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Why BJP must be allowed to hoist the tricolour

Why would it necessarily cause 'riot and deaths'? Allow 100 or so BJP workers in the march, keep 1000 or so security around them. Arrest anyone who makes a communal statement. Simple.

Why would you want to step on their fundamental rights of showing patriotism?

I think that would be troublesome for Omar trying to get hold of Kashmiris, right now I'm all for strengthen his rule. They could have showed patriotism with Omar under security. But they decided to go by their own without informing state govt and army of their schedule or anything.

Need I remind you of 1984?

If your point is that Congress can be as bigoted as BJP, yes I do agree, I'm not a fanboy of Congress anyway. But why are we comparing this event with 84?
If you dont go for a lasting solution these things will keep reoccurring. Have to take a stand.
Exactly my point. Also, Article 370 allowing JK to have a separate Constitution should be abolished foremost.
we are talking about lal chawk.:wave:
I wana raise tricolor in amarnath cvae planted in the shivling??? will i be allowed?Btw constitution of india give me right to raise indian flag anywhere in india.
I wana raise tricolor in amarnath cvae planted in the shivling??? will i be allowed?Btw constitution of india give me right to raise indian flag anywhere in india.

First u need to get a visa
Also I do believe State Govt opposing BJP's Yatra has Army approval, as nothing is done in Kashmir without Army's consent.
I think that would be troublesome for Omar trying to get hold of Kashmiris, right now I'm all for strengthen his rule. They could have showed patriotism with Omar under security. But they decided to go by their own without informing state govt and army of their schedule or anything.

Ummm, their schedule was public information.

And I'm also for strengthening the state govt., but not at the expense of rights of the citizen.

If your point is that Congress can be as bigoted as BJP, yes I do agree, I'm not a fanboy of Congress anyway. But why are we comparing this event with 84.

We are only discussing that because you singled out the BJP for being bigoted.
No human life is superior to the nation.
and it is shame that congress can't save life of the people who want to hoist their national flag in their own country or punish people who are openly saying 'we'll see who hoist the tricolour'.

Let the Sayers say, Sayers are to be Punished, But all these years, Innocents die yet Sayers Live to Say... You have any Solution for that? if not, then What has Happened today is Right..
Sorry, i should have said "Terrorists" instead of separatists.

The term more suitably applies to occupiers.

You are entitled to your opinion as to whom Kashmir belongs to. As far as im concerned we govern it with elected representatives.

Even Israelis are governing in occupied land whats the big deal here?

Yes you are right, BJP should have tried to hoist the tri-color in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (***) -- if at all to prove its nationalism.

BJP fanatics should first try that in Jammu and Kashmir occupied by India and then try its luck in Azad Kashmir :) if bharatis have immense patriotism they can try it even now.
are you ready to come and do it personally or only trying to ride on back of BJP

That's a cool flag.

But I wonder why they use this flag in Azad Kashmir instead of such a nice flag!

I wana raise tricolor in amarnath cvae planted in the shivling??? will i be allowed?Btw constitution of india give me right to raise indian flag anywhere in india.

you can try that at the risk of getting a top down Trishul(Trident) raised on you backside.
We are only discussing that because you singled out the BJP for being bigoted.

I was talking in context of this thread, I would have singled out Congress had the topic been on 84. I have whatsoever no prejudice for them.
Then you need to know what happened there last year. Read Jana's signature and you'll get an idea

Two different things. Pakistani flag was and is being hoisted in Kashmir by local Kashmiris unlike this attempt by Indians to hoist Indian flag forcefully.

Even in a University in Kashmir the students hoisted Pakistani flag though they dint have a bigger version so they put a small Pakistani flag :)

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