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Why pray in Arabic and not in a language we understand?

Thank you for confirming my understanding.

It is just another example of wild and unfounded "extrapolations" leading us all astray for no good reason because we do not properly use the greatest gift Allah has given us: our intelligent minds.

You bring to the fore a very good point to discuss. The mind is indeed beautiful, but limited. It lacks comprehension with regards to divine matters. There are therefore articles of faith that you have to believe in blindly, such as Allah, his chair, his arsh, his angels, the day of judgement, Heaven and hell. How do you decipher these when you have no comprehension, or even concept. It is therefore wise to refrain from forays into the unknown where each and every one of us is clueless,or your greatest gift will turn into your worst enemy.
You are denying an authentic hadeeth of the prophet(PBUH). Do you even comprehend what you are saying. If the whole religious thing is a farce for you then fell free to carry on, but if you claim to be a follower of the prophet(PBUH) dont deny what he has said without proof to the contrary.

With all due respect to both sides, ALL dogmatic religious beliefs should be respected, since there is no way to judge one over the other in any rational manner.

---------- Post added at 12:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 PM ----------


some of you people need to start thinking with your brains

I think ALL of "you" and "us" people need to use their brains! :D

(unless you prefer some of us to be left to to think with "other" organs. :P )
It is because it is standard
Allah says in Quran that I(Allah) have make this(quran) easy for you to understand. there is also other ayats about the arabic context of quran and besides Holy Quran is translated almost into evey language you can read translation to understand or you can also learn Arabic language
2) the other reason is that the Arabic language is the most versatile language of all one word in arabic has so much meaning and usage.
3)The Holy Prophet(S.A.W) belongs to Arab.
4)Arabic is the language in After Life
5)As for Traveeh is concerned, in some mosques the imam after traveeh explain the context of the chapter ha has recited..
6)The uneducated people should educate themselves.
7)if every one is going to offer prayer in his own language then there must conflict which arose among the people as the difference of understanding and difference of translation
8)So to unit all the muslims arabic is made a standard by Allah you may go anywhere in the world you will find unity.

1. Can u plz enlighten us about unity part why is there need to be a unity??????

2. Against whom ??

3. Is that true that mosque have no significance other then unity otherwise namaz can be offered anywhere at any place??

4. As religion is a personal matter why stress on unity?????????
You bring to the fore a very good point to discuss. The mind is indeed beautiful, but limited. It lacks comprehension with regards to divine matters. There are therefore articles of faith that you have to believe in blindly, such as Allah, his chair, his arsh, his angels, the day of judgement, Heaven and hell. How do you decipher these when you have no comprehension, or even concept. It is therefore wise to refrain from forays into the unknown where each and every one of us is clueless,or your greatest gift will turn into your worst enemy.

I would offer that that what you refer to as "unwise" is the only course of action that is available to us - to continue to be "ignorant", seems to me to not be a option, and I think you will grant that "ignorance" is a idea that persons persuaded by different kinds of religiosity, will infuse different content or substance, in.

I am persuaded that experiential religiosity is what appeals to me, and judging from your posts, I am persuaded that a utilitarian, practical religiosity is what you find appealing.

Does this mean that neither of will explore that we ignorant of? I don't think at all, because I don't think it's possible, understanding is never in stasis you can keep it in stasis by rejecting the idea that knowledge is good and suggesting that reason has no role other than complicating what other call "simple" - however, history suggests that whenever such an attempt is made, it has met with rejection because it is seen as contrary to the notion of a consciously FAITHFUL adherent.

Here of course, notions of Faith and Certitude collide and it may be helpful to explore how the two are not the same, faith can lead to certitude, certitude itself can never lead to faith
1. Can u plz enlighten us about unity part why is there need to be a unity??????

2. Against whom ??

3. Is that true that mosque have no significance other then unity otherwise namaz can be offered anywhere at any place??

4. As religion is a personal matter why stress on unity?????????

The unity is human bonding and brotherhood.
religion is personal.. but Islam is not just a personal experience.
From its inception Islam is designed to form a basis for a community.

Unity does not have to be against anybody..
unity can be for humane reasons.. to allow each Muslim to act as a supporting body for the other.
By being part of a larger community.. even the ones who arent privileged enough as the other's aren't left behind and sustain with the rest.
Its idiots who assume the unity is always against somebody..
A community getting together to help sustain normalcy in a part of it that has suffered a loss or is going through hardship is also unity.

