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Why is Israel allowed to have nukes, asks Turkish PM

While we are at it, may be a few to Afghanistan govt too.. To keep Pakistan in check and open discussions on Durand line from a position of strength ?? makes sense ?? :hitwall:

a few to kashmiri freedom fighters also khalistanis etc. thats scary lol
a few to kashmiri freedom fighters also khalistanis etc. thats scary lol

Sure buddy, let restart the AQ Khan Flea market and invite bids from all over the world.. No one is untouchable, starting from Columbian drug lords to the Uhagirs in china and TTP in Pakistan and Maoists in India..

May be the round 2 of the civilization in a couple million years will do a better job than us :D

Cultural bullying! :lol:

@asad71: "East Indian Muslims"? You hatching another plan to annex the North East again? :P

Yes. Historically this is the home we lost on 23 June 1757. From Rajmahal Hills to the Arakan Yoma is one self-contained geopolitical unit, culturally and economically one. All the troubles in India's NE and the East Maoist insurgency is because of the nonviable arbitrary lines drawn by Radcliffe and local leaders none of whom was a son of this soil. Yes, we want a return of Bangla - Bihar - Orissa, the Kingdom of Nawab Sirajuddaula.
Yes. Historically this is the home we lost on 23 June 1757. From Rajmahal Hills to the Arakan Yoma is one self-contained geopolitical unit, culturally and economically one. All the troubles in India's NE and the East Maoist insurgency is because of the nonviable arbitrary lines drawn by Radcliffe and local leaders none of whom was a son of this soil. Yes, we want a return of Bangla - Bihar - Orissa, the Kingdom of Nawab Sirajuddaula.

And we want Maurya and Chola Kingdom. :agree:


Sure buddy, let restart the AQ Khan Flea market and invite bids from all over the world.. No one is untouchable, starting from Columbian drug lords to the Uhagirs in china and TTP in Pakistan and Maoists in India..

May be the round 2 of the civilization in a couple million years will do a better job than us :D

you forgot the baloch nationalists and the jiye sindh groupies....
Erdogan gets sillier by the day with each attempt to suck up to the arabs, perhaps Turkey should give up their 90 nukes before sugestion Irael gives up theirs?

Today, Turkey hosts an estimated 90 B61 gravity bombs at Incirlik Air Base. Fifty of these bombs are reportedly PDF assigned for delivery by U.S. pilots, and forty are assigned for delivery by the Turkish Air Force.

The status of U.S. nuclear weapons in Turkey | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

How dumb does a primeminister have to be to not know his own country has nukes.
you forgot the baloch nationalists and the jiye sindh groupies....

Jiye sindh died decades ago... BLA is a terrorist organisation with no support of us local baluch ppl... maoists,naxals,meziramis,nagas,khalistanis,iok.. etc shouldnt be forgotten though.

---------- Post added at 03:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 AM ----------

Erdogan gets sillier by the day with each attempt to suck up to the arabs, perhaps Turkey should give up their 90 nukes before sugestion Irael gives up theirs?

The status of U.S. nuclear weapons in Turkey | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

How dumb does a primeminister have to be to not know his own country has nukes.

Nukes which turkey only hosts for limited time n cant use unless NATO-US allow it to.... hence of no worth.
Asad71, I can see your good intent, but even Zabanya is more informed about the region than you are.

First of all, Singapore or Mossad has no part in this problem between Indonesia and Malaysia. Indonesia has been trying to stir trouble with us since the very day Malaysia was created in 1957, where they tried to claim some of our land and lost the battle.

Till today this moron Indons walk around the streets of Jakarta with bamboo spears stopping cars looking for Malaysians and shouting their shyte slogan "Ganyang Malaysia" (Destroy Malaysia). They're so jealous of us that they even make a issue of our nursery rhymes taught in school claiming it's their culture and song. We rather work with Singapore or Brunei (which should have been part of Malaysia if not for their selfish Kings), but never the Indonesians.

They have a huge population and some natural resources, but their economic planning and governmental organization is a mess. People like Dr. Mahathir come once in a 100 years, and till they put aside their political difference, it isn't going to happen anytime soon.

There is NO WAY I'm going to agree with Indonesia having nukes. Currently ASEAN is peaceful because no one has the upper hand, we're all equal. Giving nuke to any country would tilt that balance, and the Indonesians who can't even manage their own country, they will make a mess out of ASEAN if they're given any power.

I wouldn't agree with Malaysia having nukes too, if it comes at the expense of people's money and economic development. Economic development and education should be the government utmost priority. We're not interested in war and weaponry.

If there's any country in the region which should have nukes, it's Bangladesh, since both your regional countries (India & Pakistan) has nukes, so that puts balance on South Asia power scale.

Speaking of India, the only way they bully us is with playing Bollywood movies and opening Indian restaurants here :lol: Otherwise, we have a good business and trade relationship with India.

dude, are u moslem? Are u really malaysian? What's with all "moron" word, insult and hate toward Indo? And not just in this thread only.

U think all indo people agreed about screening act at jakarta towards ur people?
My brother was in malay when that happen, told us similar act happened to indonesians too.

Ur not considering who will clasping and laughing if malay and indo fight each other? Of us same muslim, same region?

I well aware what our country as a developed one and never hope this, but if indonesia go to war, anyone may blubber about tech, ships, planes, bla bla bla... I sure know who and how we are, if necessary we will make sure history repeat again. Bamboo ftw. And yes, i'm offended.

Anyway, assalaamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh to all forum members and greetings.

Sorry my 1st post like this. I view much of this forum after google search about our govt. decided to joint work on kfx project :)
Erdogan gets sillier by the day with each attempt to suck up to the arabs, perhaps Turkey should give up their 90 nukes before sugestion Irael gives up theirs?

The status of U.S. nuclear weapons in Turkey | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

How dumb does a primeminister have to be to not know his own country has nukes.


That nukes dont belong to Turkey,they are only located in Turkey. He who cant understand that shouldnt call others dumb.

Turkey signed NPT,btw.

Vassnti,you claim that Erdogan is getting sillier day by day in order to suck up to Arabs. I respect your opinion even though i dont agree. But watch your back dude,there is also a possibility for yourself to get sillier day by day with each attempt to suck up to the Israelis.:)

And,no offense but why do feel butthurt when Erdogan critices Israel? Are you an Israeli? You cant save your "western values" just by sitting on their lap,dude.
These indians are here to please their american masters, that's why they are so concerned about israel.
These indians are here to please their american masters, that's why they are so concerned about israel.
When so many people like you exist, i believe Israel and India need a new strategic alliance.
We can`t keep nursing your hatred on the expense of our people.
When so many people like you exist, i believe Israel and India need a new strategic alliance.
We can`t keep nursing your hatred on the expense of our people.

But you expect the world to nurse your hatred for the Palestinians!
Turkish PM, asking the right questions...

why Israel and why not Iran/Turkey/Syria/Iraq?
what's the deal with Israel?
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