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Why is Israel allowed to have nukes, asks Turkish PM

I think Turkey has enough engineering skill to open up a nuke whether through a screw panel or not. You are underestimating Turks here. Those nukes have enough fissile material in them to supply Turkey with enough nukes to fight world war 3. And I do not think Turkey will ever give them back to United States ever. They got it easy as if they won it in a lottery.

You do know about the locking mechanism ..right..?
And if it is a NATO property then i doubt They will let Turkey even touch it...
1. Turkish sources say there are in total 90 nukes in Turkey. Fifty are under the control of the Americans, and 40 under the Turks with codes, locking/unlocking device and all.

2. Turkey is quite capable of manufacturing nuclear weapons in short notice; but the govt policy is against it. They are now concentrating on delivery system.
Asad71, I can see your good intent, but even Zabanya is more informed about the region than you are.

1. We BD have very close relations with our brothers in Malaysia and Indonesia. These countries have minor irritants between them - I wont call them problems. And these are fueled by Singapore and its Zionist ally. Mossad is very powerful in Singapore.

First of all, Singapore or Mossad has no part in this problem between Indonesia and Malaysia. Indonesia has been trying to stir trouble with us since the very day Malaysia was created in 1957, where they tried to claim some of our land and lost the battle.

Till today this moron Indons walk around the streets of Jakarta with bamboo spears stopping cars looking for Malaysians and shouting their shyte slogan "Ganyang Malaysia" (Destroy Malaysia). They're so jealous of us that they even make a issue of our nursery rhymes taught in school claiming it's their culture and song. We rather work with Singapore or Brunei (which should have been part of Malaysia if not for their selfish Kings), but never the Indonesians.

2. Indonesia has and is making tremendous progress in defense production. Their economy is potentially strong and have a strong industrial base. Yes, they do not have the expertise or organization of work that one finds in Malaysia. They need a Mahathir to pick them up.

They have a huge population and some natural resources, but their economic planning and governmental organization is a mess. People like Dr. Mahathir come once in a 100 years, and till they put aside their political difference, it isn't going to happen anytime soon.

3. The Muslims of this region : Mindano, Brunai, Malaysia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the islands taken away from Indonesia to benefit Australian mining Cos, S Cambodia, S Thailand, Arakan, Bangladesh and East Indian Muslims, would feel safer if one among them had nukes. Indonesia qualifies for that slot. But if possible BD and Malyasia could also posses this. The bullying of India would also be neutralized.

There is NO WAY I'm going to agree with Indonesia having nukes. Currently ASEAN is peaceful because no one has the upper hand, we're all equal. Giving nuke to any country would tilt that balance, and the Indonesians who can't even manage their own country, they will make a mess out of ASEAN if they're given any power.

I wouldn't agree with Malaysia having nukes too, if it comes at the expense of people's money and economic development. Economic development and education should be the government utmost priority. We're not interested in war and weaponry.

If there's any country in the region which should have nukes, it's Bangladesh, since both your regional countries (India & Pakistan) has nukes, so that puts balance on South Asia power scale.

Speaking of India, the only way they bully us is with playing Bollywood movies and opening Indian restaurants here :lol: Otherwise, we have a good business and trade relationship with India.

Cultural bullying! :lol:

@asad71: "East Indian Muslims"? You hatching another plan to annex the North East again? :P

Cultural bullying! :lol:

@asad71: "East Indian Muslims"? You hatching another plan to annex the North East again? :P

Yes. Historically this is the home we lost on 23 June 1757. From Rajmahal Hills to the Arakan Yoma is one self-contained geopolitical unit, culturally and economically one. All the troubles in India's NE and the East Maoist insurgency is because of the nonviable arbitrary lines drawn by Radcliffe and local leaders none of whom was a son of this soil. Yes, we want a return of Bangla - Bihar - Orissa, the Kingdom of Nawab Sirajuddaula.
Why China allowed? Pakistan? India? N.Korea?
pakistan has nukes because india has nukes, and we are enemies. China has nukes because it was treathned by both soviets and the US under the cold war, N.Korea has nukes because its enemy the US has nukes. Now it will be fair if Iran also have nukes now, because israel is the enemy of iran that is armed with nukes
And then why Americans are allowed, oh they are threatened by Russians and vice versa. Then, how does circular logic leave out Iran's right?

Because you were the ones harping about the Islamic bomb, which means Islamic world already has a nuclear protector in your form, so Israelis needed one for themselves and brought it out more into the open. They knew that you're in the process of getting one and they got it before you. Remember David BEN Gurion's words?

What justification does Iran have when Pakistan already represents the Islamic world's nuclear weapons and for that matter why is Erdogan so bothered when Turkey itself is safe under NATO nuke umbrella?
Yes. Historically this is the home we lost on 23 June 1757. From Rajmahal Hills to the Arakan Yoma is one self-contained geopolitical unit, culturally and economically one. All the troubles in India's NE and the East Maoist insurgency is because of the nonviable arbitrary lines drawn by Radcliffe and local leaders none of whom was a son of this soil. Yes, we want a return of Bangla - Bihar - Orissa, the Kingdom of Nawab Sirajuddaula.

Quite ambitious plan, i must say...:lol:
There is no justification for any country to have nukes. But then there is also no justification for allowing one country to have them but not another one.
There is no justification for any country to have nukes. But then there is also no justification for allowing one country to have them but not another one.

Lets get all the forkers to disarm right nowww!
Palestinians should get nucs too because they are threatened by Israel problem solved
Palestinians should get nucs too because they are threatened by Israel problem solved

While we are at it, may be a few to Afghanistan govt too.. To keep Pakistan in check and open discussions on Durand line from a position of strength ?? makes sense ?? :hitwall:
While we are at it, may be a few to Afghanistan govt too.. To keep Pakistan in check and open discussions on Durand line from a position of strength ?? makes sense ?? :hitwall:

Karan yaar what are you doing? Stop putting ideas into peoples heads! It may happen then we will be in trouble!!
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