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Why do Indians and Pakistanis keep fighting, instead of seeking peace?

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Wait.. I am not representing Pakistan or Pakistanis here. I am just representing myself and in dealing with tons of Kashmiris, majority don't want to be either with India or Pakistan anymore. Don't believe me? Join two of the biggest groups on Kashmir on facebook, one with 60,000 Kashmiris and other with 79,000 Kashmiris. And majority are saying bad things about India and Pakistan. And here on this forum, Pakistanis and Indians r always fighting for Kashmir and Kashmiris.

Wait a minute.

I never said I don't believe you.

I totally believe that a large portion of people in the Kashmir valley want independence.

Majority of people in other areas such as Kargil, Leh, Ladakh, Jammu etc. want to be with India.

Anyways, the UN itself doesn't provide the option of 'independence' in any future plebiscite. This option was removed at Pakistan's own insistence in 1947.

At that time you thought that they want to join Pakistabn so you insisted on removing the option of 'independence'.

Today you know that a majority of them don't want to join Pakistan so you want to give them the same of 'independence'.

One day you say one thing, other day you say completely another thing. You think we are fools?

Your game, your rules, and are we Indians here to distribute halwa?

Is this a joke?

The demographics of the place has changed.

The Kashmiri Pundits have been pushed out of Kashmir.

The demographics of Gilgit Baltistan has changed completely over the last 65 years.

This is not the same Kashmir as it was in 1947.

The most relevant option of 'independence' is not provided for in the UNSC resolutions at the insistence of the Pakistani state.

Under all these constraints, how then is a plebiscite possible anymore?

You are acting like a kid whose heart is set on a toy and he wants that toy at any cost.

Others are not willing to put up with that BS, you know. Period.

The plebiscite is no longer possible. Those who want to live in Pakistan can pack up and leave just the way my grandparents came here and millions of others migrated in 1947 to completely foreign lands.

As for others who want to have it all and give nothing, they can want the moon for all we care. Doesn't mean they are getting it.
The most recent war ended in 1999 which was 13 years ago, yet we still fight over them on the Internet. When I think of the India - Pakistan conflicts, in see it as a civil war rather than a traditional war. We are the same freaking people for god sakes! It was all nice and peaceful in the subcontinent until the British took over. After 1947, the civil war has been ongoing. I have an Indian cousin myself but I am Pakistani. We are genetically linked. India vs. Pakistan is like brother vs brother. Why do we allow a factor of religion separate us and make us fight each other? I am Muslim and I agree with Dr. Zakir naik when he says that it would have been best if the country remained united after independence. People use nationalism as an excuse for the bickering, but the idea of nationalism is that a persons loyalty should be towards a group of people who share a common culture or history. Our countries share the same culture and history for thousands of years, so we should share our nationalism.

Watch this video, anyways Pakistanis who make posts like this are really really naive. You must fully understand the midset of indians from before partition - during partition and post partion. their mindset is the same. I'm not generalizing or insulting, but rather stating clear true facts. Sure there are a few indians who would like peace but as I said FEW.

The Stream - "Internet Hindus" Caught in Online Frays - YouTube
I am a kashmiri I can say with 100% confidence that the vast vast majority of kashmiris want to be with pakistan, its ridiculous to suggest otherwise to think that members if our community who wouldnt even eat something touched by a hindu would ally themselves with a hindu india is ridiculous
I am a kashmiri I can say with 100% confidence that the vast vast majority of kashmiris want to be with pakistan, its ridiculous to suggest otherwise to think that members if our community who wouldnt even eat something touched by a hindu would ally themselves with a hindu india is ridiculous
Good to know, although hindu practicing untouchability with muslim( as claimed by some pakistani) has no hatred in it, mostly casteism and dietary habit to blame.

I loath hindus, would happily see them burn in hell

we should not have peace
You will run short of fuel in hell, most hindus dont self combust and there are a lot of us. :)
Are you crazy.. I consider him one of the top most historical figures of the region... What's wrong in what I said?

