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Why dont we develop millitary ties with Russia?

Weather its the question of building ties with Russia.
Weather its our Energy Crises .
Weather its the economic crises.
Weather its the question of becoming parallel to India.

Balochistan is and will be the solution to all our problems.
I wanna see Russian mig-35 AESA radar, TVC AL-31, ECM/targeting pods for FC-20! russian you better help us becuase india is ditching you badly!
reading all your posts, its really interesting to see what your state of mind is really.
In almost all the posts y'all bash Russian hardware as obsolete and irrelevant compared to the so called advanced military hardware of the western countries. I have seen Sukhois and Migs being thrashed as being mere toys compared to serious big boy equipment from the west. Apparently the Russian radars are very inferior to the Western ones not the mention the inferiority of the Russian tanks and airplane engines compared to your JV with the Chinese tanks and a/c (which co-incidently are cheap rip-offs of Russian hardware).
AND NOW y'all are wishing/pleading Russia to cut off relations with India just because India's considering western hardware and platforms, and instead sell equipment to y'all???
Do you think India using other countries' tech is a new phenomena? Wonder if you have heard about French/British/Swedish/US/SouthAfrican and last but not least Israeli equipment being fielded by the Indian armed forces. Reread recent history if you didnt pay enough attention in class!
Yeah I guess Russia will forgive-n-forget all you have done to help her in A'stan, your export of religious "moral" support to Chechen mofo's butchering innocents, not to forget the recent half hearted battles against your own tribals showing token support for US's so called 'war on terror'. Did you forget you co-operation with Ukraine - in buying Ukrainian hardware- or your support for that Georgian moron - Saakashvilli- during the recent 'skirmish'? Should I also mention the recent flip-flops of the Pakistani authorities - viz Mumbai atrocity - regarding evidence given by various intelligence agencies about the complicity of some 'elements in Pakistan' which erases the fine line between state and non-state actors! FSB has its eye on South Asia my friends and they know pretty well what goes on!!
Yeah Russia will sell her latest hardware/toys to Pakistan. Viva Pak-Russia friendship/co-operation!
LOL what trools!!!!
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Thats true, Russia is keen to be building better mutual relationship with Pakistan. The only problem was Putin, who's extremely pro-Indian but he's gone and things will change soon. :tup:

sir i am sorry to say that putin is gone nowhere he is the one who still calls the shots he will be back again as the president after medvedov anyway no one in kremlin does anything without the consent of putin.
even medvedov and ivanov the most influential people are putins men
Indeed, I read that somewhere in IHT I think, he's still running the show but there's growing pressure from Military Think Tank and Analysts to engage Pakistan since Gwadar still has a lot of importance for Russia. CAR and Siberia desperately need a road/sea link.

sir russia has already shown interest in chabahar i dont know if a treaty is signed i will try and post it but considering russias sphere of influence in tajikistan and afganistan chabahar shows more practical choice.

with regards to selling arms and doing business in general with Pakistan what is the view in Russia?

Is it in favour or against?
reading all your posts, its really interesting to see what your state of mind is really.
In almost all the posts y'all bash Russian hardware as obsolete and irrelevant compared to the so called advanced military hardware of the western countries. I have seen Sukhois and Migs being thrashed as being mere toys compared to serious big boy equipment from the west. Apparently the Russian radars are very inferior to the Western ones not the mention the inferiority of the Russian tanks and airplane engines compared to your JV with the Chinese tanks and a/c (which co-incidently are cheap rip-offs of Russian hardware).
AND NOW y'all are wishing/pleading Russia to cut off relations with India just because India's considering western hardware and platforms, and instead sell equipment to y'all???
Do you think India using other countries' tech is a new phenomena? Wonder if you have heard about French/British/Swedish/US/SouthAfrican and last but not least Israeli equipment being fielded by the Indian armed forces. Reread recent history if you didnt pay enough attention in class!
Yeah I guess Russia will forgive-n-forget all you have done to help her in A'stan, your export of religious "moral" support to Chechen mofo's butchering innocents, not to forget the recent half hearted battles against your own tribals showing token support for US's so called 'war on terror'. Did you forget you co-operation with Ukraine - in buying Ukrainian hardware- or your support for that Georgian moron - Saakashvilli- during the recent 'skirmish'? Should I also mention the recent flip-flops of the Pakistani authorities - viz Mumbai atrocity - regarding evidence given by various intelligence agencies about the complicity of some 'elements in Pakistan' which erases the fine line between state and non-state actors! FSB has its eye on South Asia my friends and they know pretty well what goes on!!
Yeah Russia will sell her latest hardware/toys to Pakistan. Viva Pak-Russia friendship/co-operation!
LOL what trools!!!!

Well pakistan can do with cooperation with russia, but if its not to be then thats not a problem for pakistan.

Russian hardware will always enter pakistan through improved chinese technology, and pakistan and china have a common strategy and aim in the region.

