters give us the facts. Take a look plzzzzzz :usflag:

Actions Taken by Narendra Modi to Control the Riots following Godhra Train Massacre

....just pointing out the bias ...which has reached tragic proportions. :rolleyes:


You got confused between the Partition Riots of 1947 and "Direct Action Day" in 1946 - that is when you got your dates mixed up.

No, please don't read my book - I think you should start with something more rudimentary. This would be more suited to your age and intellect -

And guess what child? It even has pictures!!

BIGOT UNGLE......Is this your source of education ? Amar Chitra Katha ? :hang2:.....Goodwin laws should have been a dead give away. :cry:

I knew in earlier time education system in India was bad and people born in the 50's and 60's got poor education and leftist propaganda as history lessons, but to quote a story book as an education medium is ....wait a Minute. Is this the book you claimed you wrote ? :woot:.....did you meet uncle Pai ?
Why should India compare its situation to Rawanda ? :cheesy: .....the white man might want to carry the white mans burden but we dont feel the same way.

You give more importance to "New York Times' Celia Dugger" report ....no prize for guessing why...but we brown yindoos have our own reporters give us the facts. Take a look plzzzzzz :usflag:

Actions Taken by Narendra Modi to Control the Riots following Godhra Train Massacre

....just pointing out the bias ...which has reached tragic proportions. :rolleyes:

BIGOT UNGLE......Is this your source of education ? Amar Chitra Katha ? :hang2:.....Goodwin laws should have been a dead give away. :cry:

Child this is for you. Given how you get dates and history mixed up, I can't really expect you to read the works of Noam Chomsky can I? You probably haven't even heard of him. Anyways - start with this. :)
Why didn't you apply the same logic in this as you did with the Rwanda case? You know, soldiers/police that could have helped but didn't?

2002 Gujarat violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^^ Funny no? Sounds like exactly the same thing as Rwanda (even worse actually-"minions" of the one who you idolize even helped) , but ofcourse, in Rwanda you can accuse the satan itself, while in Gujarat your demi-god is free from any objectivity and criticism.

disclaimer: idc about who wins in India, just pointing out the bias, which tbh has reached comical proportions...not speaking only of you Krait here.

Sigh ... These allegations have been investigated in excruciating detail by completely independent agencies. Try to read the studies I pointed to a few posts back.
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