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Why Asia Wants America

Without China's aid,your troops would have fighten with the French with stones。
As for the Dien Bien Phu battle,it was directed by Chinese military adviser- Chen Geng,before Chinese military advisers took over your army,you were in a shameful rout。 Your government made Vo nguyen giap a god but to Chinese he is only a not so clever little pupil of
Chen Geng。
Without China and Soviet's aid, again your troops would have fighten with the Americans with stones。
It was Chairman Mao who warned the USA not to cross the 17 degree North, Otherwise your government and your army headquarters
would have been bombed to death by the American bombers。
China-Vietnam war, you won?you humiliated us? :rofl: Then who entered your territory and occupied your cities and made you northern area facked up? Who used your army men as boxing sandbags to train PLA for battle experience?Who sent the high-class government officials to Chengdu and begged for mercy.:rofl:
China a chess piece? Only the most stupid and ignorant idiot would say that。

What happened to mighty Chinese in second world war against Japanese. Do you know what humiliation you got at that time? About spanking in 1979? Its crystal clear that your info. is totally based upon what CPC told you. But you have to understand that in Communist regimes where free media is absent and there no transparency due to absence of right of expression you forced to believe what your government like you to believe. My sympathies. get out of China. Live in free world and you will get to know many more hurtful truths
What happened to mighty Chinese in second world war against Japanese. Do you know what humiliation you got at that time? About spanking in 1979? Its crystal clear that your info. is totally based upon what CPC told you. But you have to understand that in Communist regimes where free media is absent and there no transparency due to absence of right of expression you forced to believe what your government like you to believe. My sympathies. get out of China. Live in free world and you will get to know many more hurtful truths
Poor Indians, I lived in Japan for 3 years and traveled to many countries.
You only need know one thing,your Indian style democracy is shi*t in Chinese’s eyes。
Chinese know much more about the world and China itself than you。
Poor Indians, I lived in Japan for 3 years and traveled to many countries.
You only need know one thing,your Indian style democracy is shi*t in Chinese’s eyes。
Chinese know much more about the world and China itself than you。

It seems personal attacks and ****** language are your expert area. Let it be. i can not do the same because then I stoop to your level which is not very good thing. And its pity that you have to travel to other countries to learn about free societies. Accept my sympathies.
What a fool. But of course, you speak from a position of a country that relied upon capitalism to save itself. Am willing to bet you can barely balance a checkbook, assuming you have one in the first place.

do you think the rest of the world still stick to the stone age habit of payment for everything through "checks" idiot!? do you know you can authorise your staff to write and cash checks for you in the name of your own company's account?

do you know there is the convenience of credit cards or electronic money?

does the status of your personal credit prevent a bank to grant you one?

You have exposed your background - backward and you dont seem to have any management experiece at all or if you are employed!

The US, despite our economic problems, are still many times larger than China's. It take 10 Chinese workers to produce as much as one American in terms of productivity. US manufacturing account for 15% of the US economy while it is 1/3 for China and it took China over one hundred yrs just to catch up. Without US consumers, you think China can find the equivalent in Africa for iPhone clones? It is far easier for US to cripple China with tariffs than it is for China to 'collapse' the US economy by 'dumping' US Treasury bonds.

tariff! do you know there is an organization called WTO which can adjudicate against unfair trade protection through tariff levies!?

Since when UN approval is needed to call a 'country'?

then let your president call out loud for Taiwan's independence if he has guts!
let the Taiwanese establish themselves as an independent country and see if the UN can accept it as a member!
Wrong, he was crouched down when shaking hands Jimmy Carter.
To see more clearly, see the photos in # 12. Even he dared not look at the eyes of partner and always bowing to U.S. President Jimmy Carter.

what does "crouch" mean?

That is the greatness of Deng even at his stature he did not need to "look up" to Carter! You fail to see the delicacy of this diplomatic etiquette

You shouldn't laugh at people with disabilities. They were stooping, kneeling is due to poison, not because they want to do so. But it is pitiful if they healthy but stooping.

what has caused these poor humans to have their immense suffering?

Poor Indians, I lived in Japan for 3 years and traveled to many countries.
You only need know one thing,your Indian style democracy is shi*t in Chinese’s eyes。
Chinese know much more about the world and China itself than you。

good points! most indians dont have a penny to survive the day!
what does "crouch" mean?

That is the greatness of Deng even at his stature he did not need to "look up" to Carter! You fail to delicacy of this diplomatic etiquette

what has caused these poor humans to have their immense suffering?

good points! most indians dont have a penny to survive the day!

Did you take permission from CPC before posting this :coffee:
I mentioned two things:
- Americans are the smartest (also based on Maritan2's logic)
- The Chinese should be grateful to American for the development of China's economy from 1972 to present.
I think the two problems above do not deny each other.

a standard boot-lickers appraisal!

There is always 2 sides to a trade, a buyer and a seller. They are on equal terms as far as both of them feel comfortable of entering into a trade contract! once that is done no one is grateful or not grateful to the other

Deal :).................

okay! Thanks!
Without China's aid,your troops would have fighten with the French with stones。
As for the Dien Bien Phu battle,it was directed by Chinese military adviser- Chen Geng,before Chinese military advisers took over your army,you were in a shameful rout。 Your government made Vo nguyen giap a god but to Chinese he is only a not so clever little pupil of
Chen Geng。
Without China and Soviet's aid, again your troops would have fighten with the Americans with stones。
It was Chairman Mao who warned the USA not to cross the 17 degree North, Otherwise your government and your army headquarters
would have been bombed to death by the American bombers。
China-Vietnam war, you won?you humiliated us? :rofl: Then who entered your territory and occupied your cities and made you northern area facked up? Who used your army men as boxing sandbags to train PLA for battle experience?Who sent the high-class government officials to Chengdu and begged for mercy.:rofl:
China a chess piece? Only the most stupid and ignorant idiot would say that。

I understand why you show the anger with General Vo Nguyen Giap. It is true that the General chased "advisor" Chinese go out when the "advisor" had recommend tactical "human waves" for VN army.
Fortunately for the people of Vietnam have the General Vo Nguyen Giap, because if in 1954 VN used "human waves" to attack France in Điện Biên Phủ, probably they were crushed by the French.

What a fool! You forget that Americans attacked Hanoi in 1972? HN is not above the 17th degree North? :lol:

Frankly, we did not know Who is Chen geng guy.

Isn't it PLA was beaten by the Vietnamese women militia and local troops without VN regular army?

John McCain need to die. Asia doesn't want America. To show how much American values Vietnamese women and children life, they sentenced the killers in the My Lai Massacre of over 500 women and children to house arrest. These men life out their full life without any consequence.

Too bad the John McCain didn't rot in the Hanoi Hilton. Maybe the world will have less of a warmonger around.
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