Its a shame that india rather then playing a positive role in developing the region, where we can all work for a common vision, goal and prosperity india choses to play blame games and tries to destabilize the region.

Trying to destabilize pakistan will have its consequences on india those other who choose to harm the people of pakistan.

Us who are disunited are united in blood when it involves any foreign elements agression.

with regards to selling arms and doing business in general with Pakistan what is the view in Russia?

Is it in favour or against?

direct arms selling is only possible for minor arms not major `techs unless you enter into a joint venture and pump in a load of money,
normal trade and business is quite welcome but there again you will have to
compete with india as they enjoy preference in tax deductions,working license, and influence
but overall general opinion in russia is not so radical about pakistan as the US ,russia has very good relations with many islamic nations of the world
Well pakistan can do with cooperation with russia, but if its not to be then thats not a problem for pakistan.

Russian hardware will always enter pakistan through improved chinese technology, and pakistan and china have a common strategy and aim in the region.

Its a shame that india rather then playing a positive role in developing the region, where we can all work for a common vision, goal and prosperity india choses to play blame games and tries to destabilize the region.

Trying to destabilize pakistan will have its consequences on india those other who choose to harm the people of pakistan.

Us who are disunited are united in blood when it involves any foreign elements agression.

sir many of your points attract my attention here;-
first-not only india is trying to destabilize the region but all all the other countries including pakistan,its the truth and need not be argued by links or articles what the people write. so first of all the region can only improve when you start stopping playing the blame game.

second-china and pakistan vision is same i find it very hard to fathom pakistan can only compare itself to china when they reach their level of achievement just look where china is in the world stage,economically,politically and just look at pakistan. china has its own goals to reach and pakistan its.

secondly if you want to develop your region or contry then you do not have to depend on india to stop playing its mischiefs you can do it by yourself.
what do you think that all the developed countries did not have to do with back stabbing techniques.it has being ging on for ages human being just cannot tolerate others having better than themselves.

fouth- if you are really satisfied with russian harware then better have it fro the original supplier and if you think china is improving all the tech then why is still they buy,incorporate and enter into jv with russian companies.

finally -remember that my point of view is from a neutral perspective.i have no problem with pakistan and its people and also the same with india and its people. always try to call a spade a spade nothing more.

if my post is offending then may i be excused. thanx
sir many of your points attract my attention here;-
first-not only india is trying to destabilize the region but all all the other countries including pakistan,its the truth and need not be argued by links or articles what the people write. so first of all the region can only improve when you start stopping playing the blame game.

second-china and pakistan vision is same i find it very hard to fathom pakistan can only compare itself to china when they reach their level of achievement just look where china is in the world stage,economically,politically and just look at pakistan. china has its own goals to reach and pakistan its.

secondly if you want to develop your region or contry then you do not have to depend on india to stop playing its mischiefs you can do it by yourself.
what do you think that all the developed countries did not have to do with back stabbing techniques.it has being ging on for ages human being just cannot tolerate others having better than themselves.

fouth- if you are really satisfied with russian harware then better have it fro the original supplier and if you think china is improving all the tech then why is still they buy,incorporate and enter into jv with russian companies.

finally -remember that my point of view is from a neutral perspective.i have no problem with pakistan and its people and also the same with india and its people. always try to call a spade a spade nothing more.

if my post is offending then may i be excused. thanx
u ve spoken the truth moscow, wish someone in power would listen!
Well pakistan can do with cooperation with russia, but if its not to be then thats not a problem for pakistan.

Russian hardware will always enter pakistan through improved chinese technology, and pakistan and china have a common strategy and aim in the region.

Its a shame that india rather then playing a positive role in developing the region, where we can all work for a common vision, goal and prosperity india choses to play blame games and tries to destabilize the region.

Trying to destabilize pakistan will have its consequences on india those other who choose to harm the people of pakistan.

Us who are disunited are united in blood when it involves any foreign elements agression.

Hmmn, interesting reconciliatory tone to the post here. Wonder why?
As regards to India trying to destabilize the region, if you recollect recent history, it was the ex-PM Mr. Vajpayee who offered the hand of friendship to Pakistan and rode the bus to Lahore in that time of tension. What happened next ,,cough cough...kargil..cough cough, is India got backstabbed by the GLORIOUS MISADVENTURE by Pakistani army!!
India took care of it (which btw is a known and acknowledged fact), and then yet again started CBMs and then what happens? Attack on Indian Parliament. Yet once more Musharaff comes to India and enjoys Indian hospitality!! Now whoz the all forgiving Big Brother in the neighbourhood here?? And whoz trying to 'destabilize' the region here?

Pakistanis have to realize that their dream of so called Islamic rule over the Indian subcontinent is all but just a Dream!! Get over it, History is history, stop living in it. You have to realize that if you want to lead a good life, then you have to develop your economy like that of India's and China's and that can be done by fostering better trade relations with both these countries.
Well you might say that Sino-Pak relations are good, LOL, if that was so, then China would not have refused to BAIL out your pathetic economy. Your govt had to go to IMF, which everyone knows, is a tool to subjugate smaller economies to world power whims!! What do you make of it?

