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Why Maoist Insurgency Will Flourish in India

Listen I can debate and discuss all I want. I choose not to with you and the other $hit. You expect me to discuss and debate this subject when you initial posts were far from civilized? Nah, keep it moving.The only persons barking and crying is you. If you are interested in the truth, then you can easily find it. I found it in less than 2 minutes. Whats is stopping you from doing so? Your ego?

yeah you can "discuss" we all saw that, except that no one is taking you serious with your laughable claims. You are the one making such claims, so you need provide sources. Is it so hard for your brain to understand?

Or are you just reluctant to post links from communist propaganda sites? :rolleyes:
Indian bloody p*&&y in US supporting Maoists. Unki aukad nahi hai! If I ever see you I'll ensure DP women cell "interrogate" you.

Stop your nonsense posts. If she posting something or arguing, you should counter it by giving/showing some facts. No need to post nasty slung languages. Stop it.
yeah you can "discuss" we all saw that, except that no one is taking you serious with your laughable claims. You are the one making such claims, so you need provide sources. Is it so hard for your brain to understand?

Or are you just reluctant to post links from communist propaganda sites? :rolleyes:

Sure and we can all see your first post unless you deleted it. What is so hard for you brain to understand? Stolen tons of dynamite and detonators? Are you kidding me? This was reported by the Indian news. They still have no clues as to who did it, but suspect Maoists involvement.

3 words...scorched earth policy. We cannot shy away from taking chances like adopting brutality (within Geneva convention guidelines) to restore normalcy.

Sadly, it may the only way unless the govt is willing to reform itself but I dont ever see that happening. So, our only option is to resort to violence since out govt will not police itself.
Sure and we can all see your first post unless you deleted it. What is so hard for you brain to understand? Stolen tons of dynamite and detonators? Are you kidding me? This was reported by the Indian news. They still have no clues as to who did it, but suspect Maoists involvement.

Please, I backed my claims with sources, while you have not posted a single proof yet... :tdown:

Why so afraid of posting sources about self made AKs, Gurkhas training maoists, ammo production etc etc etc???
These are things I only heard from you.

All your claims remain your own brainchilds and BS till you provide sources... has no one ever taught you how to have a discussion?

I guess the answer is no.
Maoists are fighting a losing battle, they will vanish in next 5 years either through development or through bullet, the thing is the Government is using kid gloves to deal with them, they have been wiped out from AP, soon it will be from the other states too

Those commies are only staying in jungles and tribal areas. If they come out of jungle they will be killed. I am from Odisha and my state is largely affected from maoists but they stay inside jungles of western and south western districts. They never come to eastern or northern districts because they know if they come people will chew them and throw them into Bay of Bengal.
3 words...scorched earth policy. We cannot shy away from taking chances like adopting brutality (within Geneva convention guidelines) to restore normalcy.

What are you talking about? the Maoists are entrenched among villagers and tribals in some of the most biodiverse regions of India - you want our own people bombed?


I hope so, but unlesss the change is real and development is inclusive, then the fighting is going to be bloody.

There's no change planned - GOI is on a different plane - they are using corruption to seep into Naxal organizations and rotting them from within - these maoist scum are all about business and making money now, they'll fall apart soon enough.
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Those commies are only staying in jungles and tribal areas. If they come out of jungle they will be killed. I am from Odisha and my state is largely affected from maoists but they stay inside jungles of western and south western districts. They never come to eastern or northern districts because they know if they come people will chew them and throw them into Bay of Bengal.

let's be realistic. Yo wouldn;t know who they are if they lived near you. Its not like they carry a gun/grenades as they walk with a big sign saying MAOIST!
let's be realistic. Yo wouldn;t know who they are if they lived near you. Its like they carry a gun/grenades as they walk with a big sign saying MAOIST!

BTW where are you from in India? Have you ever watched a commie with his rifle in a civilized area. Those *******s only stay in jungles and from there blasting towers, Govt offices, police stations etc.
Please, I backed my claims with sources, while you have not posted a single proof yet... :tdown:

Why so afraid of posting sources about self made AKs, Gurkhas training maoists, ammo production etc etc etc???
These are things I only heard from you.

All your claims remain your own brainchilds and BS till you provide sources... has no one ever taught you how to have a discussion?

I guess the answer is no.

Like I said, I found this very easily. Are you incompetent? Are you incapable? Handicapped? I only discuss with civilized ppl not your type. Read your first post and learn to discuss civilized if you are so interested in discussion. You have not backed nay of your bs claims. Im not in the busines of backing any particular claim. I am interested in the truth and by looking at this issue from all sides, then we are able to get a honest pov.

