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WikiLeaks: Narendra Modi, the lone honest Indian politician

“looked into
Owen’s eyes and said America should not give us advice on human rights. I
am a son of India and I know what human rights violations you have
Wish every Indian leader talked to these ***** Americans in this tone.
They have the audacity to preach us when these Yanks single handely wiped out a race from the face of the planet.
Child this is for you. Given how you get dates and history mixed up, I can't really expect you to read the works of Noam Chomsky can I? You probably haven't even heard of him. Anyways - start with this. :)

LOL....same nonsense about some dates that were never mentioned just to escape with your honor intact :P....but you lost it the day you used goodwins law to justify your prejudice. Let me know if you want to read any other comic books ....ACK has some good books on hindu mythology too ;)....that might help you get out of your leftist hate against hindus :azn:
Sigh ... These allegations have been investigated in excruciating detail by completely independent agencies. Try to read the studies I pointed to a few posts back.

From the article that is supposed to debunk my post:

This despite the fact that several BJP leaders, including some who were part of Modi’s own Cabinet, were actively fomenting trouble;


Don't have time to read studies atm and i'm not interested in this topic too much.

Anyhow, i am not debating if mr. Modi knew anything about it or that he was in power for too short of a time to get the full grasp of things, i was just pointing out the bias, where @KRAIT says the great satan soldiers left the poor Rwandans in the Hutu/Tutsi civil war/genocide and how they could have stopped it.
If he knew anything about Rwanda, he would know that a few soldiers could not have stopped a thing. A massive international military "pacifying" expedition would have been needed.

Why should India compare its situation to Rawanda ? :cheesy: .....the white man might want to carry the white mans burden but we dont feel the same way.

You give more importance to "New York Times' Celia Dugger" report ....no prize for guessing why...but we brown yindoos have our own reporters give us the facts. Take a look plzzzzzz :usflag:

Actions Taken by Narendra Modi to Control the Riots following Godhra Train Massacre

....just pointing out the bias ...which has reached tragic proportions. :rolleyes:

Rwanda was brought in the argument by an Indian. The article you linked, key word would be "following", meaning actions taken after the riots, while i was pointing out at the actions during.

I like how you make things white/brown. Tells alot.
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LOL....same nonsense about some dates that were never mentioned just to escape with your honor intact :P....but you lost it the day you used goodwins law to justify your prejudice. Let me know if you want to read any other comic books ....ACK has some good books on hindu mythology too ;)....that might help you get out of your leftist hate against hindus :azn:

LOL - right - child. So now do you know the difference between 1946 and 1947? Those are 2 different years. :) I really don't doubt you are an expert on comics. Hate against Hindus? Hahahahaha - in your time-warped world, when did I say one thing against Hinduism or Hindus? LOL. Escape with my honor intact? Escape from what? Your views rooted in ignorance? LOL.

Rwanda was brought in the argument by an Indian. The article you linked, key word would be "following", meaning actions taken after the riots, while i was pointing out at the actions during.

I like how you make things white/brown. Tells alot.

"Following the Godhra Massacre" means during the riots. The riots happened as a reaction to the massacre.
Why didn't you apply the same logic in this as you did with the Rwanda case? You know, soldiers/police that could have helped but didn't?

2002 Gujarat violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^^ Funny no? Sounds like exactly the same thing as Rwanda (even worse actually-"minions" of the one who you idolize even helped) , but ofcourse, in Rwanda you can accuse the satan itself, while in Gujarat your demi-god is free from any objectivity and criticism.

disclaimer: idc about who wins in India, just pointing out the bias, which tbh has reached comical proportions...not speaking only of you Krait here.

You proved you IQ and EQ by comparing the two situations.

seriously dude,you should give up.

From the article that is supposed to debunk my post:


Don't have time to read studies atm and i'm not interested in this topic too much.

Anyhow, i am not debating if mr. Modi knew anything about it or that he was in power for too short of a time to get the full grasp of things, i was just pointing out the bias, where @KRAIT says the great satan soldiers left the poor Rwandans in the Hutu/Tutsi civil war/genocide and how they could have stopped it.
If he knew anything about Rwanda, he would know that a few soldiers could not have stopped a thing. A massive international military "pacifying" expedition would have been needed.

Rwanda was brought in the argument by an Indian. The article you linked, key word would be "following", meaning actions taken after the riots, while i was pointing out at the actions during.

I like how you make things white/brown. Tells alot.

The fault is not of the soldiers but of France/Belgium,

They supply the weapons to both Hutus & Tutsis and without their support there would be no war.

That was the guilt trip.

And also the issue was when they take only the white people and leave the black people behind.
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From the article that is supposed to debunk my post:


Don't have time to read studies atm and i'm not interested in this topic too much.

Anyhow, i am not debating if mr. Modi knew anything about it or that he was in power for too short of a time to get the full grasp of things, i was just pointing out the bias, where @KRAIT says the great satan soldiers left the poor Rwandans in the Hutu/Tutsi civil war/genocide and how they could have stopped it.
If he knew anything about Rwanda, he would know that a few soldiers could not have stopped a thing. A massive international military "pacifying" expedition would have been needed.

Rwanda was brought in the argument by an Indian. The article you linked, key word would be "following", meaning actions taken after the riots, while i was pointing out at the actions during.

