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Why Indian intelligence doesn't work too well in Pakistan

It was because Bangladeshi people rebelling against us, so India thought this would be a perfect time to take a CHEAP shot and that's what you guys did...

take it up with zulfiqar for not allowing mujibur from coming to power.
it really annoys me when i see posts or threads going on about how RAW is active in Pakistan when every Indian knows that RAW can not even choose their daily meals without consent from the PMO the thing that is to fix here is that RAW is controlled by politics other agencies like CIA,Mossad,MI6 etc are all national based rather than political we must do the same with RAW and unleash them on Pakistani terrorist groups and camps.
RAW itself is controlled by the government because it is a "wing". That's why R&AW is so incompetent.
RAW itself is controlled by the government because it is a "wing". That's why R&AW is so incompetent.

wrong. RAW is not a government agency proof of this is when MP's wanted several RAW officials to testify before parliament in their roles involving corruption and nepotism under the right to information act since RAW is actually an agency that works under the aegis of the prime ministers office it is not subject to any of the government provisions like RTI,CAG etc
This is just to make you guys feel good. In reality, RAW doesn't have the capability to suport terror groups in Pakistan.
Reason??or is this just something you saw in a dream??

wrong. RAW is not a government agency proof of this is when MP's wanted several RAW officials to testify before parliament in their roles involving corruption and nepotism under the right to information act since RAW is actually an agency that works under the aegis of the prime ministers office it is not subject to any of the government provisions like RTI,CAG etc

That's right. RAW is a wing of the PMO and reports directely to the Prime Minister. RAW is not accountable to the parliament, the government or the people of India(not directely atleast)
This was done to ensure the protection of sensitive state secrets, while keeping it under government control, albeit indirectely....
Any person worked in intelligence definitely knows what and where "to talk and not to talk" unless it is ordered to spoon feed the target with some information eg In WW2 Hitler get some deliberate leak true information and then just bombard him with false information which actually helped D day op. Thats what intelligence is supposed to do. So if we are getting these information then everyone is free to make assumptions what it is :)

"Intelligence, counter intelligence and spooned intelligence"
Thats a recipe for disaster. Intelligence agencies if not properly monitored can easily become dangerous even for their own country (Eg: ISI Intervention in Pakistani politics) & as far as Mossad is concerned ,every 'wet job' done by their agents is authorized by none other than Israeli PM himself.

Problem is when the director of our security intelligence services makes their reports to our PM they most probs not even give the go ahead unlike in Israel which has a history of leaders who served in the military and understand security matters.

Major operations of RAW

•ELINT operations in Himalayas
•Creation of Bangladesh and aftermath
•Operation Smiling Buddha
•Amalgamation of Sikkim
•Kahuta's Blueprint
•Operation Meghdoot
•Kanishka Bombing case
•Operation Cactus
•Sri Lanka
•Operation Chanakya
•Help to the Northern Alliance
•Kargil War
•Operation Leech
•War on Terror
•2008 Mumbai attacks
•Snatch operations with IB

The Government of India has added another intelligence agency which is dedicated to collection of technical intelligence (TECHINT). India's new hi-tech spying agency, the National Technical Facilities Organisation (NTFO), also known as National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO), is believed to be functioning under R&AW, although it remains autonomous to some degree. While the exact nature of the operations conducted by NTRO is classified, it is believed that it deals with research on imagery and communications using various platforms.
If Indian Intelligence didn't work, how come Hafeez Syed is in FBI list? :P any ways Don't want to discuss it much...
If Indian intelligence inside Pakistan didn't work, it would have been Pakistani troops on the Siachen glacier today.
With emergence of Nepal as a terror transit point R&AW and the IB started closely monitoring the movement of suspected terrorists in Nepal. According to The Week in last decade there has been close to 400 successful snatch operations conducted by R&AW and/or IB in Nepal, Bangladesh and other countries. Some famous snatch netted Bhupinder Singh Bhuda of the Khalistan Commando Force, Lashkar militant Tariq Mehmood, Sheikh Abdul Khwaja, one of the handlers of the 26/11 attacks etc. most of the suspects are kept at Tihar Jail.

Of course it only takes one cockup and a few to slip through to cause carnage as seen on 26/11
If Indian intelligence inside Pakistan didn't work, it would have been Pakistani troops on the Siachen glacier today.

Actually it was Indian intelligence in UK that did the job. They found out that Pakistan placed a huge order for winter clothing with the same agent that supplies IA. So naturally we assumed that PA is venturing out to Siachen and we strike first.

Look at TTP terrorism, RAW is not a failure its a big success.

You are giving too much credit to RAW.
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