From this site itself, I read of Maoists AK factory being snared by security forces. If you do not even know about this, then how you even debate on a subject you have no clue about. Do you think IEDs come from thin air? You are quick to take a position without even knowing the facts. So like i said keep you BS to yourself. Im not interested and I gave you ways to source it yourself. 1. Google 2. Use keywords 3. Use PDF and take a look at other Maoist threads.

BTW where are you from in India? Have you ever watched a commie with his rifle in a civilized area. Those *******s only stay in jungles and from there blasting towers, Govt offices, police stations etc.

So you don;t think ppl mesh and blend into Urban areas? Dude, you don;t have a clue as to how their organization works. It is not just entirely situated in the jungles. While their armed guerillas will sty in such areas, there are other groups performing other objectives throughout India.
What a bit*h!!I had heard about those fu*king nut jobs who supports the maoist b@st@rds but had never met one before!!But thanx to PDF,I saw one tonight!!People like these should be hanged at will.Fu*king traitors.
Like I said, I found this very easily. Are you incompetent? Are you incapable? Handicapped? I only discuss with civilized ppl not your type. Read your first post and learn to discuss civilized if you are so interested in discussion. You have not backed nay of your bs claims. Im not in the busines of backing any particular claim. I am interested in the truth and by looking at this issue from all sides, then we are able to get a honest pov.

From this site itself, I read of Maoists AK factory being snared by security forces. If you do not even know about this, then how you even debate on a subject you have no clue about. Do you think IEDs come from thin air? You are quick to take a position without even knowing the facts. So like i said keep you BS to yourself. Im not interested and I gave you ways to source it yourself. 1. Google 2. Use keywords 3. Use PDF and take a look at other Maoist threads.

So you don;t think ppl mesh and blend into Urban areas? Dude, you don;t have a clue as to how their organization works. It is not just entirely situated in the jungles. While their armed guerillas will sty in such areas, there are other groups performing other objectives throughout India.

Have you ever talked to a xmaoist ? I talked to them and after their surrender to police they are fearing to go to their native place because they think maoists will kill them. And you should post some source or links to your claims otherwise you can see what is happening in this thread. You're assuming too much.
What a bit*h!!I had heard about those fu*king nut jobs who supports the maoist b@st@rds but had never met one before!!But thanx to PDF,I saw one tonight!!People like these should be hanged at will.Fu*king traitors.

Are you talking to me? Have you ever met A Naxalite? HAve you ever heard their reasons as to why they took this route? Do you think this story if completely one sided? A lot of respected educated ppl in academia and military sympathize and support their cause. Not many support the violence associated with it. Learn the difference first and you may learn a thing or two.

PDf has not surprised me, I have never encountered so many dumb Indians in one place.
Sure and we can all see your first post unless you deleted it. What is so hard for you brain to understand? Stolen tons of dynamite and detonators? Are you kidding me? This was reported by the Indian news. They still have no clues as to who did it, but suspect Maoists involvement.

Sadly, it may the only way unless the govt is willing to reform itself but I dont ever see that happening. So, our only option is to resort to violence since out govt will not police itself.

What are you talking about? the Maoists are entrenched among villagers and tribals in some of the most biodiverse regions of India - you want our own people bombed?


There's no change planned - GOI is on a different plane - they are using corruption to seep into Naxal organizations and rotting them from within - these maoist scum are all about business and making money now, they'll fall apart soon enough.

I don't condone violence, but it is necessary at times. The way I see it, the govt can tip-toe around the Naxalite issue, bagging whatever scalps they can, but every step taken forward is met with one step back. Even if the govt wanted to better the life of the people, they can only do so much before the Reds dismantle it all.... even if the govt balks at the scorched earth policy, there are several alternatives to an immediate all out assault on these scum, for instance, since they tend to stick to forests, secure the civilian population first and then go in guns blazing. But neither this nor any other solution can guarantee 0 civilian casualties, not when the enemy looks and speaks like us. But civilian sympathizers cannot, at the same time be let off the hook. Anything that is detrimental to the security and unity of our nation must be met with the same coldness. Whatever route the govt uses to deal with these miscreants in the future cannot guarantee success unless examples are made.

I am not calling for the mass eradication of these tribals (i realize what sort of tone my post exuded), but rather stating that tactics need to evolve, even with which collateral damage is unavoidable....you can't make an omelette without breaking the egg....
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Maoists are dividing day by day, group by group. They are fighting b/w each other.

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