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Why Asia Wants America

Why Asia Wants America
May 22, 2012
By Sen. John McCain

The United States is still the partner of choice for many Asian nations, says Sen. John McCain. But Washington needs to put aside its political bickering.

Why Asia Wants America | The Diplomat

Depends on what Asians.

Countries like Vietnam, they were first Chinese slaves for many centuries, then they became slaves of France, then part of them became slaves of USA. When Soviet and China helped them emancipate, their slavery mentality make them now feel something is missing: that is, being enslaved. So they now look for new master to enslave themselves.

This category also includes slave countries like S Korea, lesser in degree, Japan and the Philippines.

Second category has China and other countries. They want USA for trade. In fact, they want whoever that can trade with them. So they not only need USA, but also EU, Africa, India, etc.

Like China did in 1972?
China should be grateful to America for economic development of them today.
China's economy is only really grow only after Chinese leaders meet 'white daddy' Uncle Sam.

US also loves Chinese products. Chinese products help greatly in reducing US inflation rate, and A Year Without "Made in China" is a year living in hell. Simple as that but a riddle to your vast uneducated.

Trade benefits both sides. If you ever heard “Game Theory” (first time to hear, eh? :lol: ) , trade is categorized as a typical positive-sum game.
Depends on what Asians.

Countries like Vietnam, they were first Chinese slaves for many centuries, then they became slaves of France, then part of them became slaves of USA. When Soviet and China helped them emancipate, their slavery mentality make them now feel something is missing: that is, being enslaved. So they now look for new master to enslave themselves.

This category also includes slave countries like S Korea, lesser in degree, Japan and the Philippines.

Second category has China and other countries. They want USA for trade. In fact, they want whoever that can trade with them. So they not only need USA, but also EU, Africa, India, etc.

US also loves Chinese products. Chinese products help greatly in reducing US inflation rate, and A Year Without "Made in China" is a year living in hell. Simple as that but a riddle to your vast uneducated.

Trade benefits both sides. If you ever heard “Game Theory” (first time to hear, eh? :lol: ) , trade is categorized as a typical positive-sum game.
Bullsh1t. One year without the American consumers and China would be hell toot-sweet.
Is there anything wrong in my opinion?
Isn't China's economy only really grow after Deng had begged Uncle Sam?
You should be grateful to Uncle Sam for China's economy today.



In fact, Uncle Sam bagged China to open its market. And China liked US stuff as well.

Nixon dreamed that when he was talking to Dr. Kinssinger: just imagining what profit US can get if every Chinese consumes a can of CokeCola. You can refer to US declassified document for host of such topics during 1960s. Nixon also believed that Indian market is not as worthy as China's. Unfortunately (or fortunately), he is true.
@Battle of Bach Dang River, my vietnami brother asia doesn't want US of A in asia, its only your hatred and issues with china
that is forcing you to say it. Solve your issues with china with regional help rather than yanki help. Your Asean is strong enough to
reach a peaceful settlement with the chinese, and china is a lot better than some other wanna be regional bullies , (at least
according to bangladeshi perspective). Do you guys support a US base in vietnam, the same country that bombed your country
to stone age.

Dear brother,

Under normal condition and yes we will not or did not want any "foreigners" military bases on our soil. However, in between 2 enemies which was one who are GREATER our enemies, we have to choose one? At least and I hope that is last, America war with Viet Nam only 1 time vs more than 1000 years of fighting with China.

If you can make calculate the war we [Viet Nam] have been through, and if we allow U.S Army base on Viet Nam that the very last option we could go. Don't you get my point?

Will you love China-Chinese who started war for more than 1000 years. I belief 1000 years that is not a very short time and many countries whose suffered with China like Viet Nam.
Dear brother,

Under normal condition and yes we will not or did not want any "foreigners" military bases on our soil. However, in between 2 enemies which was one who are GREATER our enemies, we have to choose one? At least and I hope that is last, America war with Viet Nam only 1 time vs more than 1000 years of fighting with China.

If you can make calculate the war we [Viet Nam] have been through, and if we allow U.S Army base on Viet Nam that the very last option we could go. Don't you get my point?

Will you love China-Chinese who started war for more than 1000 years. I belief 1000 years that is not a very short time and many countries whose suffered with China like Viet Nam.
A military alliance between the US and Viet Nam would strengthen Viet Nam's defense a hundred fold, in both intangible deterrence factor and tangible physical benefits via sharing of technology, doctrines, tactics, and strategies. Keep in mind that it was the combined Soviet-Chinese doctrines and weaponry that failed spectacularly in Desert Storm. Said alliance does not have to be a permanent US garrison, just friendly hosting of US forces will do.
A military alliance between the US and Viet Nam would strengthen Viet Nam's defense a hundred fold, in both intangible deterrence factor and tangible physical benefits via sharing of technology, doctrines, tactics, and strategies. Keep in mind that it was the combined Soviet-Chinese doctrines and weaponry that failed spectacularly in Desert Storm. Said alliance does not have to be a permanent US garrison, just friendly hosting of US forces will do.