I like how you make things white/brown. Tells alot.

BJP, Congress & Muslim leaders were involved in the Riots. That is why it was a "Riot".....one would think this is rather obvious...why exactly are you showcasing the statement BJP leaders were involved ? :azn:

If you are not interested then why participate in this topic at all ? I like how you try to bring down Modi and then claim not being 'interested' in him. Tells a lot.

BTW ....I do see the world in Black, Brown, Yellow and White ....just because you choose to ignore your racist society and religious extremism in your society, does not mean I dont recognize it for what they are. Get back to me when Europe allows as many brown emigrants as white :disagree:.......I can give examples of USA too ...but that is just not the point, is it ?
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"Following the Godhra Massacre" means during the riots. The riots happened as a reaction to the massacre.

Ye, i see. Is morning for me and im alt tabbing a lot.

But, if you take a read out of wiki page on the riots, and go to the "Security failure" section, very bad things are written there, with sources including Indian media.

I admit the reason could be that media is biased (bought out), just like in the US where main stream media does not report anything bad on Obama.

BJP, Congress & Muslim leaders were involved in the Riots. That is why it was a "Riot".....one would think this is rather obvious...why exactly are you showcasing the statement BJP leaders were involved ? :azn:

links i read so far just said leaders. I assume since BJP party was in power it would be their leaders. You can ofcourse bring some links in to support what you have said. Notice how i paste links or at the very least point out in the general direction of information supporting my stance.

If you are not interested then why participate in this topic at all ? I like how you try to bring down Modi and then claim not being 'interested' in him. Tells a lot.

I was replying to a wrongly presented picture of a genocide. Bottom line i just wanted to tease Krait a bit.

BTW ....I do see the world in Black, Brown, Yellow and White ....just because you choose to ignore your racist society and religious extremism in your society, does not mean I dont recognize it for what they are. Get back to me when Europe allows as many brown emigrants as white :disagree:.......I can give examples of USA too ...but that is just not the point, is it ?

Cry me a river.....maybe your demi god can make things better so not so many "brown" people as you so eloquently put it would require immigration.
LOL - right - child. So now do you know the difference between 1946 and 1947? Those are 2 different years. :) I really don't doubt you are an expert on comics. Hate against Hindus? Hahahahaha - in your time-warped world, when did I say one thing against Hinduism or Hindus? LOL. Escape with my honor intact? Escape from what? Your views rooted in ignorance? LOL.

how desperate must you be, to harp back on 46,47, comics and hindus......why dont you stick to sprouting propaganda against Modi ? I really dont want to waste my time and derail this topic about Modi being a honest politician :devil:
how desperate must you be, to harp back on 46,47, comics and hindus......why dont you stick to sprouting propaganda against Modi ? I really dont want to waste my time and derail this topic about Modi being a honest politician :devil:

It is spouting, not sprouting. Anyhow, I am not the one who derailed the topic - it was you with your personal insults. Coming back to the topic - of course Modi is honest. But that does not take away from the fact that while he is the darling of a significant majority of Indians; he is also equally disliked - even hated by a fairly vocal minority. Does that augur well for India on the international stage? Also does it inspire confidence in those whose relatives were killed during the riots? Of course, Modi is innocent until proven guilty. We all know that the Indian judicial system with its loopholes and glacial pace seldom delivers timely justice. I am saying that Modi will end up alienating not only a part of India's own population, but will also alienate NDA allies who have their own votebanks - this will in turn lead to a fractured coalition at the Center and Modi's image as a fine administrator will take a beating. It is going to end up as big fiasco.


whats your point dude,ultimately?

Read above.
Your point seeks no reality,votebanks dont care about all that,votebanks vote because they are used to it,even those of Nitish Kumar and Muslims are no his votebank and he is no Mulayam Singh.

Modi is not a divisive figure simply because his idea governance is general,he merely tries to create a healthy,conducive atmosphere for development instead of spoon feeding and making people lethargic.

This is one and only take away,we have seen how the neutral,non judgemental left wingers have ruled this country and there is nothing much left to say.

A Sarpanch or a chaudary has to punish the guilty/offenders and it has to be quick,instant justice,that alone prevents future maladies.

trying to kiss the guilty into reformation is a failed example and repeating it serves none.

links i read so far just said leaders. I assume since BJP party was in power it would be their leaders. You can ofcourse bring some links in to support what you have said. Notice how i paste links or at the very least point out in the general direction of information supporting my stance.

If party in power wanted to eliminate muslims, why have a Riot :lol:....there are so many easier ways to eliminate the minority. Just Look at pakistan and Bangladesh :azn: In any case I have no wish to educate you since I clearly see your prejudice .......just wanted to rebutt wrong facts

I was replying to a wrongly presented picture of a genocide. Bottom line i just wanted to tease Krait a bit. But you in your fervent idolatry ran in like a rabbid dog.
Your rabbid dog like baiting of Modi is what made me run into his defence....feel free to tease Krait or even propose marriage to him :cheesy:

Cry me a river.....maybe your demi god can make things better so not so many "brown" people as you so eloquently put it would require immigration.

LOL ....that is the general Idea of voting him into power. You seem to misunderstand that I fret about brown immigrants not allowed into 'white land'....just pointing out the obvious racist in you and your society :azn: No need to feel too bad about it ....it is recognized by most of the world anyway.
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