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WikiLeaks: Narendra Modi, the lone honest Indian politician

As much as I support the BJP, I don't see them winning the next election, to be brutally honest. Bunch of immature idiots always fighting amongst themselves. Though they may win if the polls are conducted on the net :P.

cant disagree with this.......its time for advani to retire...yet he is still scheming to get the pm post for himself.....:hitwall:
Modi has impressed greatly in the last few days.

His stock is rising. He is an irresistible force now, pacing it nicely.
Modi has impressed greatly in the last few days.

His stock is rising. He is an irresistible force now, pacing it nicely.

...among the middle class....has to connect with the aam admi in the villages many of whom know only one party - congress....and he has to convince them to press the kamal ka button.....
I dont agree that he is a killer as the media portrays,the congress has been the worst in that regard and much worse than Modi.

Modi's thing is nothing.

These things are normal and unavoidable.

Anger of 600 years doesn't go in 60 years,thats how it works.

Sooner you understand,sooner u can get off your fancy land.

What anger of 600 years are you talking about?

Absolute propaganda - comparing Modi to Hitler. People who can't open their own eyes but feed on whatever Sh!t media feeds them are bound to talk Sh!t like that. Keep going.

P.S. WTF: Sh!t is banned on pdf. what is problem with the word sh!t.

:omghaha: As if 2002 was the first riot in India. The Guy has changed the face of Gujarat weather by a spell or not I don't know but then who cares as long as there is result on the ground. Come summer when the rest of India will sweat in 45 degree heat without electricity Gujarat will have 24 hours bijli. Just a small change that he has done.

You do realize that I have the right to air my views. And I don't remember the last time there was a power cut in Bombay. Let me assure you, it was not by a spell.
What anger of 600 years are you talking about?

You do realize that I have the right to air my views. And I don't remember the last time there was a power cut in Bombay. Let me assure you, it was not by a spell.

I agree - I have been seeing in the past few days, alternate views getting qualified as silly and idiotic among the Indians.
exactly.....u talk as if he was harry potter and had a magic wand to magically stop the riots and that he wilfully chose to keep his magic wand unused......

truth is...

muslims started the riots. FACT....

gujarat police were undermanned and ill-equipped to completely stop the riots...FACT

inspite of this thousands of muslims were still saved from rioters..FACT

hundreds of rioters (hindus) were shot dead in police firing...FACT

army was mobilized in border due to parliament attack and could not be immediately mobilized..FACT

the three neighboring congress ruled states refused to send the police forces inspite of his request to them...FACT

that till date not a single shred of evidence has been unearthed that proves his complicity...FACT

that he was mere 3 months into the seat of a CM when it happened and he had no administrative experience prior to that....FACT

inspite of all this the riots were controlled in three days and even before that they were prevented from spreading to all over gujarat...FACT

and most importantly this was not the first or deadliest religious riot in India..

Not just Modi: Guide to riots before 2002 and after | Firstpost

why should he convert to islam to get voted....india is not a islamic republic or minority republic.....its a secular republic.....why should modi's religion matter to u in a secular republic..? are you a communalist ?

do minorites convert to hinduism to prove their loyalty to india ?

and what is hindu terror...how many cases of "hindu terror" have been proved till now ?

"Hindu" terror? 3 months into the job and hence he is not really responsible for the law and order in the state? Muslims - the way you generalize did not start the riots. Some Muslims killed innocent Hindus and then innocent Muslims were killed as well. Please don't generalize about communities.

I agree - I have been seeing in the past few days, alternate views getting qualified as silly and idiotic among the Indians.

And the lack of a rational counter argument leads some to merely hurl insults - it is like wrestling with a pig in the mud - you are gonna get dirty, the pig's gonna enjoy it.
Hope Narendra Modi becomes our next PM :) Need people like him to remove the mess created by congress :cheers:
There is no Hindutvawaadi in Modi. Most leaders in RSS & VHP doesn't like Modi. Modi actually kicked out Praveen Togadia from Gujarat (Can any Congi Chief Minister do that). He only focuses on Development. Which also meant demolition of many temples to make way for infrastructure.

The problem is that India is so corrupt to the core which includes people in Power, Media and Bureaucrats that they are waging a propoganda war against Modi as they are afraid to let someone so incorruptible become the leader of the country. For these corrupt people its a matter of survival.

