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Rising of a new Crusade?

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I do not like Turkey that much for being in NATO but still the thread topic is totally nonsense
Study Russian and start a cricket game vs India.
Putin will send Spetznaz and force the game result through a referendum.

Vote Option 1: Pakistan wins and gets Kashmir.
Vote Option 2: India loses and forfeits Kashmir.
India has most of Kashmir and we will not leave it.Heck,forget Kashmir India will soon be united by the reintegration of Pakistan and Bangladesh.
There's no need for that,didn't you read the material ? The muslims will just kill each other.

Oh,btw,i love the West/European masterplan,provide the New Caliphate with nukes and the muslims will nuke each other at command.Ofcourse,going by this logic there isn't any itzy bitzy small chance that they could nuke someone else instead,you know...like Europe.:sarcastic:

Sure they will try to **** with Europe, but Europe and Russia will be long merged into a single Eurasian Union by than. Putin is just one Person and he is the only one who stands between Russia and the new democrasy order. Medwedew and all the Russian Oligarchs are already pro western. Turkey only can grow towards Asia and North africa.
Damn,he figured it out.
We have a spy among us,Who told him about our plans??:pissed:
dude has a point look at syria how muslims are killing muslims, all the wars in the last 20 years or so had muslims being involved either muslims against other or muslims against muslims.

Meanwhile so called crimean invasion, not a single human was killed so far despite having massive russian soldiers in it. Muslims should really question their religion to progress.
India has most of Kashmir and we will not leave it.Heck,forget Kashmir India will soon be united by the reintegration of Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Sorry, but Putin won't have any option C on the ballot allowing India to keep Kashmir.

Of course, if Pakistanis does not adopt Russian, then You should be OK.
I don't think, maybe a civilian war
Everthing is ready, but only the JEWS have the lighter

Muslims have no idea how the zionist salafists harm their image by always behaving like assholes
The US doesn't support Turkey the way the ruskie tries to portray. US backstabbed Turkey over Syria policy. They encouraged Turkey to be assertive and then left us alone. With Cyprus US boycotted us. In Balkan US does support us and in Caucasus also. It seems that US only supports us to stop another power. In Syria where we could get total power they don't. They want us to get in a fight with Russia and Iran so they can eliminate eurasian powers. Turkey won't fight for American interest. They don't want the best for us. US doesn't even want us to have relations with north Iraq. Turkey should be partner with Russia on central Asia. Davutoglu said that. Turkey kept NATO out of black sea but only Russia profited from that. Turkey should be more selfish in the future. Either Turkey will grow or shrink. Although im non believing. Only way for Turkey to survive is to obsorbe Muslim powers to be one fist. NATO will only support us as long as we serve a purpose. It is not a friendship but business transaction for them
The US doesn't support Turkey the way the ruskie tries to portray. US backstabbed Turkey over Syria policy. They encouraged Turkey to be assertive and then left us alone. With Cyprus US boycotted us. In Balkan US does support us and in Caucasus also. It seems that US only supports us to stop another power. In Syria where we could get total power they don't. They want us to get in a fight with Russia and Iran so they can eliminate eurasian powers. Turkey won't fight for American interest. They don't want the best for us. US doesn't even want us to have relations with north Iraq. Turkey should be partner with Russia on central Asia. Davutoglu said that. Turkey kept NATO out of black sea but only Russia profited from that. Turkey should be more selfish in the future. Either Turkey will grow or shrink. Although im non believing. Only way for Turkey to survive is to obsorbe Muslim powers to be one fist. NATO will only support us as long as we serve a purpose. It is not a friendship but business transaction for them

You simply dont understand. Your government is a Masonic fabrication. Erdogan is under survival trial. Masonic Society giving him difficult duties/problems which he must pass to gain their trust. They dont pay credit to losers. They cut off losers, like they did with Mubarak. On the other Hand they fear rising Islamism and fight against radical political islamic groups like Muslim brotherhood.
You simply dont understand. Your government is a Masonic fabrication. Erdogan is under survival trial. Masonic Society giving him difficult duties/problems which he must pass to gain their trust. They dont pay credit to losers. They cut off losers, like they did with Mubarak. On the other Hand they fear rising Islamism and fight against radical political islamic groups like Muslim brotherhood.
Do you hVe any proof?
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