Viet Nam has learned hard lesson from U.S once its back down from South Viet Nam government [VNCH]. That is also why, Viet Nam takes very precaution with U.S.
russia is more dangerous than US ,only idiots think they are our friend.

an enemy's enemy is an enemy?

Bullsh1t. One year without the American consumers and China would be hell toot-sweet.

bull sh1t! dont think higher than what your are! we have been reducing our exports to usa and you need to keep your economy liquid too! do you know China is the most profitable centre amongst all operations in GM!? do you know Chinese is the biggest per capita spender among all international tourists visiting usa?
Is there anything wrong in my opinion?
Isn't China's economy only really grow after Deng had begged Uncle Sam?
You should be grateful to Uncle Sam for China's economy today.

China's economy only really grow after PLA invaded Vietnam. What's your point?

The economy grows because of a better policy, not some random historical event.
an enemy's enemy is an enemy?

bull sh1t! dont think higher than what your are! we have been reducing our exports to usa and you need to keep your economy liquid too! do you know China is the most profitable centre amongst all operations in GM!? do you know Chinese is the biggest per capita spender among all international tourists visiting usa?

Only Apple and Walmart withdraw China/Chinese will sh1t in the pains for sure.
In fact, Uncle Sam bagged China to open its market. And China liked US stuff as well.

Nixon dreamed that when he was talking to Dr. Kinssinger: just imagining what profit US can get if every Chinese consumes a can of CokeCola. You can refer to US declassified document for host of such topics during 1960s. Nixon also believed that Indian market is not as worthy as China's. Unfortunately (or fortunately), he is true.

absolutely! not only coke but mcdonald's, gm, caterpilla, hollywood, boeing, kfc , nba and ex nba players... all are making profits in China

Only Apple and Walmart withdraw China/Chinese will sh1t in the pains for sure.

walmart is selling vast majority of Chinese products. It is only Walmart's loss if they leave. Hualian, Carrefour, Jusco .. will be too happy if they leave!

Apple cannot find a better manufacturer than China. It is more complicated to move a line of production than you think!

I hope vietnam prospers though. But that panetta guy asked for a base in your country the other
day. The yankis are just trying to take opportunity of vietnam's issues with china and they
are definitely planning for a long stay in the pacific. They do consider latin america and the pacific as their back yard. With diminishing global influence US will turn toward S.china sea with an
aim of controlling the china's energy supply lines. Any way I am sure Asean is strong enough to
realize the pros and cons of US meddling in S.china sea. At the end of the day i believe a mutual
and non-concfrontational relation will be built between vietnam and china.

BTW good to know that you guys captured that McCain. Did you guys teach him some lesson.:devil:

they also want to wrestle vietnam away from russian's hold on it.
As you said at that time Soviet Union was threat to you and you wanted America to counter that.....like that at present its Communist China who is a threat for few countries like Taiwan,Veitnam,Philipines,Japan etc and they want America to counter that....

To be frank i don't have any problem with America till they fishing in South China Sea....

dont bullshit! when is UN declared Taiwan a country?
Viet Nam has learned hard lesson from U.S once its back down from South Viet Nam government [VNCH]. That is also why, Viet Nam takes very precaution with U.S.

I assure you that we will help you become a strong nation and soon Vietnam can be a major power in the region.

Don't believe what you hear or read our intentions are good, it's not like Vietnam will hide terrorist like Pakistan did and cause the relationship to be strained.

dont bullshit! when is UN declared Taiwan a country?

it has it's own currency, own flag, own everything
bull sh1t! dont think higher than what your are! we have been reducing our exports to usa and you need to keep your economy liquid too! do you know China is the most profitable centre amongst all operations in GM!? do you know Chinese is the biggest per capita spender among all international tourists visiting usa?
What a fool. But of course, you speak from a position of a country that relied upon capitalism to save itself. Am willing to bet you can barely balance a checkbook, assuming you have one in the first place. The US, despite our economic problems, are still many times larger than China's. It take 10 Chinese workers to produce as much as one American in terms of productivity. US manufacturing account for 15% of the US economy while it is 1/3 for China and it took China over one hundred yrs just to catch up. Without US consumers, you think China can find the equivalent in Africa for iPhone clones? It is far easier for US to cripple China with tariffs than it is for China to 'collapse' the US economy by 'dumping' US Treasury bonds.

dont bullshit! when is UN declared Taiwan a country?
Since when UN approval is needed to call a 'country'?
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