If you really want Pakistan to be considered as a top military might, make sure your govt (which assuming you have an elected govt and not your military) gives top priority to economic development, only then you shall reap the benefits.

And hey Moscow guy, stop trying masquerading as a Russian! You very well know that you aint one and even if you are situated in Moscow, you dont speak for the Russian people or their policies. Why do I say so, coz I know a lot of Russians here, so please stop humiliating yourself with your masquerade! Baleyt suka!!

Everyone acknowledges that you need $$$$$ to sustain a conflict! Even if the much touted PAF wins a couple of first few skirmishes with the much maligned IAF, you dont have the $$$$$ to sustain those few advantages much longer. India on the other hand can sustain a conflict for a much longer period of time - eg the prolonged low level conflict in Punjab and Kashmir! India has allies who can help with much needed ammunition and supplies, which can't be said about Pakistan. China is NOT going to come to your rescue, so get over it. Its got much to lose by supporting PA in a conflict with India.

And NO India is not scared to go for surgical strikes in Pakistan because of its 'famous' PAF. Civilian govt power, army coup, army in power ...get the picture? India doesnt want an unstable govt in her neighbourhood, so back off your pseudo-machoistic claims that India is not going forward with strikes in Pakistan because of Pakistani PAF and 'nuculear' weapons!

TIME TO WAKE UP to the real world of realpolitik, my friends!
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And hey Moscow guy, stop trying masquerading as a Russian! You very well know that you aint one and even if you are situated in Moscow, you dont speak for the Russian people or their policies. Why do I say so, coz I know a lot of Russians here, so please stop humiliating yourself with your masquerade! Baleyt suka!!

sir first of all your choice of language is not apt next if you want to know who i am and where i am from. then check my profile.
also try and remember that this is a forum and people are entitled to express their opinion,including me and you so learn to respect the opinions of others if you have even a bit of education.
next i am not speaking about the entire russian population and the people its my personal opinion which your highly intelligent brain does not seem to understand.
knowing a lot of russians dosent make you one just remember that i too have alot of indian and pakistani friends thatdosent make me an indian or pakistani.

the difference between you and me can be easily made out by the choice of your language. a lot of people in this forum have agreed or disagreed with me still a minimum sense of dignity has always being maintained but alas its very sad to expect that kind of dignity from you.dont try to bring about a bad name to your country and be an embarresment in this forum

if you want a logical and realistic discussion then you are always welcome.
thanx and please learn some better words in russian from your friends next time.

mods please excuse me for this personal post.
chinese hardware is basically russian copies (inferior to original)

and pakistan is getting it

and u guys saying IAF is inferior to paf because it has russian hardware

while u are having wet dreams about making friends with russia and getting "state of the art" mig-35s with AESA, TVC, EW, etc, su-30 MKP's which are better then MKI's, t-90s, etc...

all while u guys say that the SAME systems next door are crappy russian systems.

sir chinese systems are not bad or crappy at all it is really good but many people here claim performances which does not match with the original parameters

And hey Moscow guy, stop trying masquerading as a Russian! You very well know that you aint one and even if you are situated in Moscow, you dont speak for the Russian people or their policies. Why do I say so, coz I know a lot of Russians here, so please stop humiliating yourself with your masquerade! Baleyt suka!!

sir first of all your choice of language is not apt next if you want to know who i am and where i am from. then check my profile.
also try and remember that this is a forum and people are entitled to express their opinion,including me and you so learn to respect the opinions of others if you have even a bit of education.
next i am not speaking about the entire russian population and the people its my personal opinion which your highly intelligent brain does not seem to understand.
knowing a lot of russians dosent make you one just remember that i too have alot of indian and pakistani friends thatdosent make me an indian or pakistani.

the difference between you and me can be easily made out by the choice of your language. a lot of people in this forum have agreed or disagreed with me still a minimum sense of dignity has always being maintained but alas its very sad to expect that kind of dignity from you.dont try to bring about a bad name to your country and be an embarresment in this forum

if you want a logical and realistic discussion then you are always welcome.
thanx and please learn some better words in russian from your friends next time.

mods please excuse me for this personal post.

LOL :cheers: Just wanted to make sure where you were from! very few people on these forums know the meaning of those words, which btw are to be addressed to a woman of disrepute (by which I dont mean those who follow the oldest profession but those who really deserve it).
I apologise if I got personal, but what surprises me is what is a Ruski (used in a very friendly manner my friend - no offence) doing on these forums? I dont see you on any other forums unlike GGK (or is it GKK).
BTW why do you begin your posts with 'sir'. Havent heard that from any of the Russians (Ruskis for me) I know. That is kinda a very desi concept, if you know what I mean.
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