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Why Maoist Insurgency Will Flourish in India

I don't condone violence, but it is necessary at times. The way I see it, the govt can tip-toe around the Naxalite issue, bagging whatever scalps they can, but every step taken forward is met with one step back. Even if the govt wanted to better the life of the people, they can only do so much before the Reds dismantle it all.... even if the govt balks at the scorched earth policy, there are several alternatives to an immediate all out assault on these scum, for instance, since they tend to stick to forests, secure the civilian population first and then go in guns blazing. But neither this nor any other solution can guarantee 0 civilian casualties, not when the enemy looks and speaks like us. But civilian sympathizers cannot, at the same time be let off the hook. Anything that is detrimental to the security and unity of our nation must be met with the same coldness. Whatever route the govt uses to deal with these miscreants in the future cannot guarantee success unless examples are made.

I am not calling for the mass eradication of these tribals (i realize what sort of tone my post exuded), but rather stating that tactics need to evolve, even with which collateral damage is unavoidable....you can't make an omelette without breaking the egg....

I think the biggest issue is mining, illegal mining and encroachment of the forests which all affet their daily lives. Just look at the BJP role in Karnatake Mining scam. Its no wonder these ppl fight, the very govt they have been complaining to is the main culprit.

Maoists are dividing day by day, group by group. They are fighting b/w each other.

Just like our govt....doesn;t really matter does it.

Here is a simple link ....Now let's see folks question the credibility of this source LMAO


More active than we may think.
I don't condone violence, but it is necessary at times. The way I see it, the govt can tip-toe around the Naxalite issue, bagging whatever scalps they can, but every step taken forward is met with one step back. Even if the govt wanted to better the life of the people, they can only do so much before the Reds dismantle it all.... even if the govt balks at the scorched earth policy, there are several alternatives to an immediate all out assault on these scum, for instance, since they tend to stick to forests, secure the civilian population first and then go in guns blazing. But neither this nor any other solution can guarantee 0 civilian casualties, not when the enemy looks and speaks like us. But civilian sympathizers cannot, at the same time be let off the hook. Anything that is detrimental to the security and unity of our nation must be met with the same coldness. Whatever route the govt uses to deal with these miscreants in the future cannot guarantee success unless examples are made.

I am not calling for the mass eradication of these tribals (i realize what sort of tone my post exuded), but rather stating that tactics need to evolve, even with which collateral damage is unavoidable....you can't make an omelette without breaking the egg....

Military action will only make it worse. I have spoken to a couple of ex maoists one being an ex commander who is a professor in a college now - they are normal people mostly hailing from the lower strata of society both economically and by caste and hold a grudge against the administration and the government, any adverse military action (this is what they want) will fuel increased support for their cause.

Naxalist movement is similar to the Union strikes in major factories where the unions have demands - their demands might be legitimate, but their methods are wrong, they bring activities to a stand still similar to the naxals who operate to cut off governments writ in their lands, they also hold a grudge against industrialists and miners whom they think exploit their lands without the benefits going to the people of the land.
It is not hard to understand why Maoists are gaining strength and influence. Some jokers on PDF can tell us how bad the Maoists and how evil they are but nothing excuses what the gov't of India has failed to accomplish since Independence. We need reforms, laws, effective policing, anti corruption measures, etc not now but 40 yrs ago. There is no traction on such issues. Gov't will never wilingly reform itself and in India, it looks like whatever reform that is accomplished is ALWAYS incomplete. India has not been proactive only reactive.

Their influence with media, academia, and the rest of society (NOT THE WEALTHY) is simple. The ppl are tired of corruption in our gov't and they see how the govt caters specifically to the rich only. Look around the world and you can see riots/protests regarding the same core issues of incompetence and inequaity.

You can pump all the soldiers, tech and money you want but you will never ever stop ppl's determination for better inclusive goverance.

The only option is to elect Modi. I hate BJP with a passion because they are just as corrupt and incompetent as Congress (Look at the mine scams in Karnataka) but Modi can make a big difference. Otherwise, I and others will openly support Maoists. We already do.

Fully agree with you bro, India can start to talk about the "Indian Dream" once Maoist takes over and starts to run an efficient state-capitalist government. :cheers:
Are you talking to me? Have you ever met A Naxalite? HAve you ever heard their reasons as to why they took this route? Do you think this story if completely one sided? A lot of respected educated ppl in academia and military sympathize and support their cause. Not many support the violence associated with it. Learn the difference first and you may learn a thing or two.

PDf has not surprised me, I have never encountered so many dumb Indians in one place.

Well,offcourse I was talking to you bit*h!It's good that you got the wind.Clearly you are not an Indian,as you have no idea what you are blabbering about!!

All of these of your big talks....what can I say?You wouldn't be talking like this if you had lost some one you hold dear to yourself.Talking big is always easy.
Have you ever talked to a xmaoist ? I talked to them and after their surrender to police they are fearing to go to their native place because they think maoists will kill them. And you should post some source or links to your claims otherwise you can see what is happening in this thread. You're assuming too much.