You have an intellectual way to admire someone i must say- :pop:-
and i pitty those people who you admire for it- :D-
The most recent war ended in 1999 which was 13 years ago, yet we still fight over them on the Internet. When I think of the India - Pakistan conflicts, in see it as a civil war rather than a traditional war. We are the same freaking people for god sakes! It was all nice and peaceful in the subcontinent until the British took over. After 1947, the civil war has been ongoing. I have an Indian cousin myself but I am Pakistani. We are genetically linked. India vs. Pakistan is like brother vs brother. Why do we allow a factor of religion separate us and make us fight each other? I am Muslim and I agree with Dr. Zakir naik when he says that it would have been best if the country remained united after independence. People use nationalism as an excuse for the bickering, but the idea of nationalism is that a persons loyalty should be towards a group of people who share a common culture or history. Our countries share the same culture and history for thousands of years, so we should share our nationalism.

We are two different nations having distinctly different cultures. We separated over 60 years ago and have problems ever since. This does not mean that you or anybody undermines the existence of Pakistan and again start a debate of why Pakistan was created. It was created and now is an independent and free country.

When you say that you have a cousin in India, how many other Pakistanis have relatives living in India - miniscule in number. How many of us Pakistanis have ever visited India and know the culture and traditions being practiced in India. Hardly any, except some who have relatives across the border or who visited one odd time to see a cricket match.

The only way we see India is through Indian movies, but do these movies represent Indian culture. Even the Indians say that these movies do not represent true India in any capacity.

Therefore, when we haven't even visited India, we don not know their culture, do not know how they live and don't even know many more things about India, how can you tell me that we are the same people. We are not the same people. We belong to a different society, a different country and above all we are independent and free. Yes we have our problems and Indians have their problems, so!

I am proud to be a Pakistani and nothing else - period. If you like India so much, go live with your cousin and ask him why does he wear a skull cap to distinguish himself, ask the Kashmiris why do they want freedom from India, ask people in the NE India why do they want freedom from India. You go and stay there.

And if you want to stay here in Pakistan, then please learn to become a Pakistani first before you open your mouth filled with piles.
^^^ mouth filled with piles? You could have made your point without being harsh. :)
Islam and its followers have way too much baggage of their own and shared with their ancestral faith and its followers in the Indian subcontinent for there ever to be mutual trust and acceptance.

I have seen the light over the past few years, not so much during my interaction here, but off the Internet and on the ground.

Within India, there will be an uneasy status quo, till the Islamists push too far. And then there will be a purge that will put into the pale all purges up until now.

Between India and Pakistan, there will be skirmishes and Aman ki Asha's alternating, till an opportunity presents itself. And then there will be war, and this time it will be for keeps. Both Kashmir as well as the Pakistan issue will be solved once and for all

Swiftly and efficiently. Like the Soviet shock troops.

Eventually, India will be one again. And Islam will rise once more - but as a mature and tolerant and totally Indianized faith.

I see eventually, an Indian union/confederation of what is currently India, along with Afghanistan, Pakistan(NWFP, Balochistan, Punjab, and Sindh), Nepal, Bhutan, East Bengal (current Bangladesh), Myanmar, and Sri Lanka.

With Tibet restored as a neutral bufer zone.
You have an intellectual way to admire someone i must say- :pop:-
and i pitty those people who you admire for it- :D-

Why?? Is Pork eating bad? Most of the muslims I know in the US eat it as a matter of routine.. I find it weird that your notion of admiring someone is dependent on his/her food habits ...
There is a massive issue of superiority complex aswell

How many of us pakistani,s think that we are taller, stronger, better looking and fairer (sub continent problem) then the hindus

How many of us deride there pagan religion

Too much has passed for peace to exist
Wait.. I am not representing Pakistan or Pakistanis here. I am just representing myself and in dealing with tons of Kashmiris, majority don't want to be either with India or Pakistan anymore. Don't believe me? Join two of the biggest groups on Kashmir on facebook, one with 60,000 Kashmiris and other with 79,000 Kashmiris. And majority are saying bad things about India and Pakistan. And here on this forum, Pakistanis and Indians r always fighting for Kashmir and Kashmiris.
can you post the link?
There is a massive issue of superiority complex aswell

How many of us pakistani,s think that we are taller, stronger, better looking and fairer (sub continent problem) then the hindus

How many of us deride there pagan religion

Too much has passed for peace to exist
You say you have superiourity complex, pakistanis say Indians have superiority complex. Which is correct?
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