A mosque's primary goal is to support that unity....

Its a personal matter on how you perceive god.. and how you consider your faith in him.
It is a selfish matter if you decide that you cannot be bothered to help your fellow faithful cope with financial woes because its a personal matter.
On the other hand if "communitarian" and "humane" for the "good" why restrict it to just "Muslims"? Shouldn't then this apply more generally to Humans and all living things??

See, the problem with "communitarian" and "Humane" and the "good" is not with these ideas in themselves but their restriction to a particular group.

This "branding" of masajid or houses of worship to a particular brand of religion negates all these ideas such as "communitarian" or "Humane" and the "good" - recall Muslim is not a brand, it simply means one who submits, as if accepts the Will of God - and all FAITHFUL, in order to be such, submit to the will of God (let it be)

This issue of branding in my opinion should be viewed with a jaundiced eye, it may make things simple for the simple minded, but it corrupts.
A mosque in my humble and modest opinion, is a place which is kept safe from the dirt and the ***** of the world, and which is exclusively used for the worship of Allah, and it signifies the united brotherhood which gathers at one place and prays to one god in a congregation.

it signifies the united brotherhood

Khuda ke Waste - is there any house of worship that signifies dis-united brotherhood?? Why limit "brotherhood", are not all men brothers or are only muslims brothers? Expand Islam, please, don't contract it
Khuda ke Waste - is there any house of worship that signifies dis-united brotherhood?? .................

Doesn't present day Islam as practiced by its many sects fulfill the bolded description?
Doesn't present day Islam as practiced by its many sects fulfill the bolded description?

Khuda ke Waste - is there any house of worship that signifies dis-united brotherhood?? .................
Original Post By muse

No offence meant.

No religious house of worship states disunity.

But reality prove otherwise.

This is the cause for disunity and it is historical.
Doesn't present day Islam as practiced by its many sects fulfill the bolded description?

Thats gross generalization- Keeping Pakistan and Afghanistan out of it- where Islam is practiced in such a ridiculous way?-
Thats gross generalization- Keeping Pakistan and Afghanistan out of it- where Islam is practiced in such a ridiculous way?-


And before anybody flies off the handle, take a good look around before you challenge that answer.
On the other hand if "communitarian" and "humane" for the "good" why restrict it to just "Muslims"? Shouldn't then this apply more generally to Humans and all living things??

See, the problem with "communitarian" and "Humane" and the "good" is not with these ideas in themselves but their restriction to a particular group.

This "branding" of masajid or houses of worship to a particular brand of religion negates all these ideas such as "communitarian" or "Humane" and the "good" - recall Muslim is not a brand, it simply means one who submits, as if accepts the Will of God - and all FAITHFUL, in order to be such, submit to the will of God (let it be)

This issue of branding in my opinion should be viewed with a jaundiced eye, it may make things simple for the simple minded, but it corrupts.

sugar quoted poison as usual Muse....intentional or not...i know not
Those who accept your ideology will end up contaminating their faith to the level of mutilating it...

W\e beleive that the divine being who created everything is "Allah" and Allah told us a certain way of life which will plese Him.

Lets say Allah is the scientist who one day decided to run an experiment and created rules of success....just like any experiment.
There are visible and obvious rules...and there are invisible and non obvious rules...A gargantuan "frame of reference" bound in rules,limits and systems..
The OBVIOUS rules...you cant fall up...you always fall down...but there is no heaven and hell for following the obvious rules as you cant do otherwise...The un obvious rules...sin Angers Allah...Pious behavior takes you to Jannat and thousands of virgins (yeah deal with it) .. believing...You or me or anybody can open thread after thread with thousands of comments..But the rule book says "you wont know it,unless you do it yourself"...
try preying 5 times with good faith and pray for "Hidaayah" with a clear sincere heart and you and me may find the answer...Keep questioning the rest of your life and you will only come up with more and more questions..each more complex than the previous one...Thats what happened to Banee Israeel..They questioned so much without action..that they lost their path...
the unseen will be rewarded...thats the rule of the game

---------- Post added at 04:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:32 AM ----------


And before anybody flies off the handle, take a good look around before you challenge that answer.

so you blame Islam or muslims? mind you..both are very different statements...

so you blame Islam or muslims? mind you..both are very different statements...

The followers of any religion ARE the embodiment of the religion as the rest of the world sees them.
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