Apart from Chidu or maybe Pronob, nope! Gurda nahi hai utna bakiyon mein, and Modi got Togadia running with fire beneath his heels.
"Hindu" terror? 3 months into the job and hence he is not really responsible for the law and order in the state? Muslims - the way you generalize did not start the riots. Some Muslims killed innocent Hindus and then innocent Muslims were killed as well. Please don't generalize about communities.

i did not say he was not responsible....but u have to be realistic about what to expect from a 3 month old CM who had no prior administrative experience.......for a novice, political green horn he handled the situation pretty well........and now he has matured into a seasoned administrator.....

and why are you saying muslims did not start the riots......if not muslims then who did.....? the point im making is....you tried to compare him with hitler.....no, i just explained how they are like chalk and cheese....hitler ordered the mass genocide of jews to implement judenfrei.....he viewed them as an inferior race....the jews did not provoke the nazis....it was an unilateral,systematic,state sponsored ethnic cleansing.....while in 2002 it was muslims (or some muslims as u put it) who provoked the riots with the brutal carnage at godhra.......what happened was a reaction to that carnage....it was not planned, it was not systemic nor was it an one-sided affair.....muslims too rioted in areas they were in majority and about 20,000 hindus were made homeless too....so all said and done....had there been no godhra....there would not have been any riots....ULTIMATE FACT.
i did not say he was not responsible....but u have to be realistic about what to expect from a 3 month old CM who had no prior administrative experience.......for a novice, political green horn he handled the situation pretty well........and now he has matured into a seasoned administrator.....

and why are you saying muslims did not start the riots......if not muslims then who did.....? the point im making is....you tried to compare him with hitler.....no, i just explained how they are like chalk and cheese....hitler ordered the mass genocide of jews to implement judenfrei.....he viewed them as an inferior race....the jews did not provoke the nazis....it was an unilateral,systematic,state sponsored ethnic cleansing.....while in 2002 it was muslims (or some muslims as u put it) who provoked the riots with the brutal carnage at godhra.......what happened was a reaction to that carnage....it was not planned, it was not systemic nor was it an one-sided affair.....muslims too rioted in areas they were in majority and about 20,000 hindus were made homeless too....so all said and done....had there been no godhra....there would not have been any riots....ULTIMATE FACT.

Firstly, the comparison is not based on the genocide but the oratorical skill of both men, their national ambitions at the same point in the careers, their charisma and their hero-worshipping cult. Hitler did not commit genocide till he was in national power. Of course that was 1939-43 and this is 2013 so while there will not be concentration camps and gas chambers - there is no doubt that Modi's appeal is limited to Hindus - quite unlike a Gandhi, Bose or Patel.

3 months into administration is no excuse. Israel went to war a day after getting independence and managed to win. Yes, there would have been no riots without Godhra. I would like the Prime Minister of India to be a unifying force - like a Shastri or a Vajpayee - not the kind of divisive force that Modi is bound to become.
What anger of 600 years are you talking about?

You do realize that I have the right to air my views. And I don't remember the last time there was a power cut in Bombay. Let me assure you, it was not by a spell.

Totally. But do you realize what is a decency of speech. Just think for a sec where this can end up. There are lot of Congis on whom comaprisons can be started starting with the party president.
Totally. But do you realize what is a decency of speech. Just think for a sec where this can end up. There are lot of Congis on whom comaprisons can be started starting with the party president.

Why do you assume that because I am not a Modi cheerleader, I am automatically a Congress supporter? You can abuse and criticize any of our elected representatives, bureaucrats, judges, municipal councilors, MLAs, civil servants and anyone associated with any form of governance - and you will probably be right. 99.99% are a bunch of thugs - and I am being very generous with my statistics here.
Firstly, the comparison is not based on the genocide but the oratorical skill of both men, their national ambitions at the same point in the careers, their charisma and their hero-worshipping cult.

the underlying hint was clearly on the genocide part.....clearly hitler was not mentioned in a positive way....if not positive then the negative connotations clearly arise out of the jewish genocide.....

or if you meant hitler in a positive way, then I'm sorry...i have no argument here.....

Hitler did not commit genocide till he was in national power. Of course that was 1939-43 and this is 2013 so while there will not be concentration camps and gas chambers - there is no doubt that Modi's appeal is limited to Hindus - quite unlike a Gandhi, Bose or Patel.

I would like the Prime Minister of India to be a unifying force - like a Shastri or a Vajpayee - not the kind of divisive force that Modi is bound to become.

so whose problem is that.....? muslims start a riot by burning alive 59 hindus...as a reaction a communal riot happens (clearly not the first or deadliest riot in india)....both hindus and muslims die in that riot.......then the riot is controlled and then we have a decade of very good, peaceful growth in a completely peaceful atmosphere.....still he is not acceptable ? why ? why is a rajiv gandhi who presided over a far worse ethnic cleansing acceptable...? why is indira who refused to bring in police during the nellie riots saying such things need to settle on their own considered acceptable....why are they both bharat ratna awardees....why the double standards ?

why should india be deprived of an effective, no-nonsense guy who actually delivers results because of one community's insecurity which was essentially of their own making ? the malaise is in the minds of those who consider him divisive...not in his mind....no leader is 100% accepted by all...we have to make compromises...that is democracy.....

and to think if it....he is embraced even by gujarati muslims...its the deccani,up,bihar muslim leaders and the self-declared pseudo-seculars who make a political living out of creating an siege mentality in the muslims who dont accept him......

