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Why Indian intelligence doesn't work too well in Pakistan

This is just to make you guys feel good. In reality, RAW doesn't have the capability to suport terror groups in Pakistan.

Then why every now and then your media and govt accuses of supporting TTP, BLA, MQM and what not. According to some 'great' defense experts like Zaid Hamid, RAW is also the co-creators of TTP.
I'm glad we all agree that RAW is not effective and active in Pakistan.

This is what we keep saying when people just keep mouthing off RAW supports BLA, TTP, MQM, etc etc etc etc.

In addition to that our inteligence agencies are under civilian control and do not resort to terrorism to hide their internal weaknesses. I'm glad for that too.
At one time pakistani media and the patriotic pdf members of pakistan always accuse RAW of all the blasts and now they r saying indian intel is not good in pakistan...
See your media, shows how we have destabilized east pakistan and invaded it:lol:...Do we need to show any bigger and better example than this one...
I K Gujral's moves came at an important time when our neighbors had grown quite distrustful of us.

Of course the trade off included putting restrictions on RAW. We almost had Nepal and Bangladesh convinced that India intentions of repairing ties.

Let us not forget, proper ties with our neighbors are mandatory for India's regional security framework.


Because this man considered Pakistani Punjabi's as his brothers.

Looks like he certainly had some Pakistanis convinced so.
Indian political class is plain stupid coming from the land of Chanakya and have interfered with RAW in their work and reduced their efficiency. No point in blaming them for not going after the terrorists.
There were couple of incidents I remember - one in 1970s - Morarji Desai calling Zia and let him know that he knew that Pakistan was working on the nuclear technology after RAW provided the input to him. Zia eliminated many of the RAW assets who were providing intelligence to India on the Pakistan nuclear capabilities. Instead if he had passed on this information to the big powers who were looking for evidence at that time, Pakistan would not have got the technology.
Another incident is what is quoted in this article where our another saint IK Gujral got rid of the covert operation capabilities of RAW and also informed informed Pakistan about its assets in Pakistan in a confidence building exercise.
Indian political class is plain stupid coming from the land of Chanakya and have interfered with RAW in their work and reduced their efficiency. No point in blaming them for not going after the terrorists.
There were couple of incidents I remember - one in 1970s - Morarji Desai calling Zia and let him know that he knew that Pakistan was working on the nuclear technology after RAW provided the input to him. Zia eliminated many of the RAW assets who were providing intelligence to India on the Pakistan nuclear capabilities. Instead if he had passed on this information to the big powers who were looking for evidence at that time, Pakistan would not have got the technology.
Another incident is what is quoted in this article where our another saint IK Gujral got rid of the covert operation capabilities of RAW and also informed informed Pakistan about its assets in Pakistan in a confidence building exercise.

I doubt that part is true, any source?
IK gujral if i remeber took this measure after pakistan handed over the Khalistan operatives list to india.
At one time pakistani media and the patriotic pdf members of pakistan always accuse RAW of all the blasts and now they r saying indian intel is not good in pakistan...
See your media, shows how we have destabilized east pakistan and invaded it:lol:...Do we need to show any bigger and better example than this one...

Lol, that shows your RAW incapability. You had to attack a wounded tiger in 1971 because you didn't have the capability before. :yahoo:
IK gujral if i remeber took this measure after pakistan handed over the Khalistan operatives list to india.

That was done by Benazir Bhutto much before Gujral came to power.

Lol, that shows your RAW incapability. You had to attack a wounded tiger in 1971 because you didn't have the capability before. :yahoo:

I never thought Pakistan & ISI had such high standards.
Can I say she destroyed ISI network in India similar to what Gujral did in Pakistan?
That would be correct - She pretty much gave entire list of Khalistani Separatists to India.
Can I say she destroyed ISI network in India similar to what Gujral did in Pakistan?

She only handed over the Khalistani leader's list. Anyways by the time she handed over the list, Khalistanis was already losing ground. Her 'help' just made the job of Punjab Police a little bit easier.
Well I don't agree with the ex RAW agent, only tactics are changed..

She only handed over the Khalistani leader's list. Anyways by the time she handed over the list, Khalistanis was already losing ground. Her 'help' just made the job of Punjab Police a little bit easier.

Lol..... Thats all I could say or do.

That would be correct - She pretty much gave entire list of Khalistani Separatists to India.

Exactly my point... Politicians have different approach to issues.
Well I don't agree with the ex RAW agent, only tactics are changed..

Lol..... Thats all I could say or do.

Exactly my point... Politicians have different approach to issues.

Special Operations: In the mid-1980s, R&AW set up two covert groups, Counterintelligence Team-X(CIT-X) and Counterintelligence Team-J(CIT-J), the first directed at Pakistan[56] and the second at Khalistani groups. Rabinder Singh, the R&AW double agent who defected to the United States in 2004, helped run CIT-J in its early years. Both these covert groups used the services of cross-border traffickers to ferry weapons and funds across the border, much as their ISI counterparts were doing. According to former R&AW official and noted security analyst B. Raman, the Indian counter-campaign yielded results. "The role of our cover action capability in putting an end to the ISI's interference in Punjab", he wrote in 2002, "by making such interference prohibitively costly is little known and understood." These covert operations were discontinued during the tenure of IK Gujral and were never restarted.[57] As per B Raman the former R&AW cabinet secretary, such covert operations were successful in keeping a check on ISI and were "responsible for ending the Khalistani insurgency".[58] He also notes that a lack of such covert capabilities, since they were closed down in 1997, has left the country even more vulnerable than before and says that developing covert capabilities is the need of the hour.[59]

Research and Analysis Wing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In a way she was blackmailed into handing over the list.
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