Actually you are expecting me to believe what you encountered from an ex Maoists yet have no source but yourself? What I states like tons of dynamite/detonators stolen, Maoists AK factories discoveries, homemade IED;s can all be PROVEN. Its simple just do some research. It is not hard nor it is hidden. These are not assumption but facts. The same ppl who wanted sources are the same folks who harassed me and called me names. So why should I f-king bother. Sry, they want they can take the time to look for it. How about this....LETS SEE IF THEY CAN F_KING PROVE ME WRONG>
Fully agree with you bro, India can start to talk about the "Indian Dream" once Maoist takes over and starts to run an efficient state-capitalist government. :cheers:
Most likely , but most likely once the Maoist come to power, they will seek to bring the nation (which is currently a dirty dyke of capitalism) where Maoism was born, back to Chairman Mao's roots :) By what ever means :cheers:

I am sure much more Great Leaps await the nation where Maoism was born :angel:
We certainly will, but most likely once the Maoist come to power, they will seek to bring the nation (which is currently a dirty dyke of capitalism) where Maoism was born, back to Chairman Mao's roots :) By what ever means :cheers:

I am sure much more Great Leaps await the nation where Maoism was born :angel:

state-capitalism ≠ western capitalism

State capitalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Maoists of India will most likely follow the left-wing state-capitalism. :coffee:
Well,offcourse I was talking to you bit*h!It's good that you got the wind.Clearly you are not an Indian,as you have no idea what you are blabbering about!!

All of these of your big talks....what can I say?You wouldn't be talking like this if you had lost some one you hold dear to yourself.Talking big is always easy.

Im not Indian based on what exactly? Your wild assumptions reveal a weakness you have. You cannot stand to see a strong independent Indian women stand up to your ego. People lose loved ones but why do you assume the innocence is only privy for the government, the military and such? What about the atrocities committed on innocent villagers? The problem is that instead of sitting down and taking it, they reacted and gave a bloody nose to your type.

You can shout, kick or scream but what have I stated that is so evil, unfair, etc? Nothing. I think you should re read what I have posted. You are just stuck because I actually support the Maoists in some form, not the violence associated with it. Does that bother you? You can call me names but it only reflects on your poor upbringing, no class, and the lack of intellect to write. So move along looser....run along..

Fully agree with you bro, India can start to talk about the "Indian Dream" once Maoist takes over and starts to run an efficient state-capitalist government. :cheers:

Im a female lol
Impressive Maoist movie made by in 2012 :tup:

Actually you are expecting me to believe what you encountered from an ex Maoists yet have no source but yourself? What I states like tons of dynamite/detonators stolen, Maoists AK factories discoveries, homemade IED;s can all be PROVEN. Its simple just do some research. It is not hard nor it is hidden. These are not assumption but facts. The same ppl who wanted sources are the same folks who harassed me and called me names. So why should I f-king bother. Sry, they want they can take the time to look for it. How about this....LETS SEE IF THEY CAN F_KING PROVE ME WRONG>

Why are you being so arrogant? No one claimed here AK factories, dynamite stealing etc etc except you. post some links for your claim. You given a link where it only shows some fire exchanges, surrenders, civilian casualties etc etc. But those are happening in maoist hot beds not in a civilized area.
Fully agree with you bro, India can start to talk about the "Indian Dream" once Maoist takes over and starts to run an efficient state-capitalist government. :cheers:

she not he.

Maoists are pipe dreaming in some jungles. When they will come out we will kill them at will.
Maoism ≠ any form of capitalism.

- Maoism supports the state-owned corporations, it is only against the privatization, you can't deny this fact.

- Maoism isn't far left as the western media always wants to portray, Maoism's image to tanished because it got hijacked by a group of 'far left' opportunists during the cultural revolution. The true Maoism is essentially the same as Marxism-Leninism, it is far from the far left radicals.
- Maoism supports the state-owned corporations, it is only against the privatization, you can't deny this fact.

- Maoism isn't far left as the western media always wants to portray, Maoism's image to tanished because it got hijacked by a group of 'far left' opportunists during the cultural revolution. The true Maoism essentially the same as Marxism-Leninism, it is far from this.

Who gave them right to hold weapons?

They would have protest peacefully. We have reserved places for protests in every capital of states or NH are present. But weapons :astagh:.
Why are you being so arrogant? No one claimed here AK factories, dynamite stealing etc etc except you. post some links for your claim. You given a link where it only shows some fire exchanges, surrenders, civilian casualties etc etc. But those are happening in maoist hot beds not in a civilized area.

Im not being arrogant. I suggest you re read the initial posts to see who was being arrogant. I have always clearly stated it is not difficult to find this information. Google it. AK factories and dynamite stealing. Its quite simple, I stating if ppl are quick to say my claims are BS, then let them prove it also. The link was provided to show that they are active regardless. You just don;t hear of it all the time in the news. Attacking Urabn centers is not in their interest and not in their plans now, at least I think.

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