3 months into administration is no excuse. Israel went to war a day after getting independence and managed to win. Yes, there would have been no riots without Godhra.

wrong analogy..... most of the commanders of the war were veterans who had fought against the british mandate...they were members of irgun, haganah units who were fighting the brits for a considerable time by then....bu modi had not been there in an administrative job till them when he was suddenly made the CM of gujarat....for a novice he did a damn good job in controlling the riots...there have been far experienced CMs who had done much worse job than him during riots.....

the problem with u guys is in expecting modi to be 101% perfect , you are willing to settle for much worse, substandard, mediocre leaders....all because what ? they promise the facade of "inclusivity" which does not go beyond words ?

read this....Manushi
Why do you assume that because I am not a Modi cheerleader, I am automatically a Congress supporter? You can abuse and criticize any of our elected representatives, bureaucrats, judges, municipal councilors, MLAs, civil servants and anyone associated with any form of governance - and you will probably be right. 99.99% are a bunch of thugs - and I am being very generous with my statistics here.

My point is irrespective of weather you are a congi supporter or not. I would have deplored your comment if you had compared Hitler with Rahul Gandhi either. My point is do you even realize what you are saying when you compare someone with Hitler. Do you even realize what Hitler did or how he came to Power. Or you say it just because its convenient and in fashion to compare Modi with Hitler. By making these comparisons you are belittling the suffering and war millions of people had to go through during his reign. There have been lots of other authoritarian leaders across the world but only Hitler came to your mind.

When you expect freedom of speech then its also expected that you are responsible for what you say. This is called basic decency.
the underlying hint was clearly on the genocide part.....clearly hitler was not mentioned in a positive way....if not positive then the negative connotations clearly arise out of the jewish genocide.....

or if you meant hitler in a positive way, then I'm sorry...i have no argument here.....

so whose problem is that.....? muslims start a riot by burning alive 59 hindus...as a reaction a communal riot happens (clearly not the first or deadliest riot in india)....both hindus and muslims die in that riot.......then the riot is controlled and then we have a decade of very good, peaceful growth in a completely peaceful atmosphere.....still he is not acceptable ? why ? why is a rajiv gandhi who presided over a far worse ethnic cleansing acceptable...? why is indira who refused to bring in police during the nellie riots saying such things need to settle on their own considered acceptable....why are they both bharat ratna awardees....why the double standards ?

why should india be deprived of an effective, no-nonsense guy who actually delivers results because of one community's insecurity which was essentially of their own making ? the malaise is in the minds of those who consider him divisive...not in his mind....no leader is 100% accepted by all...we have to make compromises...that is democracy.....

and to think if it....he is embraced even by gujarati muslims...its the deccani,up,bihar muslim leaders and the self-declared pseudo-seculars who make a political living out of creating an siege mentality in the muslims who dont accept him......

wrong analogy..... most of the commanders of the war were veterans who had fought against the british mandate...they were members of irgun, haganah units who were fighting the brits for a considerable time by then....bu modi had not been there in an administrative job till them when he was suddenly made the CM of gujarat....for a novice he did a damn good job in controlling the riots...there have been far experienced CMs who had done much worse job than him during riots.....

the problem with u guys is in expecting modi to be 101% perfect , you are willing to settle for much worse, substandard, mediocre leaders....all because what ? they promise the facade of "inclusivity" which does not go beyond words ?

read this....Manushi

I didn't realize Hitler could ever be mentioned in a positive way - you learn something new everyday.

You are right about the double standards. But simply because a mistake was made in the past in electing Indira/Rajiv does not mean you have to elect another divisive figure.

My point is irrespective of weather you are a congi supporter or not. I would have deplored your comment if you had compared Hitler with Rahul Gandhi either. My point is do you even realize what you are saying when you compare someone with Hitler. Do you even realize what Hitler did or how he came to Power. Or you say it just because its convenient and in fashion to compare Modi with Hitler. By making these comparisons you are belittling the suffering and war millions of people had to go through during his reign. There have been lots of other authoritarian leaders across the world but only Hitler came to your mind.

When you expect freedom of speech then its also expected that you are responsible for what you say. This is called basic decency.

Yea - I know what I am talking about when I make a comparison to Hitler and his rise to power and compare that to Modi's rise - I've written a book on WW-2.
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